Would this have offended you???

No, I would not feel being offended by her. It sounds that she didn't know much about deafness... It's good that you correct her what deaf is about but its sad that she ignored/denied your correction. It proves herself is ignorant and uneducation which is really sad.
Take her down a peg...

I hadn't thought about walking into the store with my deaf friends. I think that would probably make her think twice about what she said. I have learned a valuable lesson in all of this though and I am thankful for that. While I feel that it is my responsibility to educate those who are unaware, I know now that I must choose my methods in educating them. I know that I get defensive when someone corrects me and I hadn't considered that maybe I was the one who offended her in the situation. I definately see the importance of choosing my words carefully so I don't come across as holier than thou...I sure don't want to portray that image. Thank you so much for your input...I have definately been educated.
was she real mean about it?
I would think that if she was not mad she would have answered you.
Some people just don't know much about the subject but she probably should have taken what you said into consideration. i know that I would have probably been somewhat annoyed by it.
That is a good book! :applause:
That doesn't make any sense for her to keep those books there. How weird.

I recently went into a half price bookstore in town. I went looking for the book "Deaf Heritage" for my Deaf Culture class. I walked around the entire store looking for a section that had anything to do with cultures, languages, or deafness. I couldn't find anything so I went to the front of the store and asked the woman who worked there if they had anything. She took me to the front of the store and told me she keeps anything that has to do with deafness in the area with "childhood diseases." I asked her if she realized that deafness was not an illness. She just disregarded my statement and said this is where I keep anything dealing with deafness as she tried to hand me a book. I refused to take the book from her and I gathered my girls and left the store. I guess my question is this. Am I wrong to be offended that she showed a complete disregard and lack of respect when I tried to explain to her that deafness was not an illness?
I think that you were not wrong to be offended because you were right. I would have felt the same way. I would have ask the manager why it was with the childhood diseases, and also ask him to put it some where else.
I understand where you were coming from, and I don't think it was wrong of you to have been offended by her. But I think the reason she reacted the way she did is that she was uneducated on deafness and didn't know how to react to the situation so she disregarded it to avoid a further argument/conflict or something. I don't think you were being rude at all by asking her if she realized deafness is not an illness the way you did, and I think it is good that you handled the situation the way you did. Good job.
I think it is good that you handled the situation the way you did. Good job.
I am hearing and i'm offended. someone posted that they weren't offended because bookstores keep those books in the health section. the "childhood diseases" section isn't just health. i would have gotten offended when the lady disregaurded being corrected. i understnad the "not in the mood to be educated" but when your wrong, i think you would want to know the truth, i know i do.
when your wrong, i think you would want to know the truth, i know i do.

Unfortunately, from my experience very few people want to be corrected when they're wrong. If more people were like you, the world would be a much easier place for everyone to get along!
Unfortunately, from my experience very few people want to be corrected when they're wrong. If more people were like you, the world would be a much easier place for everyone to get along!

They probably feel the same way about you :ty: (everyone think they are correct and other people are the ones need to be corrected :wink)
I don't think deaf books should be in childhood disease. There are adults who lost their hearing later in life, ya think he would be looking in the childhood diseases section?
You could have taken the book, walked to the front counter, asked for the manager, and explained the situation more calmly about what deafness really is.
Deafness may be a handicap.. but there are those of us who see it as normal.

And I'd be offended more at the woman's attitude rather than where she put the book.
that would highly offend me

That was totally rude, I find books of deafness at certain libraries and other places in either medical section, their own section or just scattered. Deafness is not an illness and definitely not a childhood one. I would have been very offended and would have asked to speak to the manager. That store needs some education on deafness. you did the right thing in gathering your children and leaving. my goodness!! Some people are just plain off the end mean and rude.
I don't think deaf books should be in childhood disease. There are adults who lost their hearing later in life, ya think he would be looking in the childhood diseases section?

I wasn't rude to her. I simply stated that deafness was not an illness. The one book she had wasn't the book I was looking for. I was looking for the book Deaf Heritage which I have recently bought off of half.com. The woman I was speaking with was the owner of the store so she is the one who set the store layout up. It was for this reason I told her that deafness was not an illnessor disease.
That was totally rude, I find books of deafness at certain libraries and other places in either medical section, their own section or just scattered. Deafness is not an illness and definitely not a childhood one. I would have been very offended and would have asked to speak to the manager. That store needs some education on deafness. you did the right thing in gathering your children and leaving. my goodness!! Some people are just plain off the end mean and rude.

I realize that some people are not aware of Deaf Culture and that many times, it is simply ignorance that causes people to do this. My problem with the entire situation was her attitude toward the entire thing when I tried to explain to her that deafness was not a disease. She had no interest in learning something new. It was the inability to realize that this could be offensive to someone and her total disregard.
I realize that some people are not aware of Deaf Culture and that many times, it is simply ignorance that causes people to do this. My problem with the entire situation was her attitude toward the entire thing when I tried to explain to her that deafness was not a disease. She had no interest in learning something new. It was the inability to realize that this could be offensive to someone and her total disregard.

Er...I understand where you are coming from (it is a valid complaint) but this can apply to just about any subject under the sun. People are notorious in acting like this anywhere and anytime. I have learned long time ago to simply *shrug* it off instead of reacting to it. Besides, I like to keep my blood pressure low... ;)
I wasn't rude to her. I simply stated that deafness was not an illness. The one book she had wasn't the book I was looking for. I was looking for the book Deaf Heritage which I have recently bought off of half.com. The woman I was speaking with was the owner of the store so she is the one who set the store layout up. It was for this reason I told her that deafness was not an illnessor disease.

I was talking not about if you were rude or anything like that. I was just saying alot of deaf became deaf in their adult years. they would not look at childhood diseases.
So if a book on deafness is speaking in medical terms, It should be in the medical, diseases, illness section (childhood deafness in medical term should be in childhood disease section) . If it speaking about education, it should be in the education section. If it is speaking about culture, then it should be in the culture section. I just think it is unwise for the book owners or librarians to lump all books on deafness in childhood diseases, because it make it difficult for people to find what they are looking for.
I got a good idea. If anything doesnt work to educate store owners, sales associates, etc., why not boycott the stores. Borders and that independent discount priced store and perhaps B&N got it all wrong! Have you all noticed the pattern here with those stores? They may have reclassified as medical or health section. You see, publishers will classify newly published books and put that into the computer when they scan the UPC that you can see on the back of the books. Then the buyers get that information from the publishers then ship to their stores. For example, motorbooks publishes books on cars and it is classified as transportation. The buyers such as Borders and B&N bookstores, Amazon, etc buy books from the motorbooks Printing Company then when a shopper shops in the store, would check under Transportation, not Automobiles.

So, its possible now publishers are reclassifying books on deafness, sign language books, and cultures to be under health or whatsoever. I know that it is total wrong of them. They all should be under anthropology or ethics or culture section. And/or all sign language books should be under language or reference.

I feel much better shopping online since its cheaper and more available than in stores. You can not find what you want there anymore, not because of number of books, it is all messed up with reclassification.

I even have a book I published but its not in stores. It is about dating. Local bookstores used to have them under "Dating and Marriage" section. Thats good! Whew! All stores sold out my book. I still have copies though.