World Slaughter House

I am against hunting but I think factory farming is MUCH worse. Particularly for pigs as they are so clever and know when the farmer means to kill them. I once went to a pig unit at an agricultural college. I was very shocked when I experienced the condition that the pigs were kept in. They were all covered in sores and this was at an agricultural college that boasted for high pig standards. At the time I was an omnivore. I stopped eating factory farmed meat after that and eventually went pescotarian('vegitarian' who eats fish), and finally vegan.

Here is some more information about pig farming. Please read it.

Pigs once lived wild in Britain and are said to be more intelligent than dogs, even capable of playing special computer games. The great forests and wild woods that once covered most of the land were where they roamed free, eating beech nuts, acorns, all kinds of seeds and nuts, even insects, roots and occasionally carrion. Their snouts and strong necks helped them to grub up buried food and their dislike of temperature extremes encouraged them to seek shade beneath the spreading trees in summer or snuggle in warm nests, made from forest floor litter, when winter cold bit.

Peek into any intensive farm in Britain and you are likely to see diseased, dead and dying animals. Neglect and indifference are commonplace...
They posed no threat yet were hunted to extinction for sport in the 17th century. But descendants of these wild rovers do exist and their reward is to be locked in overcrowded concrete prisons. No freedom, no roaming wild – just a factory farm for 90 per cent of all piglets.

What is life like now? Peek into any intensive farm in Britain and you are likely to see diseased, dead and dying animals. Neglect and indifference are commonplace – broken legs, abscesses, ruptured stomachs, animals coughing with pneumonia, others panting from meningitis, cuts and lacerations from the perforated metal on which they are forced to live. Viva! has filmed in dozens of units, even those supplying huge stores such as Tesco(2), and the story is much the same in most of them(3).

Few of those we have visited provided so much as a strand of straw for comfort and bedding – just filthy wet concrete.

One farm in Yorkshire looked almost derelict, with junk and debris distributed everywhere between an array of grimy, windowless sheds. The stench of ammonia and faeces was overwhelming. Sadly, these sickening conditions are commonplace.

There was no light inside the first shed but a cacophony of noise – a scrambling and clattering of animals in fear. The camera lights revealed baby pigs in barren metal pens and utterly devoid of bedding. The noise was their tiny trotters clattering on the bare metal floors as they tried to get away. But there was no place to go, no place to hide.

Near darkness and barren pens is their home for over a month – about one-fifth of their lives. One pig had a broken leg, others were stunted and suffering from ‘scabby pig’ from which they almost certainly died. Some were lame, others had deformed spines. These little ‘weaners’ would have been taken away from their mothers at just three weeks old so she could be made pregnant again immediately – for maximum productivity. Not even able to properly digest the solid food they are given, they are pumped with drugs to try and control the resulting diarrhoea. Their eight most prominent teeth are usually snapped off with plyers and their tails severed – all without anaesthetic – in an attempt to limit the damage they can do to each other as aggression and boredom inevitably overwhelms them in these cruel and unnatural surroundings.

Each stage of their life is marked by a different array of antibiotics and other drugs as a whole variety of different diseases run through the unit. Yet more drugs are given to make them grow faster and fatter so their deaths are more profitable. This wasn’t some rogue outfit we had chosen to film as all these practices are industry standard. The nationwide outbreak of foot and mouth disease began in just such a filthy farm – described by vets as ‘appalling’. It had been inspected by government vets just weeks before the outbreak! Outside at the Yorkshire farm, in a rusting trailer, was a pile of rotting corpses, discoloured and bloated from days of decay – half submerged in putrid rainwater. In a nearby pen, where larger pigs were nearing slaughter weight, some 200 or so milled around in a space of about 10m by 12m. The food hoppers were empty and the desperate animals squealed and screamed, biting in their desperation to be let out.

