You ever get people who tell you not to use sign language?

lol you know you're supposed to have a mind of your own and to question/challenge professor. Not always professor is correct. I have done so and it was a productive "argument." Most of time I lost and admitted my error. oh btw - that's the one who wrote me a fine recommendation. :cool2:

Absolutely. Critical thinking skills will get a good rec much quicker than following the masses without questioning will!
But since your professor was a linguistics professor, and not a cognitive pshychology professor, or a speech and language pathology professor, she stepped way outside her area of expertise. As a result, you learned some very mistaken information.

or maybe Nika misunderstood the information? I do not know. :dunno:
Not at all. The professors and classes here are excellent (although socially I find the students a bit sheltered and boring).

You know what I will do? I will stop by her office tomorrow and ask her about it.

You would be better off finding a cognitive psych prof and asking them. Apasias are their area, not a linguistics professor.
ouch nika.... I guess this is what happens when you, as a student, challenge against someone..... more established.... Now do you understand why I appointed Bott as my Ministry of Language?

epic fail
ouch nika.... I guess this is what happens when you, as a student, challenge against someone..... more established.... Now do you understand why I appointed Bott as my Ministry of Language?

epic fail

Smiling and bowing!!
But since your professor was a linguistics professor, and not a cognitive pshychology professor, or a speech and language pathology professor, she stepped way outside her area of expertise. As a result, you learned some very mistaken information.

i'm coming into this thread late. could someone please explain to me who wernicke is so i can better understand what we are talking about? i would appreciate it. thanks.
i'm coming into this thread late. could someone please explain to me who wernicke is so i can better understand what we are talking about? i would appreciate it. thanks.

I believe that they are referring to Wernicke's area in the brain rather than a person. I must admit here that I know little beyond that so I'll just lurk while others discusses what part of the brain affects signing, speech, receptive and expressive speech.
I believe that they are referring to Wernicke's area in the brain rather than a person. I must admit here that I know little beyond that so I'll just lurk while others discusses what part of the brain affects signing, speech, receptive and expressive speech.

thank you. i've never heard that name before, so i have no idea who the person who originally brought it up is referring to. perhaps someone else can explain.
hmmm.... where's nika? :scratch:
I believe that they are referring to Wernicke's area in the brain rather than a person. I must admit here that I know little beyond that so I'll just lurk while others discusses what part of the brain affects signing, speech, receptive and expressive speech.

Close, deafskeptic. Carl Wernicke is the individual responsible for identifying an aphasia of a specific type that results from injury to a specific area of the brain. Not all aphasias have the exact same clinical features.

I'll give an explanation here of the 2 types:

Wernicke's apahasia (a.k.a. receptive aphasia) results from damage to the left posterior part of the first temporal lobe. It was first idenified by Carl Wernicke, and therefore is generally known as Wernicke's aphasia. Some cognitive psychologists may also refer to it as "receptive aphasia".

Broca's aphasia (a.k.a. agrammatical aphasia by cognitive psychologists) is an expressive aphasia. It results from damage to the left inferior frontal lobe, and is named after the doctor who first identified it: Paul Broca.

These are both acquired forms of aphasia, and there are other types of aphasia that have other causes. I limited the explanation to these as those were the ones mentioned.

As these result from traumatic brain injury, you can see why it has nothing to do with the structure or evolution of language, but are related to cognitive psychology and neurology.
yea my mom she dont accept that i am deaf becuase i was raise oral i did nto start useing sign language till seven years ago that partly why we are not close it stucks but oh well
Some things being discussed here are really off topic. Please try an get back on topic people! I opened this thread to discuss those who tell us deafs not sign.
Many people tell me not to use sign language merely because I can hear fully. It really pisses me off!!!!! I am autistic and need sign language to communicate. Due to my auditory & visual processing deficits I need tactile signing. It is so hard to prove that but I will NEVER give up trying to prove it! I don't care! One Deaf-Blind guy I know holds a philosophy that sighted people should use tactile sign as much as we like with whoever's comfortable with it. The only people that tried to punish me for signing were the staff of CARITAS Peace Center in Louisville, KY, USA. I'm so glad I only did 9 days there cuz those 9 days were THE WORST 9 days of my LIFE! I LOVE signing, especially tactile signing :)!!! I often refuse to speak. I often tell my family and service providers that I'm "hiding" from the non-signers in Hamilton County, OH. There ain't enough signers in this town! I'm moving out of state as soon as I can afford to!

You are an exception. In the case of you, you have every right to sign.
You are an exception. In the case of you, you have every right to sign


Do you feel some people have the right to sign and others don't?

Some things being discussed here are really off topic. Please try an get back on topic people! I opened this thread to discuss those who tell us deafs not sign


What about people who tell us hears not to sign?
Do you feel some people have the right to sign and others don't?

What about people who tell us hears not to sign?

Well, if you are missusing the language then I can see why you'd be told that.