Cochlear implant surgery is Safe!!

When did they get CI? The older CIs(before year 2000) were nowhere as good. Did their CI ever work or give any usable hearing at one time then stopped working? All hearing aids work as long as you have some residual hearing!

Not sure why you made the post... People have been getting implants since the early 80s. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter because her students still need to be educated.
Not sure why you made the post... People have been getting implants since the early 80s. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter because her students still need to be educated.

CI before 2005 didn't offer as good speech and CI before 2000 offered little or no speech understanding. That's what Shel may have meant when CI doesn't always work. People say when HAs don't work, they might mean that it doesn't give speech understanding even though they can still hear environmental sound.
......... There's no health risk to being deaf.

What about Tara Rose McAvoy? - Deaf beauty queen was text-messaging when hit by train - Mar 15, 2006


Deaf woman hit by train in Kenner dies | Product Design and Development


Deaf Japan News: Deaf woman hit by local train to death in Hiroshima


Clark County deaf girl, hit by car
The driver, Kristi Hegney of Yacolt honked, slowed to far below the posted 40 mph speed limit, and moved to the center of the road to give the girl "a wide berth," Schoening said.
Source: Clark County deaf girl, hit by car, recovering - Breaking News Updates from Portland and Oregon - The Oregonian -


Deaf couple awaken too late; mother, 2 children die in W. Dallas


28 deaf children die
The children who died were mostly bpys, aged six and seven.

The rescue operation was delayed because each of the children had to be awakened individually because they could not hear alarms. Some of the children were found cowering under furniture, officials said.

Source: 28 deaf children die in second Russian school tragedy - Europe, World - The Independent


"Deaf people were hurt and killed because they weren't aware there was a security alert,"
Source: Life during the Troubles for Ulster's deaf people made known - Belfast Today

I am sure I can find many more tragic stories such as these. Hopefully you get the idea.
Car, train. Happens to hearing people too. Deafness got nothing to do with them. The media just found out they were deaf and ran with it.

Fire-- Happens to hearing people who don't test their smoke alarms. Obviously, there should be a strobe light installed for them, or a vibrating unit.
Car, train. Happens to hearing people too. Deafness got nothing to do with them. The media just found out they were deaf and ran with it.

Fire-- Happens to hearing people who don't test their smoke alarms. Obviously, there should be a strobe light installed for them, or a vibrating unit.
Yes but the stories I picked indicated the death or injury was a result of not being able to hear a horn, or sirens, or alarms. It's a response to DeafDude saying "there is not health risk to being deaf"
Yes but the stories I picked indicated the death or injury was a result of not being able to hear a horn, or sirens, or alarms.

So, should I post stories about blind people who get hit and had the cars honking at them? If you can't locate where the sound is coming from, it doesn't matter if you're hearing or deaf.

By the way, trains have no warning. Me and my friend (hearing) were walking home one-day, and the train just cut right in front of us with no warning. It scared the crap out of us.

But the fire articles are obviously cases where they should had gotten strobe lights or a vibrating unit. A dead smoke alarm is to a hearing person as absence of strobe lights or bed-shaker is to a deaf person.

Edit: I just looked again, there is NO INDICATION that noises were made! And they are comparable to a hearing person who stepped off the curb or tried to cross the track without looking.
So, should I post stories about blind people who get hit and had the cars honking at them? If you can't locate where the sound is coming from, it doesn't matter if you're hearing or deaf.

By the way, trains have no warning. Me and my friend (hearing) were walking home one-day, and the train just cut right in front of us with no warning. It scared the crap out of us.

But the fire articles are obviously cases where they should had gotten strobe lights or a vibrating unit. A dead smoke alarm is to a hearing person as absence of strobe lights or bed-shaker is to a deaf person.
While what you say is true, to stay focused, my response is to DeafDude saying "there are no health risks to being deaf" I provided information to the contraray. In this less than perfect world, under some circumstances, there are health risks associated with the inability to hear.
While what you say is true, to stay focused, my response is to DeafDude saying "there are no health risks to being deaf" I provided information to the contraray. In this less than perfect world, under some circumstances, there are health risks associated with the inability to hear.

Then find a more solid example. The ones you posted were purely subjective and lacked details.

"No health risks to being deaf," I agree with this statement.

Your argument is more along the line of "it's inconvenient to be deaf."
..........Edit: I just looked again, there is NO INDICATION that noises were made! And they are comparable to a hearing person who stepped off the curb or tried to cross the track without looking.
Then you missed it. Several times. Please go back and read again.
Then find a more solid example. The ones you posted were purely subjective and lacked details.

"No health risks to being deaf," I agree with this statement.

Your argument is more along the line of "it's inconvenient to be deaf."
The train sounded the horns, the car honked, the fire alarms sounded. Deaf people died. How much more solid do you need.

Are you anti CI?
The train sounded the horns, the car honked, the fire alarms sounded. Deaf people died. How much more solid do you need.

Are you anti CI?

What does CI have to do with the "health risks" of being deaf? I don't care if you have a CI or not. What I don't like is people who try to justify things. CI just give you the ability to hear better. That's all. It doesn't make up for stupid mistakes or pitfalls of education.

Like I said...

a DEAD FIRE ALARM is to a HEARING person as a ABSENCE OF VIBRATING UNIT is to a DEAF person!

I have a vibrating fire-alarm for when I am in bed, only $50. I also have a strobelight, only $50. That is NEGLECT of not taking the proper steps. It is comparable to someone who think they don't need to replace the batteries or carbon filter in their smoke alarms.

No difference in the fire.

Train-- you can't hear them coming even if you are hearing.

The driver, Kristi Hegney of Yacolt honked, slowed to far below the posted 40 mph speed limit, and moved to the center of the road to give the girl "a wide berth," Schoening said.

