Cloggy said:
I have allways been amazed about the difference how Jesus treated women and how the christian church treated women.
Indeed, Jesus was no misogynist.
About Mary Magdalene, I think she must've been a smart lady and I imagine that she did serve Jesus' ministry very well. But as far as being His wife, I cannot see that. How could Jesus, knowing that He was to die, leave a widow? It's a scientifically-proven fact that a widow or widower has high odds of passing away from the grief. Knowing those odds, I do not believe for a second that Jesus would take a gamble like that with Mary Magdalene's life. To NOT have a romantic relationship with her shows a much GREATER love.
Endymion said:
I wanted to offer my support. I am sorry you had that unfortunate experience with the fellow you were considering dating. It is, per my feelings, my cultural context, and my understanding of the world, an outrightly inappropriate thing for any person to do when they imply an innate, bestowed masculine superiority over the feminine.
Unfortunately, this trend is rather pervasive in our culture. I'm reminded of a Shirley Chisholm quotation: "The emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says, 'It's a girl.'" Given this prevalence and other factors, I do not believe that feminine subjugation is necessarily a tenet of Christianity itself, but rather, that Christian faith has been manipulated to justify and propagate misogyny.
I applaud you when you strengthen your resolve and declare to us that this kind of outlook on women is something you will not accept. You have my backing!
And perhaps you might like this one tidbit. Those who insist on the subjugation of women have it half right. As the anonymous line goes, "Women belong in the house . . . and the Senate!"
Cheers from a friend!
LOL, nice quote!!!
You are very right about the stereotyping of females. I was even affected by one form when I was VERY little and toy ads only showed girls playing with dolls and kitchen sets and the like. I wanted all of the "adventure toys" like GI Joes and starships and stuff like that but felt like I should not ask because those were boys-only toys. You never saw girls playing with those sorts of toys.
It was only when I got older that I realized, and it made me very sad to become aware of it.
Very recently I saw a commercial where they were making toy Jeeps for kids to drive around, and while they had the obligatory pink, flowery Barbie one, at the end they showed the girl hopping into the brother's car and said something like, "...because sister likes to go on adventures, too!" I almost cried. Beautiful moment. It made me feel just a tad better about the environment my child should grow up in if I have one. Even a son would be positively influenced by that, instead of learning that girls are supposed to be stupid and not adventuresome.
Y said:
The reason why I believe that God do NOT want
the Exact Equality between Men and Women:
Look why did God create Adam FIRST, and then Eve ?
If God want Equality, then He could have created
both Adam and Eve at the SAME Time as Equal.
There's a key part of the Genesis description that you're missing, when you compare with other "creation" descriptions from other religions of that time.
Other creation legends showed the man being made out of one set of materials--and the woman created out of a different,
inferior set of other words, she was being shown to be less than human (as in, man). The Genesis description is VERY strikingly different from that in that the man and the woman are made of the same substance.
Also, I think the reason that Adam was created first was actually so that he could experience what it was like to NOT have a mate, to realize just how incomplete he was without realize that not only did he need a companion, but that he would need to treat her with dignity as an equal partner because they would be dependent on
each other for fulfillment in life. This is the lesson society then went and forgot after the sins disrupted the equilibrium that was supposed to be there.
And that gets to the curse when Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden. I see that not as God's
vengeance but God's
warning about the wrongs and injustices that were going to crop up. Adam started the blame game with Eve and then turned Eve's love against her to control and manipulate her, is what I suspect happened and I actually think God was giving Eve a warning of what was coming.
You know why I think there was this kind of domestic problem (maybe even violence)? Check out Cain's behavior...I've GOT to think he learned that violent example from somewhere!
CyberRed said:
That's YOUR contribute. I just stated my belief as I see it fit. I've seen soo many women beatin' up on husbands/bfs/spouses/lovers. Long ago, it was men beatin' up on women and, now it is women beatin' up on men. Women gettin' bossy nowdays. Women want to get even/equal with men. I don't think God would like to see that. God can see how it affect His Church.
NEITHER should be beating up on the other. That's what I meant with my point about making the right gains the wrong way--I believe women should be equal to men but I do not believe they should
take revenge or
oppress in return. Disturbing the equality of the sexes is equally wrong regardless of whether the man or the woman does it.