You ever get people who tell you not to use sign language?

Not sure if this would fit in here... I am not fluent in sign language so haven't been told not to use it. Have been wanting too but things come up and I can't but when I was able to enroll, for the past year the ASL beginning class has been cancelled each quarter simply because not enough people to take it. BUT I have found out some people when they find out that I am extremly hard of hearing will use sign language for me and think I will know it simply because I can't hear. There just trying to help I'm sure, but the last one im mind I went to order something at Long John Silver's(cant hear on the drive thru thing) and the girl at the register started signing. That lead me to trying to teach myself some sign language by watching a signing tape i checked out from the local public library over and over again. Now I can do the letters and numbers to 10 and a few signs like thank you and im sorry and i dont know and a few more. But have NEVER needed it after that! Go figure. :dunno:
lying about what? not knowing sign?

Correct. They think I'm lying because maybe 1) It's apparently unfathomable for a deaf person to not know sign 2) they think I don't have time to teach them or something 3) or they think I don't want to talk to them?

A surprisingly common answer after saying that I don't know sign: "Come on! I just want to know how to say a few words in sign! Come on..."
[Mod's Edit - Previous Quote Removed]

Those are all spoken and written languages. ASL though, works entirely different as a language. ASL is needed for communication methods and understanding because of a disability that hearing people would not need those languages for.

Yes, we want hearing to communicate with us. We do not, however, want deaf wannabes. Its insulting to us!
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Those are all spoken and written languages. ASL works entirely different as a language. ASL is also needed for communication methods that hearies would not need those languages for.

Yes, we want hearing to communicate with us. We do not, however, want deaf wannabes. People who use our language as if they are deaf themselves. Its insulting to us.

ASL is a language.... no matter what format - written, verbal, physical, etc. I welcome anybody to learn it and to use it. If hearings want to use ASL to communicate with other hearings... so let them. Nothing wrong with American speaking Spanish/Korean to talk with other American either. of course the world has idiots everywhere who would use the language in a silly way." but so what? you either suck it up or cry.

be cool! :cool2:
i've been told to use voice while I sign. I was like, then whats the point of signing?

Chances are that it helps the receiver under your message. By incorporating sign and voice--they would better understand your message. I get hearing people asking me to use both my voice and sign.

Remember that some hearing people rely on their hearing for communication needs whereas some other hearing individuals rely on their vision for communication needs.

I personally do not understand why a hearing person would need to walk around signing if they are not with a deaf, in an asl classroom learning asl, interpreting, etc.. something like that. Maybe you can explain that one to me?

Berry had a good list.

Another idea is that the individual could be suffering from a mental ailment like schrizophrenic??? There is one paranoia schrizophrenic in Seattle (homeless) and he walks around signing. He has a hard time communicating with hearing individuals but communicates with deaf/ASL signers as he is able to focus on the conversation.....
Aphasia and autism, some people with Down syndrome do better with ASL also.
Correct. They think I'm lying because maybe 1) It's apparently unfathomable for a deaf person to not know sign 2) they think I don't have time to teach them or something 3) or they think I don't want to talk to them?

A surprisingly common answer after saying that I don't know sign: "Come on! I just want to know how to say a few words in sign! Come on..."


People make these kinds of assumptions all the time.

Other day in Wally World after a checker waited on me she turned to a latina looking girl behind me and started speaking Spanish. Of course the poor girl can't speak a word, so I ask, "Porque no hablan conmigo en espanol?" and the clerk is tongue tied because I look like the typical old gringo.

Jiro says he is Korean. I've never seen him but most Koreans look oriental. I will bet he has met people who assume he is a martial arts master and will not believe him if he tells them he doesn't know it at all.
People make these kinds of assumptions all the time.

Other day in Wally World after a checker waited on me she turned to a latina looking girl behind me and started speaking Spanish. Of course the poor girl can't speak a word, so I ask, "Porque no hablan conmigo en espanol?" and the clerk is tongue tied because I look like the typical old gringo.

Jiro says he is Korean. I've never seen him but most Koreans look oriental. I will bet he has met people who assume he is a martial arts master and will not believe him if he tells them he doesn't know it at all.

my pictures are posted in Pix thread but :laugh2: about them assuming I know kung fu crap. All I know is how to shoot. :cool2:
People tell me all the time I don't need to teach my 4 year HOH child sign, even though he never spoke a word (or could) till after putting sign in with it . Gee I wonder why I teach him ASL?
People tell me all the time I don't need to teach my 4 year HOH child sign, even though he never spoke a word (or could) till after putting sign in with it . Gee I wonder why I teach him ASL?

And the people who tell you that you don't need to teach your son sign...are they hearing people?

Continue your use of sign with him. It certainly isn't going to hurt him in any way, and will more than likely offer many, many benefits.
Chances are that it helps the receiver under your message. By incorporating sign and voice--they would better understand your message. I get hearing people asking me to use both my voice and sign.

