Women in Christianity

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Liebling:-))) said:
Respectful disagree!

Man and Woman should be treat equal.

We have female priests or paster here in Germany. We also have female who like to work as fireman, electric, etc. I see nothing wrong with that... I work on furniture restoration as my hobby. It´s supposing be man´s job but I like do that. It´s my hobby.

Yeah, I know -- but, that's my opinion. :)
I am not talkin' about their work such as fireman, electric, etc. I am talkin' about God's House ( church ) -- that's different.

That's okay by me, if you disagree respectfully and, likewise I do respectfully disagree with ya. ;)
CyberRed said:
Well, I don't believe that a " woman " should be a priest or pastor or what ever that is standin' on the stage/pedestal - IMO. A " man " is supposed to be the Head of the family and so forth -- so much the same for Jesus Christ who is the Head of the Church.

Jesus is the GodHead of all Universe and Earth.

Oops... Edit correction made here i realize that
I made duplicate posting
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CyberRed said:
Yeah, I know -- but, that's my opinion. :)
I am not talkin' about their work such as fireman, electric, etc. I am talkin' about God's House ( church ) -- that's different.

That's okay by me, if you disagree respectfully and, likewise I do respectfully disagree with ya. ;)

Yes I know you talk about Church but I see nothing wrong to have woman as priest or pastor like what I said in my last post and give you an example about women´s job.

Yes I know we disagree a lot.

Huh? Y
The reason why I believe that God do NOT want
the Exact Equality between Men and Women:

Look why did God create Adam FIRST, and then Eve ?

If God want Equality, then He could have created
both Adam and Eve at the SAME Time as Equal.
CyberRed said:
Hey - you have to learn to accept everyone's difference. Respect everyone's POV in despite of their difference. You can't expect everyone to bend over to believe in your own way.
NO - we do not have to respect an opinion which holds 1/2 of the population as subjugate to the other, nor do we have to accept it. I may not be able to change your point of view, but I pay taxes and vote in this country just like a man and I expect the laws and practices of this country to protect me equally. You can believe what you want to - but you can't tell me what I can and cannot think, say, or do to insist upon the rights I believe are God given.

There was a time when people used the Bible to justify slavery and discrimination against the poor, the disabled, the person who didn't own land...all sorts of nonsense. Those times are over. So too will be the time when people use the Bible to subjugate women. Jesus' message was one of radical inclusion - not exclusion, not ever, not for any reason.
Liebling:-))) said:
Yes I know you talk about Church but I see nothing wrong to have woman as priest or pastor like what I said in my last post and give you an example about women´s job.

Yes I know we disagree a lot.

Huh? Y

Hiii Liebling....
If you see nothing wrong with woman being a priest/pastor,
then you have the right to stick with your own belief (POV).
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MorriganTait said:
NO - we do not have to respect an opinion which holds 1/2 of the population as subjugate to the other, nor do we have to accept it. I may not be able to change your point of view, but I pay taxes and vote in this country just like a man and I expect the laws and practices of this country to protect me equally. You can believe what you want to - but you can't tell me what I can and cannot think, say, or do to insist upon the rights I believe are God given.
There was a time when people used the Bible to justify slavery and discrimination against the poor, the disabled, the person who didn't own land...all sorts of nonsense. Those times are over. So too will be the time when people use the Bible to subjugate women. Jesus' message was one of radical inclusion - not exclusion, not ever, not for any reason.

That's YOUR contribute. I just stated my belief as I see it fit. I've seen soo many women beatin' up on husbands/bfs/spouses/lovers. Long ago, it was men beatin' up on women and, now it is women beatin' up on men. Women gettin' bossy nowdays. Women want to get even/equal with men. I don't think God would like to see that. God can see how it affect His Church.

Of course, a man should treat a woman like he would treat a fragile vase with care without breakin' it. That's what Jesus taught in His Ancient time. Women shouldn't act like men when bein' in control over things.

