Yemeni appeals court has upheld a death sentence on USS Cole attack

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No, If you break the laws and get caught even they didnt have a warrant they should just arrest you. If cops see drugs in your car and you accidently left trunk opened and cop didnt have a warrant he should arrest you. Thats the way it was doing the 50s See cops really protect you during the 1950s. Nowadays they just roll around see whos not feeding the meters,Getting speeders,Trapping prositution because theyre to damned lazy not to go in front a judge ask for a warrant to search your home and car. They think it takes all day to get a warrant. So they find petty stuff to do like protecting the wealthy, Look see whos not feeding the meters,Getting speeders and trapping prositution.
ravensteve1961 said:
No, If you break the laws and get caught even they didnt have a warrant they should just arrest you. If cops see drugs in your car and you accidently left trunk opened and cop didnt have a warrant he should arrest you. Thats the way it was doing the 50s See cops really protect you during the 1950s. Nowadays they just roll around see whos not feeding the meters,Getting speeders,Trapping prositution because theyre to damned lazy not to go in front a judge ask for a warrant to search your home and car. They think it takes all day to get a warrant. So they find petty stuff to do like protecting the wealthy, Look see whos not feeding the meters,Getting speeders and trapping prositution.

Steve, sometimes I wish it was that way, but you are putting your blame in the wrong spot. It isn't the cops who can't bust people, its the supreme court telling us we can't. Again, this falls into the whole rights thing...You have a right against illegal search and seizure. Yes, it would be nice to stop a white guy who has just driven a mostly black community at 3am and was just 'talking' to a known drug dealer. My 'hunch' is that he just purchased drugs....but I cannot stop you, detain you, nor arrest you based on my 'hunch'.

Its also not as bad as you may think it is. Just recently I was just talking to an officer in a nearby jurisdiction. There was a suspect involved in a shooting. They served a search warrant on his house looking for the gun. While looking for the gun, drugs were found....this could become a sticking point (as you mention in your post), however another search warrant was obtained in regards to the, in the end all was done by the book...and a bunch of people were taken off the well as a bunch of drugs.

I can absolutely see where you were going with your post, and I can tell you it is just as frustrating for officers as it is for you. While it is frustrating, it is what America is all about....everyone is created equal, and everyone has equal rights. The constitution and the Supreme Court make it so you can walk down the street and not be illegally searched or have your door kicked in for no reason. Think of Nazi Germany, or Iraq under Saddam...those are people who had no rights and when you talk about throwing out the constitution or peoples rights, you are incorporating America into a police state.

A lot of the complaints I see you make against the police are actually because of the courts....its one reason I get frustrated in some of our exchanges...blaming cops for things they have no control over.
:gpost: Taylor, this is one of the most frustrating things in today's legal system. Courts were never intended to make law, but that is just what they do. I am glad for and jelously guard the fourth ammendment.

I got into a rather nasty public battle in Florida over this issue. The County Sheriff had good motives, but "no-knock" and black suited "ninjas" were his favorite tools. I called him to task on the local radio station, and he made a beeline to air his side. His warrants were rather openended and they frequently kicked in doors at the wrong address or on very poor informant tips.

It he case that broke the camel's back with me, a 90 year old woman was the victim of one of his "tactical takedowns". Another was a wrong address where the family, mother, father, children were dragged out of bed at 2:00 in the morning and thrown up against the wall while the house was torn to pieces. The black suited thug covering the family with a locked and loaded riot gun made lewd comments the whole time toward the mother who was not given the opportunity to put on clothes and was held nude in front of the officers and her children.

These guys are atypical of LEOs I know, but the root of their tactics was the judge issuing the warrant. I went over the line myself on the air with the Sheriff by giving him my name, address, and specific instruction as to how he should approach me with a warrant in my residence, and a warning that I would shoot black clad nighttime invaders in my bedroom and ask questions later.

Their tactics did change, and the Sheriff was defeated in the next election. I am just luck that I was not charged with threatening an officer, and it is not something I would do again.
Codger said:
:gpost: Taylor, this is one of the most frustrating things in today's legal system. Courts were never intended to make law, but that is just what they do. I am glad for and jelously guard the fourth ammendment.

I got into a rather nasty public battle in Florida over this issue. The County Sheriff had good motives, but "no-knock" and black suited "ninjas" were his favorite tools. I called him to task on the local radio station, and he made a beeline to air his side. His warrants were rather openended and they frequently kicked in doors at the wrong address or on very poor informant tips.