The pigs are killed at about five months old for sausages, bacon, pepperoni, ham and pork. The ‘breeding stock’ – the pigs kept to produce the piglets which are killed for meat – usually give birth in a small farrowing crate on a concrete or perforated metal floor. Sows have strong maternal feelings and would naturally spend days building a nest of leaves or straw. In a crate they can’t do this and so lapse into stereotyped behaviour where they repeat the same motions over and over again as they build an imaginery nest in their barren cell. It is a sign of mental collapse.

At a farm in Cornwall, Viva! filmed nursing mothers locked into metal cages little bigger than their body. The bars on the crates stop them from moving – they can barely take a step forward or back and can never turn around. This unnatural imprisonment can cause them to ache all over and produce painful back and leg problems.

The bars also stop them from reaching their babies and frustrate their powerful maternal instinct to comfort, nuzzle, reassure and mother. The babies, however, can reach their mother’s teats, turning her into nothing more than a milk machine. On the Cornish farm, one sow was in an appalling state, bleeding profusely from her vagina, the congealed blood having spread down the gangway. She was covered in flies and outside we discovered the source – a bin half-filled with dead piglets seething with a sea of maggots (Viva! reported this and several other farms to Defra).

On nearly all farms, piglets are removed after three weeks, the sow being made pregnant again after five days so the whole misery-go-round can start again. This again is industry standard.

You can view this disturbing footage on our website: Viva! - Vegetarians International Voice for Animals

Or contact Viva! for Pig in Hell, Piggles and The Mother Cage on video or DVD or for a copy of our Pig in Hell report.
I am against hunting but I think factory farming is MUCH worse. Particularly for pigs as they are so clever and know when the farmer means to kill them. I once went to a pig unit at an agricultural college. I was very shocked when I experienced the condition that the pigs were kept in. They were all covered in sores and this was at an agricultural college that boasted for high pig standards. At the time I was an omnivore. I stopped eating factory farmed meat after that and eventually went pescotarian('vegitarian' who eats fish), and finally vegan.

Here is some more information about pig farming. Please read it.
Thanks for the info.

The pigs are killed at about five months old for sausages, bacon, pepperoni, ham and pork.
I wonder how that fits Leibling's statement that she doesn't eat baby animals.

...Sows have strong maternal feelings and would naturally spend days building a nest of leaves or straw. In a crate they can’t do this and so lapse into stereotyped behaviour where they repeat the same motions over and over again as they build an imaginery nest in their barren cell. It is a sign of mental collapse.
I'm not a farm girl so I haven't seen this pig behavior first hand.

However, I have seen this behavior in my female Lab, so I know it happens. My female Lab, before she ever became pregnant (she had one litter), and prior to her spaying, exhibited this behavior. She had a squeeze toy (ironically, a pig) that she carried in her mouth, every day. She started gaining weight and her breasts swelled. She would come in the house and paw at the carpet like she was arranged bedding. Then she would circle around, lie down, and stretch out. After a while, she would get her "baby" and groom it with her tongue. In other words, she prepared a nest and gave birth to her toy pig. She did this over and over for several days. We took her to the vet, and he said it was a false pregnancy. He gave her a shot of hormones to calm her down.

The nesting instinct in critters is deeply imprinted into them.
Some people save the bones to make soup stock. That is very environmentally friendly, and tasty. :)

Oh yes, you remind me of my mother in law. She used to make soup stock with bones.
I use my Safari to trace this picture so I found it. It's on Pillaband official website . It is a good thing that I use the Apple computer.
I did it the easy way. I just backspaced all the url to the .com extension on the address bar, and up popped the original website. I do that all the time to find sources. :)
My uncle had a very small farm and he usually get animals like cow, sheep, pig and checken on his farm and raised them. Then he will bring them to slaughter hosue which is about 1 miles from his house and go from there.

One time he had a full of meat in the fridge and his darn son in law unplug the fridge and forgot to plug it back later. The meats went bad and my uncle got pissed.

