Would you prefer to...


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Sep 26, 2004
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For guys only: Which would you prefer to date: an ugly girl with such an awesome sweet personality or a bombshell with such a terrible personality?

For girls only: Which would you prefer to date: a ugly guy with such an awesome caring personality or a hunk with such a masochistic and sexist personality?
That's kind of a biased question . My husband is a good looking guy with an awesome and caring personality.

There is no reason one person can't be both.
ugly guy with good kind personality,but as bot says can be good looking and kind.hansome is subjective
It does not matter. IT depends across the specimen. You know, someone just got married to a dog!!!!
That's kind of a biased question . My husband is a good looking guy with an awesome and caring personality.

There is no reason one person can't be both.

There is a reason why I posed the question. :)

It does not matter. IT depends across the specimen. You know, someone just got married to a dog!!!!

There was one guy who married a female video character!
respectyoda, I know you would rather ugly girl sleep next to you in the bed, and you see her face in the morning....it's ok you will get used to it. :laugh2:
respectyoda, I know you would rather ugly girl sleep next to you in the bed, and you see her face in the morning....it's ok you will get used to it. :laugh2:

You are speaking for yourself and I would advise you from making lame and baseless assumptions. You are only making a fool out of yourself!
To me, it's neither outward looks or personality. It's inward character that's most important.
Personality is considered part of the inward character. :)
They are not the same thing.

An individual can have a very charming personality but have a rotten character.

If it weren't so, we wouldn't have so many successful scammers and dead beat dads around.
They are not the same thing.

An individual can have a very charming personality but have a rotten character.

If it weren't so, we wouldn't have so many successful scammers and dead beat dads around.

You fail to understand what I said, Reba so I shall rephrase what I said. One's true personality is part one's inward character. The keywords here are true and part! :)

Just because an individual can have a charming personality, it doesn't mean it is that individual's true personality. This is why there is something called "true colors." True colors are one's true personality that is revealed.

Neither. Why is this even a question? It's not a case of either or. It's not like good looking people have bad personalities and ugly people are rainbows and sparkles on the inside :shock:

Why are you so hung up on looks respectyoda?
Advice: No ugly/pretty woman want a very serious guy like you. :cool2:

Again, you are speaking for yourself and making another baseless assumption. I have shown myself time and again to be a humorous guy.

Neither. Why is this even a question? It's not a case of either or. It's not like good looking people have bad personalities and ugly people are rainbows and sparkles on the inside :shock:

Why are you so hung up on looks respectyoda?

Just call me Yoda. This question in no way makes me hung up on looks. This is merely a philosophical question that has merit. You like several others fail to see the point of my question.

Just call me Yoda. This question in no way makes me hung up on looks. This is merely a philosophical question that has merit. You like several others fail to see the point of my question.

I'm not 'failing' to see the point of your question, I'm questioning the reason to even ask it, since it's not a matter of either or. Looks are a point of attraction, but it's far from the most important thing. There are billions of average looking people out there with a myriad of personalities. In fact I got it bad for a guy that's average looking but his heart is beautiful :D

Notice I answered your question. I said neither. I don't have to choose between a prick and wanting to chew my arm off to get out of bed. Yhis question does in fact stress an importance on looks, or lack there of. It's making an issue of looks.