There were times I like to see gentlemen to open the door for women with respect - but, there isn't anywhere to be seen like this anymore. What happened to it ? All that respect is gone ! Know why ? Because, women takes over and control things. Always naggin' about things makin' men at bay. Too much complaints.

There aren't many 50, 60, or more years of marriage. Divorce is growin'. Marriage is null, because it don't last long and many of them want to live together without marriages. That's ungodly in the eyes of God nowdays, because of their disobedience.

I don't agree with ya with your POV/opinion.
I wouldn't view about positions, bec all missing point about the issue and taking out of anger and use the phrase in the wrong way. I'm one of them, I have been hit and thrown from my ex wife. And I have met several women has abused the husbands and bfs. I have mentioned what you said, cyber, about men should treat women with respect and shared each other, which been ignored by using one phrase and take it out one part but not using it with rest of the phrase and throw it with anger. That's why I wouldn't discuss any further. But yes, women havea right to voice whatever it is, job issues and right to vote, but todays women are a lot like men in the old days as black does to white as what white did to the balck in the old days. I don't favor one side against the other and I love to see the unity of the communities. It look a lot like a revenge. But it is a painful thing, bec as I'm a man, they look at me like I'm like all other men. But, I keep let the love of God thru Christ flows in and thru my life to other.
CyberRed said:
Women want to get even/equal with men. I don't think God would like to see that.
I do. God wants ALL his children to live as equals. That was Jesus' message.

CyberRed said:
There were times I like to see gentlemen to open the door for women with respect - but, there isn't anywhere to be seen like this anymore. What happened to it ?
Who cares about a freakin' door? I want equal pay and equal status. The door opening is so totally irrelevant.

CyberRed said:
That's ungodly in the eyes of God nowdays, because of their disobedience.

CyberRed said:
I don't agree with ya with your POV/opinion.
It's ok for you to disagree. I feel sad for you as a woman, and I will say all I can to lift you up into the sunlight of the spirit.
hottiedeafboi said:
I wouldn't view about positions, bec all missing point about the issue and taking out of anger and use the phrase in the wrong way. I'm one of them, I have been hit and thrown from my ex wife. And I have met several women has abused the husbands and bfs. I have mentioned what you said, cyber, about men should treat women with respect and shared each other, which been ignored by using one phrase and take it out one part but not using it with rest of the phrase and throw it with anger. That's why I wouldn't discuss any further. But yes, women havea right to voice whatever it is, job issues and right to vote, but todays women are a lot like men in the old days as black does to white as what white did to the balck in the old days. I don't favor one side against the other and I love to see the unity of the communities. It look a lot like a revenge. But it is a painful thing, bec as I'm a man, they look at me like I'm like all other men. But, I keep let the love of God thru Christ flows in and thru my life to other.

Geez, I feel sorry for you because you reminded me
of my deaf brother who is very sweet, kind and generous
He works very hard long hours earn limited money
but he's very generous. He does have Jesus in his heart....
I feel sorry for him because he happen to be with
a wrong type of woman who happens to be
very mean, abusive and controlling freak over him;
very bossy tells him what to do almost all the times.

Because I have many blood brothers and sisters,
I understand your Anger because it looks like
almost all Good Hearted Sweet guys tend to get attracted
by these wrong women especially these
Mean Abusive Bossy women !!
I could NOT understand why.. Yeah, This is NOT Fair.
That's very Frustrating.
Yes its painful, but stays angry, no. Its on the cross. My ex wife isn't really control, her parents is, mostly her mom in daily basis. Its very frustrating and my ex has very serious temper problem and she's from rich family, her prefrence is rich than me, I'm like somewhere in the level of a dog. My girls still loves me so much and my oldest despised her grandparents and aunt that causes marriage devastation. But, alll of this, when I look at how Christ going thru and my sins is upon Him and He forgives me, so the more I look at Him, the more I can forgive others, inspite of their evil. Jesus suffered tremendous more than I do. My daughter is full of bitter against them, but I told her, try your best to forgive, but am proud that you handle it very well. Forgive those who hate you, lied about you or anything done you harm, give it all to Christ.
That's YOUR contribute. I just stated my belief as I see it fit. I've seen soo many women beatin' up on husbands/bfs/spouses/lovers. Long ago, it was men beatin' up on women and, now it is women beatin' up on men. Women gettin' bossy nowdays. Women want to get even/equal with men.

