You ever heard of Astrology?

astrology is bullshit. "oh ya, like, it's totally true that, like, all Geminis are like untrustworthy and cheaters and blah blah i wonder what my horoscope says will happen to me today, which is actually just telling me what i'm going to do and not what's going to happen to me because i don't understand the concept of a self-fulfilling prophecy blah blah blah"

how on earth are all people who are born at certain times of year supposed to have the same personality type? it's a completely nonsensical and arbitrary philosophy. you may as well pick a random day of the year and say to yourself, "the first person i see with the same color shirt as me is my soul mate and i will marry them"

astrologers are annoying because of how unashamedly they display the fact that they have an absolutely external locus of control in their lives and choose to let a huge array of things govern their lives over which they have no control whatsoever, instead of, say, actually using their brains to make decisions.

You entitled on your opinion. :)

Astrologly is actually a various personality with sun, moon, and other signs. It won't be the same personality, it's depend on when person born on a different date. :)
horoscope is very interesting.

Few years ago, I was mess up with a chick who is having relationship with other guy. One day I read my horoscope and it mentioned that I should not go with female who already has relationship. I ignored this and later, he found out about us and it went ugly. The result was I lost her and she lost him.

I became read my horoscope every day. Sometime they told me go travel or social with people, you will find your love. It turned out true. Neato.
horoscope is very interesting.

Few years ago, I was mess up with a chick who is having relationship with other guy. One day I read my horoscope and it mentioned that I should not go with female who already has relationship. I ignored this and later, he found out about us and it went ugly. The result was I lost her and she lost him.

I became read my horoscope every day. Sometime they told me go travel or social with people, you will find your love. It turned out true. Neato.
it "turned out true" because you made it that way.

i could write the same "don't see a taken woman or man, or things will go bad" horoscope, and the next day thousands of people in those relationships will go, "omg! he's talkin' 'bout me!"
I love astrology because I always love to read them. I am a Aquaraius and my daughter is a Gemini baby. Astrology offers a number of things which many people find very desirable information and assurance about the future, a way to be absolved of their current situation and future decisions, and a way to feel connected to the entire cosmos. I know some people don't believe in astrology and some do. Everybody is different how they see it.
Curious, what do you say about a Libra, that was born in year of 1983. the year of Boar?
it for you all. If you don't know what is your sign or personality. You can go to bookstore. This is the best book ever I had. High Priestess of Chinese and Western Astrologies - Suzanne White

Can I offer you something?? Can you go to Border Bookstore or Barnes & Noble Bookseller to look for Astrology with Suzanna White. This is the best books even I had. I have my own 2 of these. You should check it out. Just being enjoy read your sign. :)

Barnes*&* - Books: New Astrology, by Suzanne White, Paperback

Barnes*&* - Books: The New Chinese Astrology, by Suzanne White, Paperback
My sign is Libra in Air and my Chinese Zodiac is Rooster in Metal.

My birthday is on Oct 3, 1981. My personality and characters are true!!! That me! LoL I have my own 2 astrology fat books. I read it about my sign. It made me so laugh. I was alike it's true.
Same here! :thumb: I know it all about Astrology. I have my own 2 fat books here. My mom is Gemini. My fiance is Pisces.

I love astrology because I always love to read them. I am a Aquaraius and my daughter is a Gemini baby. Astrology offers a number of things which many people find very desirable information and assurance about the future, a way to be absolved of their current situation and future decisions, and a way to feel connected to the entire cosmos. I know some people don't believe in astrology and some do. Everybody is different how they see it.
It can't be. I am Libra. Virgo is not my personality. You should read my post about fat books. You can check it out at book stores. You will figure it out about your personality and characters. How did you find this link from? Sometime website is not real true some true. I prefer Suzanna White's title books because it's fact. Also I prefer read on newspaper daily of horoscope sign. Virgo's personality is snobbery. I am not Snob person. LoL

I do know little about Astrology but not much. I am a scorpio and rat in Chinese year. :)

Read about this.. See what you think? hmm.. look like i am not a scorpio but a libra? hmm..

Your Astrological Sign May Not Be What You Think It Is | LiveScience
There are many books on astrology, including differing views and opinions. Like any subject metaphysical in nature, I say to read it all, and then throw it all out, your own personal study of Astrology shall lead you to the truth.

I am a cancer, hence my name here Moon-child. And while astrology is not one of my strengths, I do enjoy dabbling in it from time to time. As for the one who said they do believe in astrology but not in the Tarot, I find that most interesting, because they are connected and linked. But, we are all entitled to our own opinions and it is not my intention to start a conflcit. Peace and love baby!:D
I always read about astrology all the times. LoL I do believe in Horoscope, Chinese Zodiac, Animal sign and Tree sign. That all. I don't believe in Tarot. I know it's bad! What is your born year?? Do you know what is your Chinese Zodiac?? :)

There are many books on astrology, including differing views and opinions. Like any subject metaphysical in nature, I say to read it all, and then throw it all out, your own personal study of Astrology shall lead you to the truth.

I am a cancer, hence my name here Moon-child. And while astrology is not one of my strengths, I do enjoy dabbling in it from time to time. As for the one who said they do believe in astrology but not in the Tarot, I find that most interesting, because they are connected and linked. But, we are all entitled to our own opinions and it is not my intention to start a conflcit. Peace and love baby!:D
this is cool. I believe in astrology too. I am a Sagittarius through and through. My last man friend couldn't handle my directness. Sags are pretty straight shooters and get right to the point. Don't remember what I am in the
Chinese zodiac.
No-no, that is just fine, we all have our own beliefs, and we can respect our differences and enjoy our similarities. I was born in 66. I should remember my chinese zodiac but am, duh - drawing a blank, maybe the horse? Perhaps you can tell me. cheers!
LoL You got correct answer. Yeah you're Cancer/Horse. My friend is same yours. But He was born in 1978 in Earth. Your is Horse in Fire. We can respect our difference and enjoy either. :) I don't like to be enemies because of signs. It's doesn't matter. I don't hate anyone. :)

No-no, that is just fine, we all have our own beliefs, and we can respect our differences and enjoy our similarities. I was born in 66. I should remember my chinese zodiac but am, duh - drawing a blank, maybe the horse? Perhaps you can tell me. cheers!
What is your year born?? I am not mean to be nosy. LoL Beacuse I know how to answer your question. because I know it all about Astrology. :D

this is cool. I believe in astrology too. I am a Sagittarius through and through. My last man friend couldn't handle my directness. Sags are pretty straight shooters and get right to the point. Don't remember what I am in the
Chinese zodiac.
I already know my astrology, I am Gemini for sun sign, Cancer for moon sign and for zodiac astrology, it's Rabbit. I mostly focus on the elements (like fire, earth, air, and water) in the astrology for people's personality.

What I can describe my astrology is: Socially Reserve, Feel Smart, Chatting, Imaginive and Laidback.
I already know my astrology, I am Gemini for sun sign, Cancer for moon sign and for zodiac astrology, it's Rabbit. I mostly focus on the elements (like fire, earth, air, and water) in the astrology for people's personality.

What I can describe my astrology is: Socially Reserve, Feel Smart, Chatting, Imaginive and Laidback.

You're Gemini/Rabbit. Your element of Gemini is Air and Rabbit in Fire. Gemini is so friendly, magician, Wit, like to talking, always change the subject. Do you have 2 faced?? LoL Rabbit's personality is Tact, Secretiveness, Snobbish and other. I have books with me. LoL

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