Remember that some hearing people rely on their hearing for communication needs whereas some other hearing individuals rely on their vision for communication needs.

Berry had a good list.

Another idea is that the individual could be suffering from a mental ailment like schrizophrenic??? There is one paranoia schrizophrenic in Seattle (homeless) and he walks around signing. He has a hard time communicating with hearing individuals but communicates with deaf/ASL signers as he is able to focus on the conversation.....

I remember one coda that I met years ago while being treated for depression. Sometimes he'd talk to others and the body language and silence from the other hearing people made me realize he was talking to voices in his head.
People tell me all the time I don't need to teach my 4 year HOH child sign, even though he never spoke a word (or could) till after putting sign in with it . Gee I wonder why I teach him ASL?


I think I would respond to that comment with, "And just like you I don't have to teach him manners or respect either. Just because I do doesn't mean you can't just go on doing what you are doing."
Aphasia and autism, some people with Down syndrome do better with ASL also.

People with aphasia have difficulty with signing as well as speaking. In aphasia and dysphasia, the disorder is at the level of language, not at the level of the vocal apparatus. In fact experiments have been done comparing Wernicke's and Broca's Aphasia in hearing patients with voice and in Deaf patients who sign, and the effects are exactly the same on both languages.
People with aphasia have difficulty with signing as well as speaking. In aphasia and dysphasia, the disorder is at the level of language, not at the level of the vocal apparatus. In fact experiments have been done comparing Wernicke's and Broca's Aphasia in hearing patients with voice and in Deaf patients who sign, and the effects are exactly the same on both languages.


Sign Language - Nonverbal Users of Sign Language


A common speech disorder is aphasia, a condition in which stroke or brain injury makes a person unable to speak. Sign language can be a communication aid for people with aphasia. Some resources:

* "Sign language acquisition following left hemisphere damage and aphasia," an article from the of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, volume 12, issue number 1.
* "Neural Basis of language and motor behavior: Perspectives from American Sign Language," an article from Aphasiology, vol. 6 number 3.
* "Sign language and the brain: apes, apraxia, and aphasia," an article from Behavioral and Brain Sciences, volume 19, number4, Dec 1996.

Very outdated what you just said. Few more college hours will help you.
Sorry if this is an old thread. I can't read the date. I'll change the format after this.

I'm the only deaf one in my whole family, including extended family. A lot of people don't like it when I have captions on TV. Normally when we watch family movies, I watch "silent" with them, then go to my room and watch the movie again with captions. I sit for dinner with the family, and they all talk. I see all their mouths moving and I see their meaningless random gestures. My only amusement comes from watching them accidentally sign something they don't mean as they throw their arms around while they talk. Sometimes my sister tells me later what the conversation was about, but she says they normally just talk nonsense anyway, so I'm not missing anything. My primary contact with my family is through instant messenger, but my sister tells me she may start taking ASL this quarter. I used to try to lip read, but in my family, that's futile. Nobody opens their mouths. My dad doesn't even use complete sentences, so I always have to have my mom translate. Or we get on our computers and play Dawn of War, and my dad talks to me in the game. That works!

By the way, I've never been told to not sign, but if ever I were, I'd tell them to not speak. Fair is fair.

I am not deaf, but i am studying sign language, I start signing a lot when i talk with my family because it has become second nature. It all makes them mad, some of them actually ask me to sit on my hands.
<steps back> Whoah. Can we turn it down a few notches?
Very outdated what you just said. Few more college hours will help you.
All right. That is what I learned in my linguistics classes this past semester. We had a whole unit on it. It was in my textbook which is only from a few years ago. Obviously you're of a different opinion. Chances are there is research that proves both sides.
<steps back> Whoah. Can we turn it down a few notches?

All right. That is what I learned in my linguistics classes this past semester. We had a whole unit on it. It was in my textbook which is only from a few years ago. Obviously you're of a different opinion. Chances are there is research that proves both sides.

No we can't. A good policy is to really know your facts before you argue with me.
No we can't. A good policy is to really know your facts before you argue with me.

Another good policy is to not attack people and to communicate in a calmer and more civil manner. I do know my facts. That's what I learned in my class. We spent three weeks on it. Some people's "facts" are different. My professor was just as adamant about sign language not being a solution to Wernicke's and especially Broca's Aphasia as you are about it being a solution. So you can go attack her, because I'm not interested in being attacked.
Another good policy is to not attack people and to communicate in a calmer and more civil manner. I do know my facts. That's what I learned in my class. We spent three weeks on it. Some people's "facts" are different. My professor was just as adamant about sign language not being a solution to Wernicke's and especially Broca's Aphasia as you are about it being a solution. So you can go attack her, because I'm not interested in being attacked.

Your professor was using very outdated knowledge and she should be updating .

And believe me I regard it as an attack when you quote my post and state I am wrong. Especially when I am right.
Feel free to tell her that. Have the discussion with her.

<walks away and does something else>