Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate?

I would rather be on the island alone and I am sure I would be out of my mind not knowing what to do with myself to keep my sanity together. Isolation is way of the league. I would not want to live with someone I hate on the island like that. No way. So that mean I will have to deal with loneliness. (sigh)
Definitely with someone, anyone, even if I didn't get along with them (hate is such a strong word). Remember Maslow's hierarchy of human needs?
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Olivia47 said:
Definitely with someone, anyone, even if I didn't get along with them (hate is such a strong word). Remember Maslow's hierarchy of human needs?

Well said, hate is a strong word. I would rather be stranded with someone didn't get along with or an ex-bf for fun lol
Maslow or not, I say alone and then I can finally write my book, "Hearing Aids and Handcuffs". :lol:

Maybe tomorrow, I will say with someone.
Definitely with someone, anyone, even if I didn't get along with them (hate is such a strong word). Remember Maslow's hierarchy of human needs?

Maslow or not, I say alone and then I can finally write my book, "Hearing Aids and Handcuffs". :lol:

Maybe tomorrow, I will say with someone.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since my stepmother was a psychiatric social worker, I have a big interest in psychology, but I am put the image of the pyramid for anyone who does not know or remember..

And Tousi, your book sounds...... :hmm: Would you like to talk to my stepmother???
What did he do now??

Should we hogtie him and beat him with a 1000 feathers?

I think he would actually enjoy that :hmm:

... and I am relieved that post number 34 went by unnoticed ((wipes forehead))

Whaat, I was slightly buzzed last night :shock:
Alone for sure. If I ended up on an island with someone I really hate, I would make me a raft and row to the next island or home!!!!
rather with someone I hate. Just hope the one I hate so that I can bully her. She the one always bully me in H.S. So this time it would be my turn. LOL
I'm sure that Gary Bettman would love to share an island with Donald Fehr. It'll be fun\!!! Bring it on!!!

As for me, maybe with someone. We would brainstorm. You know, pick a word and make as many use of it. "Turbo" will be mine.

Seriously, I wasn't able to sleep. I was thinking of Maslow's pyramid and decided to do a search and found this thread.
if both stranded, have to rely on each others strenghths have mutal respect for that.may not become good friends but be good start
On an island with someone I hate?....No way...love my peace and drama-free lifestyle too much...and living/being alone does build character....
I'm introvert, I love being alone on the island. If I'm with Donald Trump, I'll commit suicide right on the spot.