Once again, it's all your warped perception of reality. Women has been abusing men since the beginning of humankind as well. Some men are naturally submissive and women take advantage of them. Men abused women more often and more frequent.

Of course, a man should treat a woman like he would treat a fragile vase with care without breakin' it. That's what Jesus taught in His Ancient time. Women shouldnt act like men when bein' in control over things.

So tomboys are sinful?

There were times I like to see gentlemen to open the door for women with respect - but, there isn't anywhere to be seen like this anymore. What happened to it ? All that respect is gone ! Know why ? Because, women takes over and control things. Always naggin' about things makin' men at bay. Too much complaints.

Once again, you clearly don't know about relationship dynamics.

There aren't many 50, 60, or more years of marriage. Divorce is growin'. Marriage is null, because it don't last long and many of them want to live together without marriages. That's ungodly in the eyes of God nowdays, because of their disobedience.

Funny you complained. Did you know that athiests and agnostics have the lowest rate of divorce WHILE baptists and fundamentalists have the highest rate of divorce? A Christian fundamentalist survery group did a survey on groups with different religions and was shocked to find out that athiests have lowest rate of divorce while fundamentlaists have highest rate of divorce.

Apparently, fundies don't know much about marriage.
Well, baptist is the largest denomination of all, but as divorce goes is numbers of ways not one issues. And there also high rating divorce of athiest also. Each has different experiences and circumstances. Like mine, my ex wifes sister is a pentecostal, she hated the baptist, and not only that she the one split our marriages, which torn my family apart. But I handle it very well thru my prayers and allowing power of forgiveness flow in and thru my life. And I encouraging my daughters to stay strong and not let them influence their lves of destructions, my ex wifes parents isn't a christian, but my ex wife prefer riches then me and still live uner her parents control. Her parents and her sister still filled with bitterness and hatred and finding every way to keep my girls apart from me, its a lot like cinderellaLs step mom and step sisters. Can't point a finger on christians themselves. Even tho many many christians go to church, but not really a listeners and have their time of moment with God. Many can't handle the challenges and trying to do their own ways and also some because the world seems so appetizing and also weak faith easily preyed by so call science proof and human theories and all kinds. There numbers of ways situation occurs. About priest trial here in toledo, law profess admit that science calim the proof and evidence by technologies of murder investigating not always accurate. I thought, wow, I'm glad he oint it that out. Bec its true, there even science claimed the proof is not always accurate. But I learned everyday of life challenges succeed some and failed some. Christ, the solid Rock I stand, all others sinking sand
Well, baptist is the largest denomination of all, but as divorce goes is numbers of ways not one issues. And there also high rating divorce of athiest also.

Once again, you don't know what you're saying. The statistics reveal a simple fact: athiests/agnostics have the lowest rate of divorce of all religious groups, including Mormons, Baptists, Catholics, and Jews. Athiests/Agnostics divorce rate is only 21% while Christian fundies are at 27%. Even more alarming is the more conservative a state is, the higher the divorce rate is.

"Barna's results verified findings of earlier polls: that conservative Protestant Christians, on average, have the highest divorce rate, while mainline Christians have a much lower rate. They found some new information as well: that atheists and agnostics have the lowest divorce rate of all."


Statistics also reveal that the more liberal a Christian is, the less likely s/he will divorce.

