I didn't mean to stir anything up. I'm genuinely trying to learn about what would be best for my daughter. I've not been able to find any other deaf people in our area. I don't know asl. I'm watching signing time, learning signs from asl pro and lifeprint, and from early intervention. The school doesn't have any classes until fall. So what I'm worried about is that even though I have a long list of words I can sign, I don't know asl, so I'm signing English. I do believe it is her right to have asl as her first language. I don't know how to make that happen. Our ei teacher is from the school and signs English as well. I appreciate all the help she's giving, but would hate for my kid to have to learn what should have been her first language later. I hope this makes sense... Any help is greatly appreciated.
IMHO, I think that you're doing the right thing by giving her Signs although they're not in grammartical order......it's buying you time.....it's only a few more months til you can learn ASL.
Maybe a good idea might be to contact WVSDB's alumni association or the WV Associaiton of the Deaf and see if there's anyone near you who could serve as a language mentor.