Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate?

I'm introvert, I love being alone on the island. If I'm with Donald Trump, I'll commit suicide right on the spot.

i wouldnt, Id rather kill him and eat him cuz he had all the flashest food to eat, so he'd be good to eat...prime meat LOL
ha ha good one......depends.... I hate a few female republican mouthpieces like Laura Ingalls? a few politicos that I would love to take my sexual frustrations out on on a deserted island....lol. no seriously it's a good example of sometimes you have to find compromises and/or try and get along with someone.....like at work...good practice.
do ex-wives count? lol...just kidding... actually trying to not be a hater...takes all kinds to make a world. but as for stranded with same gender......that's a tough one if the other doesn't want to get along....let's feed the fishies.
there's a point where you become paranoid and think the others gonna kill ya so survival kicks in.
That's tricky. hmmm I think with someone I hate. Isn't hate the other side of the coin as love, love can turn to hate, but can hate turn to love??

Wait, is this person the opposite sex as me? Because if this is a woman I hate, no way I'd rather be alone.
That's tricky. hmmm I think with someone I hate. Isn't hate the other side of the coin as love, love can turn to hate, but can hate turn to love??

Wait, is this person the opposite sex as me? Because if this is a woman I hate, no way I'd rather be alone.

Feel sure being stranded on a lonely, deserted Island with somebody you truely hated...sooner or later...that hatred is gonna turn to...Love perhaps....:hmm:
It is much like a book, Lord of the Flies.

how so?
lord of the flies is about kids pretending to be adults but became savage the underlying story of the novel was about 'human nature' as in savagery vs civilisation, but indeed perfect civilsation does not and never will exist because inperfections and unpredictability of each individuals in 'society' are going to at some point, fail to co-operate...and this does not matter if the rules are 'sound'...
ambro and robin, hmmmcareful careful, mixing or confusing with loniness and lust...hmm
thats' the sort of thing psychologist have to suss in sex crimes...ugh

but indeed, rock music uses these words to interchange it i supposed for people to 'cope' with sexual frustration or what not, and probably also to delay (or accelerate) teens' sex activity....

it can get real complicated... i for one, dont know shit about psychology, and would rather stay away from it
funny it kinda reminds me of "Message in the Bottle" - The Police...
you need to download a youtube with its lyrics, its actually good...great music too
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePwjipxjAmA]message in the bottle lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
Someone I hate. It would take a while but eventually we'd become friends...or I'd become a murderer. Totally their decision.
what if you stuck on an island with husband...thought not worth thinking about because i kill him and being stuck on island i lose my widows pension and that bugger gets away with it again
NOT going to answer this one... As long as I'm not on some island, I'm not going to be forced to chose.

Rather with someone that I hate over being alone. Two being alone would be forced to compromise and try to rescue themselves.
just saw Blue Lagoon, the 2012 remake lol, well its a much softer version of the story 'what might happen if stuck on island and learn to fall in love' thematic, nice film...it is a psychological film on another yet subtle level, i kind of like it, dammit id wish a 10/10 babe stuck on island with ME lol
Wirelessly posted

Someone I don't like make it fun and I can be a dirty dog and use them lol same way they treat women so, I can reverse do the same it only us on the island lol too funny!