And you wonder why you're divorced? No one likes looney fundies. Often, it is people like you that destroy families, not create families. No one deserves to put up with loonies that are obsessed with God and put God above them.
No, I create a family, do you know why my kids love me more, its not bec I go to church every sunday, and its not by rules and legalistic. Important as God taught me as my repsonsible as a father to my children, I ve beem raised other family who is very active church, but very condemnation on children and cutting down on children. I don't do those stuff like that, its not of Christ. Every night my girls and I sat together and have fun bible stories and relate our everyday life, we do a lot of feed backs and share our feelings. I'm not rich myself, but I married to the rich family, and they are very dominant, I will everything if I don't do their way. I chose family than riches. That's how our marriage were destroyed. Rich can do anything they want to do my childrens feeling is not there concern, my oldest can't wait to be graduate to get out of there. Netrox, I have seen how you have horrible remarks on christianity. Not all are the same, you have been doing it out of fun to cutting them down. Even Job lost everything include children and even his wife nagging at him to hate God and blame God. But he stand firm and the end is the 4 times the blessing. Each persons heart are like soil and they are different, some are like travelling soilm some are like rocky soil and some are like thorns and thisles soil and some are fertile soil. Its based on each of their life shows. I know you just dying for me to give up my faith. It isn't you speaking against me, it is Christ you are speaking against. But, I will not hold anything against you. This is my prayer, not timidating prayers, but heart felt prayers, that is forgive them, they don't understand. Jesus, keep me near the cross, there's a precious fountain, free to all the healing stream, flows from calvaryLs mountain, in the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever, till my rapture soul shall find, rest beyond the river.
hottiedeafboi said:
Well, baptist is the largest denomination of all

There are more members of sects you never even heard of then there are Baptists worldwide. It isn't even the most popular denomination in the United States.

Religious Body Number of Adherents
Catholic Church 1,100,000,000
Sunni Islam 1,000,000,000
Eastern Orthodox Church 225,000,000
Jinja Honcho 83,000,000
Anglican Communion 76,000,000
Assemblies of God 50,000,000
Ethiopian Orthodox Church 35,000,000
Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) 27,400,000
Iglesia ni Cristo (based in the Philippines) 27,000,000
Sikhism 23,000,000
Juche (North Korea) 19,000,000
Seventh-day Adventist Church 16,811,519
Southern Baptist Convention 16,000,000
Jehovah's Witnesses 15,597,746
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 12,275,822
United Methodist Church 11,708,887
hottieboi, once again, your postings reveal who you are - a distorted view of what it means to have a real life. It's not just religion per se - it's the whole attitude you show that is not healthy.

I hate religious fundamentalism with passion. I even believe that religious fundamentalists should have no right to vote as they are extremely destructive to our country ideals; they'd rather die for their own God than for the secular Constitution for ALL people. Secular people (christian or nonchristian) are the ones that gave you the right to have religious freedom but you abuse the right in favor of your own warped ideas of how we should live based on your inferior primitive ideas.

I'm not rich myself, but I married to the rich family, and they are very dominant, I will everything if I don't do their way. I chose family than riches. That's how our marriage were destroyed.

I doubt it's their wealth per se that destroyed your marriage. There is obviously something more to it.
I didn't say largest religion, I said largest denomination (protestants), there are arguments about protestants, but I say spearate from the catholic, catholic is larger than protestant, but as in the categories is a largest denominations, not religion
MorriganTait said:

There are more members of sects you never even heard of then there are Baptists worldwide. It isn't even the most popular denomination in the United States.

Religious Body Number of Adherents
Catholic Church 1,100,000,000
Sunni Islam 1,000,000,000
Eastern Orthodox Church 225,000,000
Jinja Honcho 83,000,000
Anglican Communion 76,000,000
Assemblies of God 50,000,000
Ethiopian Orthodox Church 35,000,000
Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) 27,400,000
Iglesia ni Cristo (based in the Philippines) 27,000,000
Sikhism 23,000,000
Juche (North Korea) 19,000,000
Seventh-day Adventist Church 16,811,519
Southern Baptist Convention 16,000,000
Jehovah's Witnesses 15,597,746
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 12,275,822
United Methodist Church 11,708,887
I'm curious; do you have the figures for independent Baptists? I would like to know how many of us there are. :P
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