It he case that broke the camel's back with me, a 90 year old woman was the victim of one of his "tactical takedowns". Another was a wrong address where the family, mother, father, children were dragged out of bed at 2:00 in the morning and thrown up against the wall while the house was torn to pieces. The black suited thug covering the family with a locked and loaded riot gun made lewd comments the whole time toward the mother who was not given the opportunity to put on clothes and was held nude in front of the officers and her children.

These guys are atypical of LEOs I know, but the root of their tactics was the judge issuing the warrant. I went over the line myself on the air with the Sheriff by giving him my name, address, and specific instruction as to how he should approach me with a warrant in my residence, and a warning that I would shoot black clad nighttime invaders in my bedroom and ask questions later.

Their tactics did change, and the Sheriff was defeated in the next election. I am just luck that I was not charged with threatening an officer, and it is not something I would do again.

I've heard of some departments that can be like that. I'm glad that I work (and live) in a jurisdiction that isn't like that. I'm very familiar with the guys dressed in black ;) As far as our department goes, we make sure we have the right house and we are going in for the right reasons. Oftentimes, raids will occur at houses that are well known to the police. Our detectives and officers are also very thorough when it comes to investigations.
ravensteve1961 said:
Taylor there was a eppisode on ADAM 12. Reed and Maloy walked into a mans house they saw something suspecis. The door was opened in the house. They thought it might be burgalary in progress well it turned out a man just left his front door open and then officer reed went to the kitchen and saw illegal drug making materals on top of cabinet. Then the old man came back in his house and reed said is this yours sir? he said yes and then he placed him under arrest HE WAS CAUGHT RED HANDED! And then they have to appear in court the judge asked reed did you have a warrent? he said no. Judge said why you walked in the house without a warrent? Well we suspected a burgalary we checked it out. The judge said. Mr watson. Because we all live in the united states there are laws we all must follow. They are rights we all have. You are lucky to live in america otherwise you might been found guilty. The officers did not act properly enforcing the law. Its an illegal search and seizer therefor i have no choice but to declare a mistrai. Youre freed to go sir. Taylor that guy is a criminal!!! He broke the law and he deserves to go to jail. If this was 1955 instead of 1969 he would been going to prison for a long time. You see how liberals mess our laws up? Thats why our elections have to be rigged now to keep the democrats out of total power ever again.


Hate to tell you...

Adam 12 is a fictionalize TV show. Story writers take great liberty with reality most of the time. Usually, there is no realitic protrayal involved. What Taylor is talking about is reality, and it happens quite often, I'm afraid.

As Taylor already outlined for you, there's procedures that must be followed, and if they aren't followed, there's chaos.

I would agree that our justice system has flaws. It does, but I would rather live in a country that has the kinds of protections our country offers us, then, live in a country like Turkey where one is put in jail, and they ROT until the case is heard, or the case is heard, and the guy's rights don't exist!

Many people are suffering around the world, because, they have no way to prove their innocence.
Taylor then why dont the cops find something else to do than trapping speeders and prositution? Why dont they guard airports, train stations and hangout at the nuclear power plants in case of terrorism and wait for a call instead of walking around to see who didnt feed the meter. And if they see a group of arabs then confront to them and questioned them. You know thats exactly al queda doesnt want. They dont want terrorist to be confronted and questioned. Bin laden wants them to go to their desination and blow themselves up in the name of allah. So thats something construtive police to do while waiting for a call,,hangout at the nuclear power plants,airports and train stations instead of protecting the wealthy,meter walking, trapping speeders and prositution.
ravensteve1961 said:
Taylor then why dont the cops find something else to do than trapping speeders and prositution? Why dont they guard airports, train stations and hangout at the nuclear power plants in case of terrorism and wait for a call instead of walking around to see who didnt feed the meter. And if they see a group of arabs then confront to them and questioned them. You know thats exactly al queda doesnt want. They dont want terrorist to be confronted and questioned. Bin laden wants them to go to their desination and blow themselves up in the name of allah. So thats something construtive police to do while waiting for a call,,hangout at the nuclear power plants,airports and train stations instead of protecting the wealthy,meter walking, trapping speeders and prositution.