Yea I dont mine the hunter I like to eat deer meat. My boss told me one day the he went out for the first time and shot the deer. He had to drink blood for the first time but after that no more. He did had a good time. He go hunting in the winter time almost everyday.
My uncle had a very small farm and he usually get animals like cow, sheep, pig and checken on his farm and raised them. Then he will bring them to slaughter hosue which is about 1 miles from his house and go from there.

One time he had a full of meat in the fridge and his darn son in law unplug the fridge and forgot to plug it back later. The meats went bad and my uncle got pissed.

Yea I dont mine the hunter I like to eat deer meat. My boss told me one day the he went out for the first time and shot the deer. He had to drink blood for the first time but after that no more. He did had a good time. He go hunting in the winter time almost everyday.

Did you heard or read a story that his father was a hunter and killed his son by accident in the woods? He gave up his hunting hobby and supports animal rights. He never forgives himself what he had done to his son and the friendly animals. He said that in the newspaper.
Did you heard or read a story that his father was a hunter and killed his son by accident in the woods? He gave up his hunting hobby and supports animal rights. He never forgives himself what he had done to his son and the friendly animals. He said that in the newspaper.
That's very sad but accidents do happen.

A friend of mine was 14 years old when he was seriously accidentally injured by another hunter friend. The boy recovered (now he's a man), and he still loves to go hunting. He doesn't blame the other hunter, and he sees no reason to quit hunting.
I am against hunting but I think factory farming is MUCH worse. Particularly for pigs as they are so clever and know when the farmer means to kill them. I once went to a pig unit at an agricultural college. I was very shocked when I experienced the condition that the pigs were kept in. They were all covered in sores and this was at an agricultural college that boasted for high pig standards. At the time I was an omnivore. I stopped eating factory farmed meat after that and eventually went pescotarian('vegitarian' who eats fish), and finally vegan.

Here is some more information about pig farming. Please read it.

Good article! Thank you for the article. I agree, the animals farming factory is much much worst than hunting, but I am still against hunting! My grandpa is a hunter, and he always want me to hunt with him, but I refuse. I only don't mind to use the gun for fun like a target paper, or cans, also I don't mind to have a gun for my own protection, but NOT for kill, even any animals.
Darn, too many does as long as under the law's order. It sucks when not break the laws.

I usually eat more chicken than any meat like cow, bull, lamb, or pig. But I must say that I admitted that buffalo are best meat...yup it cost much than any meat.
At least this link says that the United States established regulations for safer, cleaner, and more humane slaughter houses many years earlier.

Yes, slaughter houses are obligate to clean and take care accord health law in different countries like this.
No, I don't pick on your grammar. I just want the facts to be accurate.
Okay, :ty:

Stunning does NOT kill the animals. The stunning is supposed to just make them insensitive to the pain. They killed after the stunning, and the killing is usually done by blood-letting. That is, they are cut, and bleed to death. They are NOT quickly "zapped" to death.

Look what the surgeons did to us on the operation table. Do you remember what and how they "butchered" your body during deep sleep like "dead"? Do you have pain feeling during time they "butchered" your body? I bet you would not remember how and what they did to you because you are like "dead" as they butchered your body. It's the same thing with animals. They don't know what and how the people butchered on them because they are like "dead". I talked to my co-worker about this yesterday because I know her hubby buy one pig from farmer once a year and let farmer take care of pig for her hubby. (Of course he paid farmer for the foods and care to his pig at farm). She explained me why they need stunned to animal within seconds without painless because they need to get blood out first as animal's heart still beating but they are really "dead" before they butchered a pig. :ugh3: :cold:

If you read the links carefully, you will notice that stunning does NOT guarantee that they won't suffer before death. That's the goal but it's not always successful.

I would agree that it's rare like what the surgeons did to patient on the operation table... rare.

