Yemeni appeals court has upheld a death sentence on USS Cole attack

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Oct 28, 2004
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Yemeni courts are not liberal like our courts are. Liker that shoebomber wont get the death sentence because of liberalism in america. And the prisoners in cuba get lawyers because of liberalism in america. If we ever get bin laden or Al Zarqawi just disobey an order and kill him. Cause we dont trust our courts. Like we should have killed saddam right on the spot. Now some liberal lawyer will find some loophole around saddams defense and perhaps to set him free. I think we should send CIA agents in saddams court just in case he goes free. Capture him again and send him to iran then theyre kill him. Because saddam used chemical gas on iranians during the iran iraq war.

USS Cole attack verdicts upheld
just like i said in the past....

read the news.....take a minute to stop and feel bad for what happened....and then move on and dont post it on here.

anything in this forum, posted by you, means nothing.

a pile of dog shit is more important than anything you ever post on here.

a death sentance in another country is linked to blame liberalism? :giggle:
so now are you going to blame USA for another countries civil war?
or your going to blame USA for the extinction of panda's?

seeing everything you post, your probably thinking about it

your the stupidest guy i ever met :thumb:
Thats because youre a liberal with im the stupidest guy you ever met. Lets face it. More criminals walk free in america than any other nation in the world. Lets face it,If you got caught doing drugs in turkey you get no lawyer, You get no phone call,You dont even have the right to remain silent in turkey.Yeah youll go to court but you get no lawyer to represent you. You have to plea the judge for mercy. But more than likly youll end in a tough turkist prison and whatever they do to you,You cant yell i have rights cause you have noone. And you get no TV and a weightroom in a turkish prison.So look at america is the most liberal nation in the world cause prison in america is like a holliday inn to the rest of the world.
ravensteve1961 said:
Yemeni courts are not liberal like our courts are. Liker that shoebomber wont get the death sentence because of liberalism in america. And the prisoners in cuba get lawyers because of liberalism in america. If we ever get bin laden or Al Zarqawi just disobey an order and kill him. Cause we dont trust our courts. Like we should have killed saddam right on the spot. Now some liberal lawyer will find some loophole around saddams defense and perhaps to set him free. I think we should send CIA agents in saddams court just in case he goes free. Capture him again and send him to iran then theyre kill him. Because saddam used chemical gas on iranians during the iran iraq war.

USS Cole attack verdicts upheld

did u actually understand the article? the reason i asked bec ur msg above is totally pointless like Cjanik mentioned it is less important than a pile of dog shit.
then get out of here.

not like im going to miss you


You cant compair one type of democracy to another.

if it were that way, there would be no such thing as countries, but rather , one giant country which consists of the whole world.

everything you post is always irrelevant to the news stories.

you make me think that you can read a greek story called "Odyssey" and blame USA for not having the same gov't as they did in that greek story, which was just an epic.
Theres a solution to fix the justice system. Vote out the democrats and make the US supreme court far right. And theyre remove the miranda warning. And cops can bust down your door without a warrent and without a reason.
i think the miranda warning is stupid too. but w/ the law against illigal search and seizure, i'd keep that in place.

ooh and btw, republicans are just as responsible for the way the gov't is functioning as democrats are. I dont see why you put all the blame on them.

its the ignorant people who blame everything besides their own. Much like you.
Everyone involved with the USS Cole attack should be executed.
Reba said:
Everyone involved with the USS Cole attack should be executed.
I agree!!!! I think the Shoebomber should got the death penalty. The 20th hijacker should have got the death penalty. And the prisoners in cuba are P.O.Ws And they get no lawyer.
ravensteve1961 said:
Theres a solution to fix the justice system. Vote out the democrats and make the US supreme court far right. And theyre remove the miranda warning. And cops can bust down your door without a warrent and without a reason.

above msg is a perfect example of ignorance. it shows lack of education in politics. if govt happens in charge by republicans entirely, the govt would transform to dictatorship, oligarchy, monarchy or a form of totalitarianism like nazi. your rights would be taken away or dramatically reduced like no AD. think before you speak cuz i can sense anger and impulsiveness in your msgs.
net0man said:
above msg is a perfect example of ignorance. it shows lack of education in politics. if govt happens in charge by republicans entirely, the govt would transform to dictatorship, oligarchy, monarchy or a form of totalitarianism like nazi. your rights would be taken away or dramatically reduced like no AD. think before you speak cuz i can sense anger and impulsiveness in your msgs.
And it would be no different if the Dems took over completely. Think about that. Dems hold no monopoly on "enlightenment".
Codger said:
And it would be no different if the Dems took over completely. Think about that. Dems hold no monopoly on "enlightenment".

