Wood-burning stove

Not that I know of.
$5,000? Wow, sounded like maybe $3000 goes as profit and labor. I paid about $1400 dollars for everything. Interesting that the area is too hot to touch. Im not sure because mine stays cold no matter what. I wouldn't worry because it went though cider block which is fireproof and should not burn.

Oh, really. I wasn't sure if $5,000 is a common for the installations. But, I knew that it was very lot to me personally. You are lucky that you found the right price.

I read some posts that made me think of one question that I need to know. Will wood pellets produce good heating in a regular wood stove?

I have thought about an electricity generator or a small fuel cell generator that would take care of the house system without involving the heavy work from cutting the trees down and collect them for several hours. But, a wood stove is rather nice to keep the house warm for the winter in the old fashion way without paying monthly bills.
Exactly what I mean, yeah interesting. Sometimes I do feel like stove is trying to vibrate when freight train passing by (That is when it back puffs).

Apparently I did solve half of the problem couple months ago by not open two doors at same time. I have two front door that swing wide open. Hmmm thank god I don't have glass window because if whuffing gets bad, it can break the glass and Im stuck with "Oh shit!"

Guess Im going to experiment more.

Oh gee! I learned that now. Thanks!
I could say, about the same :) I have seen wood pellet and it is nice warm and toasty. Still better than fireplace anyway. Also, wood pellet does not require expensive chimney like woodstove requires.

There is pros and cons with both woodstove and wood pellets.

Oh, really. I wasn't sure if $5,000 is a common for the installations. But, I knew that it was very lot to me personally. You are lucky that you found the right price.

I read some posts that made me think of one question that I need to know. Will wood pellets produce good heating in a regular wood stove?

I have thought about an electricity generator or a small fuel cell generator that would take care of the house system without involving the heavy work from cutting the trees down and collect them for several hours. But, a wood stove is rather nice to keep the house warm for the winter in the old fashion way without paying monthly bills.
Probably right cost, I am not sure the stove they bought.

It is not recommended to buy woodstove though Craiglist if not experience with woodstove. I have background which is enough for me to look for right one. I am very picky on which one. I bought one for just $250. "Old Mill".

I have seen some craiglist selling woodstove that I can tell the user has abused it. If it is painted, that is bad, if it shows grey/whittish more than 10% of overall that is a no no because it has overfired too much time, metal gets too brittle and that is not safe. Always check bottom, if there is any crack, forget it.

Oh, really. I wasn't sure if $5,000 is a common for the installations. But, I knew that it was very lot to me personally. You are lucky that you found the right price.

I read some posts that made me think of one question that I need to know. Will wood pellets produce good heating in a regular wood stove?

I have thought about an electricity generator or a small fuel cell generator that would take care of the house system without involving the heavy work from cutting the trees down and collect them for several hours. But, a wood stove is rather nice to keep the house warm for the winter in the old fashion way without paying monthly bills.
Planning on buy this next month. Thanks of this it is better then running the generator since people do die from carbon mixonde.
Carbon monoxide still exists with wood burning, any burning fuels always emits carbon monoxide. This includes natural gas, gasoline, Diesel, kerosene, wood, wood pellets,coal, etc. That is why there is chimney and aflue there. The only heating equipment that does not emit carbon monoxide is electric.

Always install Carbon monoxide detector for safety. When I had my stove whuffing so bad and yes there was smoke around my house. My Carbon monxide detector shows increasing number of Carbon monoxide. Not high enough to trigger alarm.

I love the workouts. :D I feel so strong and healthy! We dont burn gas and not worry about carbon poison.
True to Carbon Monoxide for any kind of heating. And it is smart to install carbon monoxide detector in the house. I have one and I am glad I have one.
Carbon monoxide still exists with wood burning, any burning fuels always emits carbon monoxide. This includes natural gas, gasoline, Diesel, kerosene, wood, wood pellets,coal, etc. That is why there is chimney and aflue there. The only heating equipment that does not emit carbon monoxide is electric.

Always install Carbon monoxide detector for safety. When I had my stove whuffing so bad and yes there was smoke around my house. My Carbon monxide detector shows increasing number of Carbon monoxide. Not high enough to trigger alarm.