But without looking behind her or signaling that she was going to cross the road, the girl stepped farther into the lane and in front of Hegney's vehicle, he said. The child was about a foot from the center line when she was hit about 1:10 p.m.

You realize how often this happen to the average joe, INCLUDING flashing the headlights and honking, yet they STILL get hit? Especially people under the age of 21?
What does CI have to do with the "health risks" of being deaf? ...
..... uhm... the thread is about CI surgury being safe and you would have to ask DeafDude about why he made the health risks comment. My response was to his comment only. IMO you are reading more into it than is warranted in this context.

Again I ask. Are you anti CI?
No, but I am anti-polar. Why the exclusive disjunction if I have already clearly stated it?

Like I said, if you are going to attack the "health risks" of being deaf, pick an example that doesn't pertain to accountability. Like-- deafness leading to diabetes. That would be a health-risk, albeit undocumented and fallacious statement.

So no, I am not reading into it much. I just don't like it when people pick examples that make no logical sense to what they are trying to plug it into.
Risks of CI:

Benefits and Risks of Cochlear Implants

FDA said:
Risks from the Surgical Implant Procedure

* Injury to the facial nerve --this nerve goes through the middle ear to give movement to the muscles of the face. It lies close to where the surgeon needs to place the implant, and thus it can be injured during the surgery. An injury can cause a temporary or permanent weakening or full paralysis on the same side of the face as the implant.
* Meningitis --this is an infection of the lining of the surface of the brain. People who have abnormally formed inner ear structures appear to be at greater risk of this rare, but serious complication. For more information on the risk of meningitis in cochlear recipients, see the nearby Useful Links.
* Cerebrospinal fluid leakage --the brain is surrounded by fluid that may leak from a hole created in the inner ear or elsewhere from a hole in the covering of the brain as a result of the surgical procedure.
* Perilymph fluid leak --the inner ear or cochlea contains fluid. This fluid can leak through the hole that was created to place the implant.
* Infection of the skin wound.
* Blood or fluid collection at the site of surgery.
* Attacks of dizziness or vertigo.
* Tinnitus, which is a ringing or buzzing sound in the ear.
* Taste disturbances --the nerve that gives taste sensation to the tongue also goes through the middle ear and might be injured during the surgery.
* Numbness around the ear.
* Reparative granuloma --this is the result of localized inflammation that can occur if the body rejects the implant.
* There may be other unforeseen complications that could occur with long term implantation that we cannot now predict.

Now tell me, what's the risks of staying deaf? Yes, I realize there are associated risks outlined on the FDA website, but they are same issues as hearing aid wearers go through.

What you are posting examples of are lack of accountability, not actual linked health risks.
Could someone provide a transcript of this video as I cannot understand it
I actually know this family from CiCircle and her blog. Landry is doing great. She is one cute baby!
Car, train. Happens to hearing people too. Deafness got nothing to do with them. The media just found out they were deaf and ran with it.

Fire-- Happens to hearing people who don't test their smoke alarms. Obviously, there should be a strobe light installed for them, or a vibrating unit.

I concur. Accidents happened because of stupidity, irresponsiblity, etc, not because of deafness.

links on hearing people's accidents
Explore Howard: Teenager killed by train in South Laurel
Teenager killed by train after walking onto crossing while listening to iPod | Mail Online ... this one was killed while listening to the ipod. In his case, he needed an operation to make him deaf to save his life! (Yes, I am being sarcastic.)

Accidents occurred everyday and many of them don't make into news unless there are something unusual about it like a deaf person.

Besides all the risks associated with any surgery, it is extremely wrong to consider surgery a big risk by itself. Modern medicine is
Many people are scared about the simplest of the surgery (and CI nowaday is pretty simple), but get tons of pills of any kind... The risk they are facing is far worse than a surgery. I've met a lot of these people...

My dear REF74, are you implying that I am a pill popping coward?

You seem to liken major surgery to something as simple tooth extraction. The cost of the surgery alone should tell you of its possible consequences if you choose to ignore common sense. The topic, if you recall is not just "surgery by itself".

"Modern medicine is" is what??

When did anyone mention pills? Are you saying that anyone who does not agree to this surgery is a pill addict?

"these people..." and to whom in this forum or this particular thread would you be referring? Would that be those who did not agree with your particular argument? What people, Ref?

I am insulted. As a fact, I have taken offense. That Ref74, is no easy task for anyone to accomplish. I have reared five teenagers who gave their mother, me, every possible slight while growing. I did not find it offensive then, but you have belittled others and me by your offhand and belittling slight and I believe that you have particularly insulted my common sense, the opionion of my team of excellent Doctors, (who are specialists and topped their med school classes) as well as any one else that has differed from your opinion.

Do you often state or validate your point by denegration and insult?
If being deaf was so dangerous, more of us would have died by trains.

Hearing people get killed by trains.

Deaf people get killed by trains.

If it was a deaf issue, then hearing people shouldnt have gotten killed by trians.

It is lack of common sense that got those people killed by trians.
I understand what you are saying about hearing people getting hit by cars and trains too. To me, "death" is a health risk. You can't be healthy if you are dead. If deaf folks are getting hit by cars and trains and dying in fires because they can't hear the horns, alarms and sirens, that is a risk to their health. Perhaps I am simplyfiing too much but I can't help but associate the two. The examples I gave stated that horns were blown and sirens and alarms sounded but fell on deaf ears where if they had not, those folks very well could be alive today. Maybe you would call them safety risks but again, to me, you can't be healthy if you are dead. On topic, if those folks had a CI and were successful with it, they may be alive today. We will have to agree to disagree on this one.

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