You ever heard of Astrology?

Cool, my ex hearing bf was a Pisces and I dump the fish when turns out to be gay! HA :giggle:

Do you mean your ex bf is gay?? Wow! I have no problem with my fiance is pisces. We are along together. We are falling in love! LoL Everyone are different.
it "turned out true" because you made it that way.

i could write the same "don't see a taken woman or man, or things will go bad" horoscope, and the next day thousands of people in those relationships will go, "omg! he's talkin' 'bout me!"

Sorry if I met your mother.
You're Gemini/Rabbit. Your element of Gemini is Air and Rabbit in Fire. Gemini is so friendly, magician, Wit, like to talking, always change the subject. Do you have 2 faced?? LoL Rabbit's personality is Tact, Secretiveness, Snobbish and other. I have books with me. LoL

Haha so do I have the book ;) I ain't say anything about my two-face attitude, if I do it then no one would recognize it :D
Haha so do I have the book ;) I ain't say anything about my two-face attitude, if I do it then no one would recognize it :D

LoL. My mom is gemini. She does 2 faced attitude sometime. We are getting along. I am libra. :)
My personality is talkative, justice, brave, charming and more. :)

What kind of books do you have?? I have my books. You should read my thread scroll down. They are from book store. But I bought these from Border bookstore not at Barnes & Noble. I just show everyone because they want to see what is their sign stand. I don't want to explain to them very deeply. This is millions vocabulary and signs stand.

People can read their signs at book store by themselves. :)
Yes, I've heard of it.

No, I don't believe in it.
I don't believe astrology and its associated fate beliefs. I'd rather duck when shot at than leave my fate to how the stars and planets lined up the night before.

However, for background of a novel, I'm studying Llewllyn's pagan/wicca Witches' Calendar and Spells and Charms by Skye Alexander, a wiccan of white magic.

The history is interesting.
Someone told me that I have double sign - what does that mean? :dunno2: Does it mean there are FOUR of me? (My birthday is June 10) I hope not! Cos I would drive everyone, including myself crazy if there are 4 of me LOL

Im in the Year of Boar..........what does it mean? *shrugging*
Chase and Reba, If you don't believe in Astrology then don't post it. I believe it's true about birthday's personality and characters. I'm not interesting into Wiccan. But I know a lot about Astrology. I have many experience with people's personality and common sense. If you don't believe. I suggest you guys to read your signs. It up to you.
You're same as my friend's birthday. My mom's birthday is on June 12, 1948. She is Gemini/Rat. Are you Gemini/Boar?? I suggest you go to book store. You should read on my thread of website. This is fat books.

Someone told me that I have double sign - what does that mean? :dunno2: Does it mean there are FOUR of me? (My birthday is June 10) I hope not! Cos I would drive everyone, including myself crazy if there are 4 of me LOL

Im in the Year of Boar..........what does it mean? *shrugging*
this is cool. I believe in astrology too. I am a Sagittarius through and through. My last man friend couldn't handle my directness. Sags are pretty straight shooters and get right to the point. Don't remember what I am in the
Chinese zodiac.

The guy Im dating is a Sag - hes VERY straight shooter but I can handle it :) My best friend is a Sag too so Im used to their directness :) No coy games there etc so its easier to know where I stand.
Gemini mean friendly, wit, don't like to be lonely, love to talking, 2 faced sometime, magician, and more.

Someone told me that I have double sign - what does that mean? :dunno2: Does it mean there are FOUR of me? (My birthday is June 10) I hope not! Cos I would drive everyone, including myself crazy if there are 4 of me LOL

Im in the Year of Boar..........what does it mean? *shrugging*
If you believe in Astrology.
If you are interest to learn about your signs stand.

You can post whatever you want. :)

If you don't believe in Astrology then don't post it. :)

I like this thread and more open mind and respect to other signs. It's not really argue about it at all. We do enjoying about everyone's different personality on signs. That's very interesting! :D
There are many books on astrology, including differing views and opinions. Like any subject metaphysical in nature, I say to read it all, and then throw it all out, your own personal study of Astrology shall lead you to the truth.

I am a cancer, hence my name here Moon-child. And while astrology is not one of my strengths, I do enjoy dabbling in it from time to time. As for the one who said they do believe in astrology but not in the Tarot, I find that most interesting, because they are connected and linked. But, we are all entitled to our own opinions and it is not my intention to start a conflcit. Peace and love baby!:D

Very typically cancer, LOL!
Chase and Reba, If you don't believe in Astrology then don't post it. I believe it's true about birthday's personality and characters. I'm not interesting into Wiccan. But I know a lot about Astrology. I have many experience with people's personality and common sense. If you don't believe. I suggest you guys to read your signs. It up to you.
This was post number 1 of this thread, by the creator of the thread:

You ever heard of Astrology?
And do you believe it?

No it isnt horoscope.. I dont believe horoscope but I believe astrology..
Astrology isnt religious.. or science.. Astrology is a tool.

"You ever heard of Astrology?"--that's the title of this thread; it's a question. So I answered the question.
Reba was quicker at pointing out that we're just answering the question and discussing. Ha ha ha, my sign is cancer, but I'm sure not the crabby one here.
**watching Chase skuttle sidways to avoid the incoming fire!**:giggle:
Reba was quicker at pointing out that we're just answering the question and discussing. Ha ha ha, my sign is cancer, but I'm sure not the crabby one here.

Yeah cancer is crab. Beware of Crab! LoL Just kidding!
Well, I am double Cappy with a Leo rising. Chinese zodiac: dog

My brother is Sag/dragon.. No wonder we clash too much for many stupid reasons. He is very blunt and does not give a fuck. That's him.

My mom is cancer/monkey.. she complains too much. :ugh3: We tend to disagree on everything. :dunno2: We are little bit better at a distance..better that way. If I live in a house with my mom, she will drives me nuts.

My dad is Aquarius/Horse...we get along well.. he is only one who understands me. Whew
LoL. My mom is gemini. She does 2 faced attitude sometime. We are getting along. I am libra. :)
My personality is talkative, justice, brave, charming and more. :)

What kind of books do you have?? I have my books. You should read my thread scroll down. They are from book store. But I bought these from Border bookstore not at Barnes & Noble. I just show everyone because they want to see what is their sign stand. I don't want to explain to them very deeply. This is millions vocabulary and signs stand.

People can read their signs at book store by themselves. :)

Ur libra? Cool! So we are both the air :D I have the Astrology Bible and 365 Birthdays Interpreted by Michele Knight, but I like the Astrology Bible the best and I am jealous of my cousin that she have very good astrology book that explain everything for each birthdays, I forgot what the name it was. That's how I learn about Astrology :)

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