More questions for ya sleepytaz. 
ooo yay yay!
What is your favorite Tv shows?
Ohh umm... Kim Possible, Charmed, Believe It or Not, CSI: Crime (the first one), Disney Toons, some cartoons...
What do you like most about yourself? and Why?
Hmm... my smile, I guess because it brings smiles upon frown faces and make them happy. I'm like smiling over 75% of the times and most of the times I didn't even realize I was smiling heh
What brought you to AllDeaf?
Hmm... Cooliefroggie show me AllDeaf... well actually one other member who doesn't post much intro me to AllDeaf, but I wasn't interested at the time... Cooliefroggie reintro me and I took a glimpse and I liked what I saw so thats what bought me here
What the meaning of Life means to you?
Hmm... living to your absoulte fullest
If you had a choice between Spiderman or Superman who would you choose and why? (giggle)
Ohh Superman... I'd much rather to fly and beside I love to fly!!

Not because of that strength, but just mainly about flying. Spiderman, he doesn't really fly, he relies on his web... no thanks
Have your mother taught you anything that you always followed along?
Uh... nothing comes to my mind that I always followed along
If you weren't dating anyone at this moment who would you likey date someone from AllDeaf?
Umm... ohh good question... I don't know actually

Have you ever gave anything up before? It could be anything.
Yes, I have given up something very special before...
What do you like most about AllDeaf and why?
Good posts and postwhoring within good reasons, that is (esp on "Have You Noticed" thread)
If you could turn the clock back to the past what age would you like to be and why?
ohhhh ooooo!!! mm mmm!!! I would say around 5-8 years old... that was when I was very close to both of my siblings (a young brother and a younger sister) and I would play pretend games with them all day long... chat chat with them all day long. Ohh wow gosh I miss those days!
Is Life treating you good lately?
Hmm yes it is treating me really good lately since I got things better with my parents...
Do you plan on getting married ever?
Uhh... I really high doubt that I would ever get married... I'm not looking into that kind of thing. Let alone a serious relationship or any relationship at all
What is your favorite number and why?
Umm... Zero because I don't like to be first

or last for that matter
How would you best describe yourself to people?
Hmm... I would describe myself as a good listener with good comments and advices, a big tomboy, and loves just to visit and visit! (that is if the person is interesting
