I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it a million times over—the day needs to come when you all start treating your vibrators with the same care and respect that you give all your other small electronics. We’re tired of being thought of as “just the dildo”. Until you all start giving us the respect we deserve as de facto household small appliances, our relationship will be strained. We may not make your toast or dry your hair or wake you up in morning, but we perform a service equally as vital. It is time that you recognized that fact and acted accordingly. Is that so hard to understand?
What's with the censorship? Why can't I say c***? It's a perfectly natural word. This is bulls***.
Oh don't EVEN get me started on that damn dog. What the hell do you feed that beast, anyway? I swear his breath would knock a buzzard off a shit truck.
Yes, sweetie—it’s a good thing we don’t. I think it’s best that we don't associate ourselves with individuals like him.
You're hurting Barney clown's feelings.![]()
Ok, then I will propose a National Dildo Day in your honor? I will start spreading the word to my girlfriends about treating their dildo with the utmost respect. In fact, maybe I will make a shrine for my dildo so I can whorship it every night. Would that make you feel appreciated?![]()
I will start spreading the word to my girlfriends about treating their dildo with the utmost respect. In fact, maybe I will make a shrine for my dildo so I can whorship it every night.
How about that Barney? your purple viberator might just become just another viberator?
you might need to think what is special about your viberator what sects would it be allowed in?
Is this Barney clown for real? Glad I don’t know him. :roll:
Yes, sweetie—it’s a good thing we don’t. I think it’s best that we don't associate ourselves with individuals like him.
Bite me, you pompous jackass. :rl:
I just noticed that I don’t have ANYBODY in my friends list. Wassup wit’ you people? Ain’t I good enough for y’all? :rl:
no Offense But When Youre Covered In Yeast Infection Vaginal Discharge, People Might Tend To Shy Away. I Mean Thats Like Someone With Aids Coming Up To You With Open Sores All Over His Body. Take A Bath In The Sink Perhaps. :p
Barney..when was the last time ya been shoved up Cheri's hole?? If it been a long time, suggest ya take Dixies advice and go get yourself inserted up a rhino's hole and enjoy the view... hahahhahahaa