I do have carbon monoxide detector.. couple of them. :cool2:
My mom had a small wood stove in her previous house. By small, I mean *small*. My dad found it and rigged it in the kitchen. I thought it was awesome.

I would love to have a wood stove, and if it weren't for living under the thumb of an HOA, I would probably have set one up by now. I also plan, if possible, to get a mechanical clothes washer and get rid of the electric washer and dryer. Clothes will simply be hung up either outside or on the shower curtain rod. We already use soap nuts and have not used commercial detergents for at least two years. Now, when I take a whiff of something washed with Tide or whatever, I think it totally reeks. It does not smell nice.
As far as I know, there is none built in strobe. Mine is pretty much customized built with plenty of relays including some with time delay and whatever. I use Kidde carbon detectors. It is now tied to my doorbell/videophone signal system with seamless alert system meaning it remains invisible until it went off and one will know and say oh awesome! There are distinctive flashing pattern, Deaf will easily recognize them since I am Deaf and know which pattern should apply.

This system I have is very expensive to install and design. I think I spent over $1,000 (Not including Gentex smoke detectors) on it. Even though it is expensive but in long term it will be real cheap to maintain because these carbon monoxide alarm has life expectancy up to 10 years. My Carbon Monoxide by Kidde has 7 years, so when I need to replace it, will cost me only 20 dollars comparing to Deaf Catalong which would force one to replace whole thing at premium cost. The rest should last my lifetime.

Remember, I am certified Electrician and know how to get it work properly with strictly compliance on building codes. I do not believe in cutting corners, it is not worth the risks.

I kinda regret that I have smoke alarm made by Gentex. They don't make carbon monoxide alarm and I am not sure if they finally market them yet. If I knew about Kidde, I would have use their smoke detectors tied together and get rid of stupid strobes. I personally hate strobes with passion, first it is ugly mount! Secondly the strobe itself sometimes startle me easily and I don't like being startle. Good old fashion Thomas Edison's light bulb is great and perfect for me.

What brand do you have a carbon monoxide detector? Does it have a built-in strobe?
When I lived in Northern Calf. I rented a small cabin in the woods and it had a wood stove. I had a roaring fire going and the pipes from the stove broke apart! I ran to the owner cabin and he was home and he put the lid from my iron cast pot over the opening to choke the fire! I would had been horrible if I had gone out side to walk my dog . The guy did not do a very good job in making the stove pipe was installed correctly. We could of had a horrible forest fire as there was no way to call 911 fast enough
This must be scary experience, glad I decided go ahead secure these woodstove pipe with screws. Worth little effort for this.

This is one reason why I don't want any glass window on woodstove, if it cracks and stove pipe broke off. Then it will be disastrous!

When I lived in Northern Calf. I rented a small cabin in the woods and it had a wood stove. I had a roaring fire going and the pipes from the stove broke apart! I ran to the owner cabin and he was home and he put the lid from my iron cast pot over the opening to choke the fire! I would had been horrible if I had gone out side to walk my dog . The guy did not do a very good job in making the stove pipe was installed correctly. We could of had a horrible forest fire as there was no way to call 911 fast enough
...I would love to have a wood stove, and if it weren't for living under the thumb of an HOA, I would probably have set one up by now. I also plan, if possible, to get a mechanical clothes washer and get rid of the electric washer and dryer. Clothes will simply be hung up either outside or on the shower curtain rod. We already use soap nuts and have not used commercial detergents for at least two years. Now, when I take a whiff of something washed with Tide or whatever, I think it totally reeks. It does not smell nice.
If you have a strict HOA, you might want to check on the rules about outdoors clothes lines before you hang out the laundry. If they are so picky that they don't allow wood stoves, they might be picky about clothes lines, too. Our HOA allows wood stoves but not clothes lines.
If you have a strict HOA, you might want to check on the rules about outdoors clothes lines before you hang out the laundry. If they are so picky that they don't allow wood stoves, they might be picky about clothes lines, too. Our HOA allows wood stoves but not clothes lines.

I am very surprised about the HOA's policy. That's good.
I'm watching over my wood stove at my cabin as I type this. I love it so much.

We have tons of felled trees in our woods from the hurricane and tornadoes that came through the Catskills the last year that we will hire someone to help us chop up.

But till then we bought a cord of wood from a neighbor. How can you tell for sure if firewood is seasoned?

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