Your favorite... question game

My Chucks from 10th grade (1993).

Favorite amusement park?
Gunnison Colorado. I hope to go back there someday while my DD is still young and she can experience it as well.
monochromatic, in varying shades and tints of brown or blue. I like the exterior to be calm and inviting. The interior would have triadic, analogous, and double-complementary schemes throughout, balancing each other in various levels of values and contrast. Once you enter the house it's more exciting, but calm at the same time. Most likely it will be simple tinted colors with a firm handle on shades.

what is your favorite emotion?
I chose the username "Hear Again" in honor of my late mother. One of her dreams was for me to be able to hear again someday and when she learned that I was an excellent candidate for CIs, she always asked me how the process was going despite the severe pain she was in due to pancreatic cancer.

What is your favorite time of the day? (morning, afternoon, evening)
I don't really have one as I have not been reading near as much as I used to. :Oops:

What grade in school was your least favourite and why?
My favourite comedian would probably be Jeremy Hotz or Mike McDonald. It's a tie, I guess.

What TV station do you watch the most?