Your favorite... question game

Pork Chops, Asparagus, Mashed Potatoes

ur favorite toothpaste?
Colgate Total.

If there was one person you could knock flat on their face right now (without the legalities :P), who would you choose and why?
Terminator 2, Judgment Day (I wanted the question 2 before this, Donald Rumsfeld! He had a face just perfect for a cream pie)

What is the worst tasting food you ever had?
I like all four equally

Your favorite class in grade school was?
It's a tie between "House" and "Mental."

What is your favorite Christmas present of all time?
Christmas. :) Such a warm holiday.

What did you do when you first got up this morning?
Played with my dog.
What is the best coffee you ever tried?
My boss :D I could kick is a** day and night! And, nope, I'm not kidding!!!!

If you look up at the sky, what do you like looking at? (birds, planes, clouds, moon, etc...)
Alias 4eva :ily:

What's your favorite song at the moment you can't stop listening to?
If I'm not mistaken it's a shorty-pyjama that I have since the age of 12 (meaning for 21 years) LOL... I'm getting old - hey I still fit in it though :giggle:

ETA: (I was too slow) I'll answer sweetangel's question too: chocolate milk!

What's your favorite work-out?