Wrong word order?

"Lasagna" stumps me!...I've been told over and over how to pronounce it...still I get it wrong....I love Italian dishes, but just point out what I would like.....as for Parmesan Cheese, I just say "the stinky stuff".....also, the word "subsidary"...

Would it help if you knew the word is "subsidiary"?
Would it help if you knew the word is "subsidiary"?

Forgot the extra "i"....my guess is that you pronounce is sub-si-diary....same way it's spelled? Correct me if I'm wrong....or do you leave out the "i" in diary?
Forgot the extra "i"....my guess is that you pronounce is sub-si-diary....same way it's spelled? Correct me if I'm wrong....or do you leave out the "i" in diary?

You do leave out the I, sort of. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I have always pronounced it sub-sid-eairy. (the e should not be emphasized, but the e-a-i part flows that way.)
I know someone who, when she writes to friends, writes exactly the way she talks with them...including tossing in words like, "Hey" and "y'know" and "like" ...so even though she CAN write properly (in her professional life she writes very well) she DOESN'T when she is writing to friends. If someone who didn't know her professionally saw some of the letters she has written to friends, they would assume that she didn't know how to use proper grammar, sentence structure etc.
I know someone who, when she writes to friends, writes exactly the way she talks with them...including tossing in words like, "Hey" and "y'know" and "like" ...so even though she CAN write properly (in her professional life she writes very well) she DOESN'T when she is writing to friends. If someone who didn't know her professionally saw some of the letters she has written to friends, they would assume that she didn't know how to use proper grammar, sentence structure etc.

You should see my IMs. :P They're anything but grammatically correct.
I've always pronounced "double-u" for "w."

Occasionally I hear someone say "dubya."

The only wide-spread use of "dubya" that I know about is when critics referred to former President George W. Bush. :lol:

I notice some people say it more like "dubya" when they're giving a website address starting "w-w-w-dot."
According to dictionary.com, palomino is pronounced:


The first syllable, "pal" is pronounced just like the word "pal" that means "friend."

Pal? Uh, me? No.
As I started this topic I should've pointed earlier that me and the girl I'm chatting with we're both bulgarians. I just translated her words so that you can get the idea. But from everything I saw here I now know why is she writing like that. She writes very ... literally! Without any side-words as "and","to be"(in all forms); wrong order and other stuff like that. You helped me a lot to understand her. But how did all of you guys having this problem managed to write better? I can't believe that having 12 grades in school and 4 or 5 in university and my friend still writes like that- nobody helped her fix it?! I'm writing right now with her and even though I'm writing simpler than before she still can't understand me properly sometimes. How can I or someone else help her- writing is a great way of communicating with others for her and she obviously hasn't been taught properly. How can I help her? I have the patience to write with her but most of the others I know... no way they're going to write with a girl with her sentences! And she needs more friends.
P.S.: I've searched a long for a forum in Bulgaria like this here but couldn't find so that's why I write in alldeaf.com :)
As I started this topic I should've pointed earlier that me and the girl I'm chatting with we're both bulgarians. I just translated her words so that you can get the idea. But from everything I saw here I now know why is she writing like that. She writes very ... literally! Without any side-words as "and","to be"(in all forms); wrong order and other stuff like that. You helped me a lot to understand her. But how did all of you guys having this problem managed to write better? I can't believe that having 12 grades in school and 4 or 5 in university and my friend still writes like that- nobody helped her fix it?! I'm writing right now with her and even though I'm writing simpler than before she still can't understand me properly sometimes. How can I or someone else help her- writing is a great way of communicating with others for her and she obviously hasn't been taught properly. How can I help her? I have the patience to write with her but most of the others I know... no way they're going to write with a girl with her sentences! And she needs more friends.
P.S.: I've searched a long for a forum in Bulgaria like this here but couldn't find so that's why I write in alldeaf.com :)

Hi, jumz2003, and welcome to this madhouse! :lol: Sorry your thread got derailed. I cannot speak for others, but from personal experience I have found that reading books or whatever I could get my hands on helps IF I took the time to stop reading when I run into an unfamiliar word, write it down, look it up in a dictionary and write down the pronunciation and meaning, the works. It takes a lot of patience to do that, but in the end the results are worth it. The rest just fall into place. That is just my two cents.
I wonder where those calls are coming from? I lived in the south for 20 years, and while they have a definate dialect, I have never heard anyone speak like that.

That way of speaking is very prevalent in certain areas of Florida. Mostly it is from the low-income black families in the hardest crime riddled neighborhoods. Riviera Beach, which is just north or West Palm Beach would be a good place to find that type of speech. The worst part is, they also write like that.
"Lasagna" stumps me!...I've been told over and over how to pronounce it...still I get it wrong....I love Italian dishes, but just point out what I would like.....as for Parmesan Cheese, I just say "the stinky stuff".....also, the word "subsidary"...

I learned lasagna as La-zan-ya
Subsidary - sub-sid-dee-air-ree

That cae from my father the English professor.
As I started this topic I should've pointed earlier that me and the girl I'm chatting with we're both bulgarians. I just translated her words so that you can get the idea. But from everything I saw here I now know why is she writing like that. She writes very ... literally! Without any side-words as "and","to be"(in all forms); wrong order and other stuff like that. You helped me a lot to understand her. But how did all of you guys having this problem managed to write better? I can't believe that having 12 grades in school and 4 or 5 in university and my friend still writes like that- nobody helped her fix it?! I'm writing right now with her and even though I'm writing simpler than before she still can't understand me properly sometimes. How can I or someone else help her- writing is a great way of communicating with others for her and she obviously hasn't been taught properly. How can I help her? I have the patience to write with her but most of the others I know... no way they're going to write with a girl with her sentences! And she needs more friends.
P.S.: I've searched a long for a forum in Bulgaria like this here but couldn't find so that's why I write in alldeaf.com :)

message boards -- it force me to read articles to make my point too.
if she can't understand you with the language you are writing, I take it that she use sign language to communicate.

Does she use sign language? If not, she'll probably need it as oral only is not going anywhere for her. If she does use sign language, she'll need someone who is experienced with deaf people like her.

Kalalau's Korner: Daily Deaf Adult Literacy Program (DDALP)

Another thing that help, Typing class... <--- this will encourage her to follow the flows of grammar as she practices typing (hopefully they don't do the head phone but my school never did that, they just made me look at letters and type it as I read it)
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I always have trouble with words that got letter "g" in it. I can't say "g" at all.

If I want to say gate it comes out date. Girl to dirl, go to doll, gave to dave, great to dreat etc. After all speech and therapy in my childhood I still cannot say "g".
I recall the time I was taking an IQ test, and the counselor was giving me an oral spelling test. I think I missed one word: he said "ak-wee-es" and I had no idea what the heck word that was. It turned out to be "acquiesce" which is a verb meaning to concur. I knew that word but thought it was pronounced the way it was spelled, "ak-kwise." So, my IQ was formally dropped down because of that, lol.

IQ tests given with an oral component to deaf individuals are notoriously innacurrate. They have been estimated to be off (on the negative side) by an average 0f 15-20 points.

There now has a non-oral IQ test that has been modified and standardized for use with deaf individuals. All parents should be requesting this for any deaf child being tested.