Wow, CI's are expensive

PFH: WHY- Nothing better to do with your time?

Some people have nothing better to do, and truly believe their point of view is the best, so they continue to argue for argument's sake.

Put them on ignore and move on, which is what I do. :cool2:

Just a matter of time before this thread is locked as well.
why pick up the fussy fights over what? nothing!

I guess it started out with one nitpicking at the idea of Deaf culture. You are right...picking fights about what deafness is silly.
Again: what does PGH diatribe via You tube have to do with the price of Cochlear Implant discussion in

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

look at my signature. like life, conversations evolve. Proof is in every thread out there.

not to be an ass - you brought up ASL and questioned it being capable of carrying conversations - so I made the video for you in ASL.

Consider yourself lucky, I almost never put in captions for my videos.
One could still have a good life and still hope to hear better. It doesn't necessary have to be one or the other.

Yes, it may be true for various people with hearing loss to feel that way. As for me, my life is pretty well and don't have any suffer of not able to hear or have less "normal" life. I practice to learn how to speak and listen last March '10, but I still don't feel any miss out of sound at all. Of course, the sound could be fun and enjoyable. So I don't regret to feel "miss out" what sound like, so I won't waste my time to spend on worrying about what is miss of something. Life is only for short time, it's better to spend on the joy. Good time... That's just how I am. :)
Again: what does PFH diatribe via You tube have to do with this thread- price of Cochlear Implant discussion in

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Ask question, apply critical thinking. Answer is obvious.
Yeah the answer is obvious-wants attention! Advanced Clinical psychology also called "common sense".

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Yeah the answer is obvious-wants attention! Advanced Clinical psychology also called "common sense".

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Again speaking about topics you know nothing about. I'm beginning to wonder if there is anything on which you can speak with authority. I certainly haven't seen it yet. Just a bunch of grumpy old ignorant man replies.
Sorry Jillio NOT old/ grumpy yet. Does that remark by you= pass "the respect test" here?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Sorry Jillio NOT old/ grumpy yet. Does that remark by you= pass "the respect test" here?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

You have to show respect before you will get respect. It is not given without earning it.:cool2:
Really- flexible standards?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Really- flexible standards?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Not at all. Just your complete inability to honestly assess your own actions while attempting to assess those of others. You are rude and disrespectful to people on this board. Don't expect to get anything except that back.
Oh well pfh- continue answering your self on youtube. As I have advised you before- still NOT part of Youtube/facebook et al. Just and

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
DrPhil. No one is a "part of" YouTube. It's just a website where anyone can view videos others have made.