right, it is not ideal to have democrats in charge entirely either. ravensteve1961 encouraged to vote out democracts and i was explaining what would happen if that is the case. the bottom line is we r fortunate to have the govt balanced between democrats, republicans and other parties.
It was the 60s Hippies that ruined america and our society. And all those damn liberal rock groups like jefferson airplane,Joan Baez,Janis Joplin,Jimmi hendrix and peter paul and mary brainwashed our youth. Thats how liberalsm came to power and when they put all those clowns in office guess what changed,Welfare! US Supreme Court shifted to the left. Abortion! ERA! Miranda Warning,Cops have get search warrents,Anti Religion,Anti Prayer in public schools,Anti free speech,Forced Bussing,Afirmative action,Taxes on items,Gasolene,Your bills.Medicare,Repair bills,Auto Emissions,Enovmental fees and they screwed us getting our guys killed in the vietnam war.So its thise liberal 60s hippies really screwed us! And now were paying for it.Its gonna take a long time for republicans to clean the mess up the democrats made.
ravensteve1961 said:
It was the 60s Hippies that ruined america and our society. And all those damn liberal rock groups like jefferson airplane,Joan Baez,Janis Joplin,Jimmi hendrix and peter paul and mary brainwashed our youth. Thats how liberalsm came to power and when they put all those clowns in office guess what changed,Welfare! US Supreme Court shifted to the left. Abortion! ERA! Miranda Warning,Cops have get search warrents,Anti Religion,Anti Prayer in public schools,Anti free speech,Forced Bussing,Afirmative action,Taxes on items,Gasolene,Your bills.Medicare,Repair bills,Auto Emissions,Enovmental fees and they screwed us getting our guys killed in the vietnam war.So its thise liberal 60s hippies really screwed us! And now were paying for it.Its gonna take a long time for republicans to clean the mess up the democrats made.

whoa, that's a total hogwash. what r u smoking?
ravensteve1961 said:
Theres a solution to fix the justice system. Vote out the democrats and make the US supreme court far right. And theyre remove the miranda warning. And cops can bust down your door without a warrent and without a reason.

Steve, you mentioned in another thread about how bad the cops are where you live. Would you actually want these guys to be able to get into your house without a warrant? To be arrested for no reason..and not charged with anything...just locked up and thrown away?
I'm not attacking you but just pointed out that the legal system is a system of checks and balances. Procedures are followed to make sure your rights as a citizen are not violated....Its a GOOD thing that the police cannot just kick in anyones doors and arrest people without cause.

Same thing with Miranda. You are entitled to certain rights...and when you are arrested and questioned it is important that you know and understand what those rights are. You've mentioned the courts too...well a lot of that stuff falls back on miranda. What happens if a known child molestor is goes to court and they are getting ready to put the guy away. And then it comes out that he didn't know that he was entitled to a lawyer during questioning....and that stuff gets thrown out?

There is a case that has become somewhat famous in our state about a guy who confess to a murder (2 guys carjacked a man...shot him in the head...and then ran him over...very brutal murder). One guy will probably walk because of a foul up over his miranda rights.
Taylor there was a eppisode on ADAM 12. Reed and Maloy walked into a mans house they saw something suspecis. The door was opened in the house. They thought it might be burgalary in progress well it turned out a man just left his front door open and then officer reed went to the kitchen and saw illegal drug making materals on top of cabinet. Then the old man came back in his house and reed said is this yours sir? he said yes and then he placed him under arrest HE WAS CAUGHT RED HANDED! And then they have to appear in court the judge asked reed did you have a warrent? he said no. Judge said why you walked in the house without a warrent? Well we suspected a burgalary we checked it out. The judge said. Mr watson. Because we all live in the united states there are laws we all must follow. They are rights we all have. You are lucky to live in america otherwise you might been found guilty. The officers did not act properly enforcing the law. Its an illegal search and seizer therefor i have no choice but to declare a mistrai. Youre freed to go sir. Taylor that guy is a criminal!!! He broke the law and he deserves to go to jail. If this was 1955 instead of 1969 he would been going to prison for a long time. You see how liberals mess our laws up? Thats why our elections have to be rigged now to keep the democrats out of total power ever again.
Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Is this the Amendment you want abolished Steve? It is the one that requires a search warrant and spells out what is required to get one.
These are laws i want abolished.
Law #1
Law #2
This is why democrats can never be trusted again because all those justices were liberal. And why our parents didnt have a brain when it comes to voting in the 60s.
Right against self incrimination and probable cause for a search? Steve, there are plenty of countries with the kind of government you want. Try Argentina maybe. I don't know if there are any straight through flights, but I am sure you can catch connecting flights. Of course, Mexico is closer, but they just shoot people who slash cop tires. At least in Argentina you get a trial before they torture then shoot you. Need help making flight reservations? :laugh2:
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