You people suck!

Well, how would you feel if you had to live in somebody’s sock drawer? Oh sure—if I were made of stainless steel and my name were ‘Cuisinart’, I would be proudly displayed on your kitchen counter and lovingly given a weekly polish. But do you extend the same care to “the dildo”? Hell, no—the last time I had a bath is when one of Cheri’s drunken friends knocked me in the toilet after passing me around at a Tupperware part that got just a little bit too festive. And you wonder why I got an attitude? :squint:


I am glad he left the dog out of this. :whistle:

I am glad he left the dog out of this. :whistle:

Oh don't EVEN get me started on that damn dog. What the hell do you feed that beast, anyway? I swear his breath would knock a buzzard off a shit truck.
Methinks Barney was inside that dog's mouth and got the bad breath on him.. indeed a shame Cheri gave up on ya,
Barney, you've got about 15 minutes to cut the shit before I out you.
My my my Havent seen you a long time Barney. Where have you been? Hiding?? Maybe Cheri hid you real good so no one would know if she was using or not. :giggle:

WB Barney! :wave: