I am going to ask you the same questions that I have asked DreamDeaf at her own "ask me anything thread"
Oh no dirty questions coming up! heh
What the best sex postion that you already did with your past girlfriend?
hmm being on the top
What the best part of your life?
ohhh umm... I'm sure the best part of my life would BE when I move out of my parents' house which should be this summer

But your question seems to be in the past tense, so I shall say this recent Thankgiving when I was in PA and met a new deaf friend... and those good moments I had with my former girlfriend
What the saddest moment in your life that is unforgettable? and Why?
when I had to do something that I regrets because of family and stuff... bleh
Who do you get along with most in AllDeaf and why?
hmm no one but DD (from whom I doesn't know in person already, that is) was the first and the only one who chatted with me outside of AD... I'm hoping to perhaps get some more, but am just letting things happen
If you had a choice between a dog and a cat which would you choose and why?
ohh cat... even tho I like dogs, but I prefer cat over dog... I'm a big cat lover... they could take care of themselves, take care of their own business in a litter box without having to be let out several times a day... etc etc... and they are cute to cuddle with mmmm!
Have you ever been hurt by a past relationship and did you learn anything about it?
hmmm yes, and I learnt not to tell my parents some certain things *sighss*
Have anyone ever robbed you?
lucky, that never happened... although I robbed other people, but always in a teasing way... I always give whatever I stole back

It is a fun habit of mine to pratice stealing things from under people nose and then wave it in their face showing them I have got something in my hand
If you win a car and you had a choice to choose which car would you choose and why?
ohh umm... not much of a genius with types of cars, but I'd prefer trucks over cars for safety reasons mostly and I like trucks
Do you believe in love at first sight?
yeah... I'm open to that possiblity... never had happened to me and feels that it will not... but then again... who knows?