The thing your failing to see is that 'trapping speeders, prostitution, and meters' is their job. Police do not make the laws...they enforce the laws on the books. Just to give you an example. We have a drug problem in our city, and the last thing anyone wants is for kids to grow up on street corners. Well, our city has an ordinance against playing ball or sports in the street. I'd rather have kids shooting hoops on a residential street than learning how to sell crack on the corner. So, if somebody calls the police about the kids in the street....the officer has to tell them to stop and move along. He is required to enforce that law....and if he ignores it (especially when somebody had called to complain about the kids), the officer would get punished, or even worse, lose his job. He doesn't make the laws, but is required to enforce it.

As for things like speeding...speeding causes accidents. Almost every accident we have in our city is caused by speeding. It may not necessarily be the speeders fault. For example, Joe Blow is speeding along the street. Jane Doe is pulling out of her neighborhood and sees that Joe Blow is far away and she has enough room to pull out before Joe Blow gets there. She pulls out and 'bam' accident. Joe was speeding so Jane misjudged the distance.....Joe was speeding so his reaction time was longer. Had he been doing 25, there would have been no accident..but because he was doing 40, there was an accident.

The main road that goes past my neighborhood is a 25mph zone. Cars are regularly doing 40+ past my house. There are close calls here all the time because people are going to fast and it makes it difficult to pull out of my neighborhood. If people just slowed down, this wouldn't be a problem...and this same scenario plays out over our entire city at numerous intersections. So, do you see why they write speeding tickets?

To address your parking issue, parking is a major issue with any cities that are crowded. If there were no limits, people could park however long they wanted. This frees up nothing for nobody. In a post awhile back you had mentioned having to walk a number of blocks to the stadium because of lack of parking. Had College Park not enforced any parking laws, you would have been even further (and walking) to the stadium.

You wouldn't believe how many complaints come into the police department in regards to parking in our city. People complain there is no parking in their neighborhoods or on city streets. Again, I'd like to point out that this is people calling the police. If people call the police and complain about a law being broken, they have to respond and enforce that law. The reason you see those meters along many streets is because enough people on that street complained about lack of particular businesses. Our downtown area is a mixture of business and residents. If there were no parking restrictions, the residents would have no place to park...and if they did, the businesses would be complaining that the residents are taking up all the spots and they can't get any customers. So, to solve that problem (again from citizens complaining) there is residential parking where you need a sticker to park longer than 2 hours. The businesses have metered parking. While it sucks to get a ticket, the complaints have come down from the public.

Does that make any sense?
Ok,Taylor suppose al queda attacks us again should i say you didnt do your jobs? I explain what bin laden wanted. He wants his boys to go in a airport or a train station and blow themselves up in from of people. Have you been watching the news whats happening over in israel? Or arabs have a van load of explosives and drive though a nuclear power plant and ram it into the generator and the we would have 100,000 people dead. Thats why theyre better off they guard airports, train stations and hangout at the nuclear power plants instead of seeing whos not feeding the meters,Getting speeders and Trapping prositution so we can stop terrorism.
ravensteve1961 said:
Ok,Taylor suppose al queda attacks us again should i say you didnt do your jobs? I explain what bin laden wanted. He wants his boys to go in a airport or a train station and blow themselves up in from of people. Have you been watching the news whats happening over in israel? Or arabs have a van load of explosives and drive though a nuclear power plant and ram it into the generator and the we would have 100,000 people dead. Thats why theyre better off they guard airports, train stations and hangout at the nuclear power plants instead of seeing whos not feeding the meters,Getting speeders and Trapping prositution so we can stop terrorism.
There is an alphabet soup of agencies with agents to do just that Steve. NTSB watches trains, planes and busses. NRC watches the Nuclear power plants. The cia and FBI follow leads across state and national boundaries and almost every State has it's own version of the FBI. Here it is the TBI. BATF looks for explosive devices and if they find something, they call in the U.S. Army Ordanence and disposal guys. Every county and parish, that I am aware of has it's own Sheriff department, cities have city police forces, and States have State Police. Then there are the DOT police. Oh, and lets not forget homeland security. Then we have the National Guard before we get to federal military troops. Enough?
Nope not enough. You realize just how smart these arabs are. Remember what Adu nidal said " We can get to you, anyday,anywhere at anytime" Remember salmon rushdie wrote a book that pissed off the arabs? And the allatollya said whoever chops off this mans head shall go to heaven. You need cops in train stations and airports if the guy looks like an arab search him and question him. Thats how you stop it. You saw how the arabs got though the gates with being checked on 9-11. And by the way the secuirty guards were fired after 9-11.
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