Would you rather kiss a jellyfish or step on a crab?

no. it does work if the urine is acidic enough. but then - not all solutions work for everybody. alternative solution is to use salty water or vinegar (acetic acid type).
I've never tried the urine or vinegar remedies but I know salt water doesn't work. I had a whole ocean of salt water available, and it did no good. The lifeguards usually sprinkle meat tenderizer on it, which does help alleviate the pain.
I've never tried the urine or vinegar remedies but I know salt water doesn't work. I had a whole ocean of salt water available, and it did no good. The lifeguards usually sprinkle meat tenderizer on it, which does help alleviate the pain.

Baking soda works well.
Is kissing the jellyfish a one time thing or do you have to date it? I need to know what I'm getting myself in to.
I think stepping on crab rather than kiss a jellyfish.
I'd say... crap :P no, I mean I'd rather to step on crap! I can wash my sneekears but I don't want to wash my mouth 200 times! :P So, crap :)
I believe it!

afterall, I have a metal baseboard in our bathroom (the fin-type for furnace) and it is already rusting away because the hit and miss from our child.
I'd say... crap :P no, I mean I'd rather to step on crap! I can wash my sneekears but I don't want to wash my mouth 200 times! :P So, crap :)

We're not talking about crap. We're talking about crabs.

I'd prefer to step in a steamy pile of poo not a crab.
Your question was how much water per day and Jiro said his pee is more acidic than mine. It's ok. My pee burns holes in metal. :rofl:

exactly why i mentioned in a nice way not allow you to pee on foot or i could lose my foot! :shock:
Your question was how much water per day and Jiro said his pee is more acidic than mine. It's ok. My pee burns holes in metal. :rofl:

PFH , you welcome to pee on me, because his is too acid!!!!! Save me! (JK :P I still rather use vinegar or step on a crab)
no. it does work if the urine is acidic enough. but then - not all solutions work for everybody. alternative solution is to use salty water or vinegar (acetic acid type).


I think it is the ammonia that "suppose" to do the trick.

As many think, that people piss vinegar.

It is actually ammonia.

Living in Florida and loving the ocean.

Jelly fish are actually small.

The actual dangers are the larger breeds.

The manawars!!

So I rather to step on crab anyday!!

Been pinched twice!

My children and I been stung a bunch! It causes a miserable burning sensation!

My son been pinched by one before. Being a typical curious child. He reached out and poked one. The crab grabbed his finger. They do not let go. He slung the crab across the beach. The claw was still intact to his finger!!

So you are more than likely to get stung in Florida waters than to step on a crab.
if jellyfish is already dead, no problem, I can kiss it.

Step on a crab? If it pinch my toe, I would step em!

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