From reading your other link, it seems the USA required stunning about 20 years before Europe did. :dunno:

:confused: I only know that Animal Rights was fixed in Nazi time. :dunno:
I am against hunting but I think factory farming is MUCH worse. Particularly for pigs as they are so clever and know when the farmer means to kill them. I once went to a pig unit at an agricultural college. I was very shocked when I experienced the condition that the pigs were kept in. They were all covered in sores and this was at an agricultural college that boasted for high pig standards. At the time I was an omnivore. I stopped eating factory farmed meat after that and eventually went pescotarian('vegitarian' who eats fish), and finally vegan.

Here is some more information about pig farming. Please read it.

Thank you for provide the article here. It's sick to read those article... :tears:

Well, to my opinion - I think hunting the animal for the fun and sport is much worst than factory farming (do you mean slaughterhouse?). The animals tried to defend themselves against hunter who run after them... I never, never, never forget when I saw on the TV about sport hunter... :tears: Deers and foxes shake their bodies like fear.... and fight to save their alive and run real fast as they can like we run real fast as we can when the bear or lion run after us.

Slaughterhouse is best solution to reduce animal's fear... When they are pick up by transport to slaughterhouse and stay there for a while until they are "dead" unexpect with no see what and how the human did to them...

I remember a story at long time ago, a farm lady who own gooses... She got few gooses in her own small "slaugherhouse" and pick hair out of goose's head front of gooses... and make hole on alive goose's head and let blood out... and tie goose's foot and let blood run out from goose's head... Guess what few gooses shake their bodies and withnessed how farm lady did their belove one... Other neighborhood heard their scream and thought it's their slaughter time for years until one of people want to go farm lady's house for get the milk... and saw how several gooses cries and saw how alive goose... it got them mad and call police and animal service. She got heavy fine penalty and ban liesence. Farm lady was like :pissed: and said that it's old tradition where she was grow up like this... but she know the animal right but she choose to ignore it... it's illegal what she did.:pissed:
I wonder how that fits Leibling's statement that she doesn't eat baby animals.

Accord German law: Name which meats and where meats come from is obligate because the people has the right to know which meats and where the meats come from before they can buy or not. Germans are very picker about meat quality... me, too.

I have seen Splinter piglet or piglet meat (Spanferkel oder Ferkel fleisch) written at butcher shop. I don't buy them but pork meat.
Did you heard or read a story that his father was a hunter and killed his son by accident in the woods? He gave up his hunting hobby and supports animal rights. He never forgives himself what he had done to his son and the friendly animals. He said that in the newspaper.

Very sad story :( I have seen happened like this often that the people quit after those happened.
Thank you for provide the article here. It's sick to read those article... :tears:

Well, to my opinion - I think hunting the animal for the fun and sport is much worst than factory farming (do you mean slaughterhouse?). The animals tried to defend themselves against hunter who run after them... I never, never, never forget when I saw on the TV about sport hunter... :tears: Deers and foxes shake their bodies like fear.... and fight to save their alive and run real fast as they can like we run real fast as we can when the bear or lion run after us.

Slaughterhouse is best solution to reduce animal's fear... When they are pick up by transport to slaughterhouse and stay there for a while until they are "dead" unexpect with no see what and how the human did to them...

I remember a story at long time ago, a farm lady who own gooses... She got few gooses in her own small "slaugherhouse" and pick hair out of goose's head front of gooses... and make hole on alive goose's head and let blood out... and tie goose's foot and let blood run out from goose's head... Guess what few gooses shake their bodies and withnessed how farm lady did their belove one... Other neighborhood heard their scream and thought it's their slaughter time for years until one of people want to go farm lady's house for get the milk... and saw how several gooses cries and saw how alive goose... it got them mad and call police and animal service. She got heavy fine penalty and ban liesence. Farm lady was like :pissed: and said that it's old tradition where she was grow up like this... but she know the animal right but she choose to ignore it... it's illegal what she did.:pissed:

Wow... it broken my heat to read this post... And Dreama's post too...:tears: :tears:
How about canned meat cans? I hate canned meat cans so much.

I rather to buy meats in package (plastic bowl with wrapped) from wall cooler, even uncook and more real for skillet, bake or different methods to cook.