My daughter is going to be 2 in July, she has a profound hearing loss in both ears. In other words, she can't hear anything; not even herself. I am hearing, and so is her father & like most hearing parents, I've never met a deaf person until my daughter came. We found out when she was 21 months old, I tried to have her tested before that but the doctors said I was being paranoid. They didn't want to test her till she she was 3 because she did pass her screening at birth. As her mother I knew something was off, & eventually called around and got things rolling myself. After a month of testing, the results came back after her sedated abr.. my daughter was infact deaf. Even though I had a gut feeling, hearing those words felt like they crashed my entire world. Honestly, I cried for days. That was the last day her father was activley involved in her life. The doctors immidently tried to push the CI on me, but I told them I needed time to think.. at that moment is what like I was having an outer body expeirence, I was in no shape to make the most important decision of my baby's life. I went home, stopped crying & said to myself.. "what now"? I started doing my own reasearch, got myself in contact with Early On, ordered ASL books & materials & started teaching myself & my daughter to sign. Eventually, I came to my conculision.. Aubrey was NOT getting to CI. That was something that was unnessisary & I felt it was something she should decide. I only want whats best for my babygirl. I don't want her to think I needed to "fix" her. She is and always will be perfect to me. Of course her fathers family give me BIGTIME greif about my choice. But to me.. it's not MY choice; it's Aubrey's. When the time comes, if she wants to get the implant, I will support her decision every step of the way. To be perfectly honest, I still have moments where I do doubt my decision, when i think my decision is selfish & wrong, but then I look at my BEAUTIFUL, SMART, HAPPY, AMAZZZING babygirl & all that goes away. We are still learning to sign, she is catching on like I couldn't ever imagine

I have never been more proud.
My name is Destiny, and I am a 21 year old single mother to a 2 year old Deaf child. I'm looking to talk to others with similar stories because I feel alone, like nobody knows what I'm going threw.
Also I want so much to know more about the Deaf community & any adivce or just anything you think could benifit us.
Thank you