In case anyone is interested and has jumped over from the other thread, I suppose I will respond to Grayma and Green's most recent comments here.
Let's start with Grayma who said:
>"It's not his job to add something new to your thinking."
It sure isn't. It's MY job. And I do that best by engaging in dialogue with people. Now, a different question: is it his job to add something to his OWN thinking? Is it anyone/everyone's? And how is that best accomplished?
>"Hearing people who are rude do target their rudeness toward the area that they are ignorant about, troubled about, irritated by, frustrated by, caught by surprise by - in short, the thing that is different. So of course the general rudeness of the majority of human beings is esssentially narrowed and focused on deafness when it's a deaf person who has annoyed, frustrated, surprised, inconvenienced, irritated, etc. them."
An interesting perspective. I am not sure, though that while said rudeness might be focused on deafness that it is BECAUSE of deafness. I would assert that it is because of the frustration, surprise, fear, etc.
> "Green doesn't have to defend his comment to you."
Nope, he doesn't. He can choose to. Or not. Just like I can choose to ask; or not.
> "It's his life, his experience, and he knows better than you whether his responses are based in fact or feelings (unless Green is a she, then change pronouns). It's kind of bizarre for a stranger on the internet who has no experience of living with deafness to decide he or she can diagnose the root causes of a rude person's behavior (behavior you know of third hand) better than the person who was there and lives with the condition."
Fascinating. I can think of only two possibilities here. Either you are confused about the conversation or I am. In order to try to see if I was the one confused, I went back and re-read the thread from my entry point on, multiple times. Despite this, your statement has me baffled. In interest of completeness, I shall try to respond. Of course Green can decide if his responses are based on fact or feelings. Decide away, Green! Amazingly other people can also decide to ask Green his decision and how he came to it. He can decide to respond. They can then form their own responses to his response. And so on. And, no, I don't think it is odd at all for a person, who is part of the accused Rude culture, to offer an alternative motivation for rudeness than the one perceived by the 'victimized' culture. For example: 'no, dude. We didn't bomb you because of your religion. We bombed you because you took all our water and we were thirsty,' would be a really enlightening statement in certain areas of the world. If you re-read, you will see that Green (a Deaf person) was speaking about the motivations of HEARING people. THOSE motivations were questioned. And by your own logic, Grayma, he can't do that because he can never understand them until he is one of them, eh? (Which, by the way, I do not believe is true. If you want to try to understand hearing culture - assuming there is such a thing - Green, by questioning and thinking and asking and learning, more power to you!)