We have a Allen & Heath ZED 436 audio board
And I don't know what brand of speakers we have. I never really liked them.
Monitors are all in ear Shures.
My duties are specifically running ProPresenter during the service. But I also keep check on the audio board if something peaks. I have did these every Sunday for almost three years, until my recent fall.
As for training, it's all self taught/ on the job.
deafbajagal said:There's nothing more amazing than for a deaf person to say, "I'm deaf and I'm perfect just the way I am." Some people call it denial. Some people will say they don't know what they are missing because they never experience the beautiful sounds out there...the sounds of a child's laughter...a mother's prayer...whispered messages during lovemaking. For many people, the ability to hear is necessary and it is crucial for speech development, language acquisition, social skills, and to gain the loss sounds. I get that, I do.
Every parent needs the room to learn, research, and to make informed choices about his/her own child. And we should support them during that journey. It is NOT an easy journey. There isn't a magic pill or cure to solve everything. The choices they make impact the child's core development in every way. The choices are hard to make because politics (on every level) gets in the way. Our government (US) has failed us, and it is continuing to fail by not providing the appropriate literature, education, services, and support that every single parent needs. Parents make decisions that makes me cringe...sometimes I will go home and cry for the child. But I always do my best to support the parent without criticism, without being judgmental, and without my personal insight. And I always advocate for that child, and I do step in if it is warranted. We all should strive to do the same on the forum. Support the parents, especially if they do not agree with your views.
I am deaf. It took me a long time to say it...to believe it. My own father still denies it. And I am proud to be deaf. I do not need sounds to fill my life. I see the laughter from my daughters...I sense the prayers from my mother...and I feel the heartbeat from my lover. I do "hear" but in a different way.
If a person chooses to get an implant or to implant their child, all I ask...do it for the right reasons. And respect the fact that for those of us who chooses not to do it, we are fully content with what we have. For me, all the years of trying to be hearing-like was debilitating and it was eating away my soul. I now have come to a complete circle, and I am finally at peace. It's only natural I want the same for others.
The Deaf people don't have "black eyes"??? The Deaf people weren't "punched in the solar plexus"???? The Deaf people never were expermented on??? The Deaf people were always treated with respect???? The Deaf people always have their say in the Deaf Education????
I still disagree that ASL isn't as easy to use in a group setting. You have to wait your turn and look at everyone, instead if you can hear you can be focused on one person talking while someone else chimes in and decide who you want to listen to.
I will say that basic signs are used in the music industry as most settings the Front of House board is quite far from the stage, in addition to having the loud music.
Not trying to be smart, but I do have experience. I've been doing it since I was 15. Started at my church and ended up with concerts. You should know that some churches actually use higher end equipment. Never did I say that I know how the pros do it or that we use really high end stuff, just that I have more experience that one would think.
The reason I intentionally stopped apologizing was because you all seemed to find it offensive for me to say sorry you can't hear. I still really do feel sorry that you can't hear. It's a wonderful world.
Funny upon doing a google search I found this..
"A social skill is any skill facilitating interaction and communication with others. Social rules and relations are created, communicated, and changed in verbal and nonverbal ways. The process of learning such skills is called socialization. The rationale for this type of an approach to treatment is that people meet a variety of social problems and can reduce the stress and punishment from the encounter as well as increase their reinforcement by having the correct skills."
As for your age.
"Uh, you might want to google the age range for puberty.
And there are too many variables you are not considering in your guesses of my age. But that's okay. You don't have the life experience to consider all that could play into it yet. I love watching a kid trying to put together a puzzle without all the pieces."
You said I wasn't considering enough variables. I said assuming your not a slut.. Never did i say you were a slut. Regardless my point was that you were arguing with someone much younger than yourself.
I believe he asked if you had adopted.
We have a Allen & Heath ZED 436 audio board
And I don't know what brand of speakers we have. I never really liked them.
Monitors are all in ear Shures.
My duties are specifically running ProPresenter during the service. But I also keep check on the audio board if something peaks. I have did these every Sunday for almost three years, until my recent fall.
As for training, it's all self taught/ on the job.
EDIT: Personally i'm fine with JBL's though. Even if they are sometimes referred to as Junky But Loud..
No - actually he asked if she miscarried - which ANY adult knows is something that is not only RUDE it's just something that you NEVER EVER ASK.
Well in the middle of a heated argument, I didn't feel that normal rules applied.
So, you think it's a right of passage and you and the hearing people you select to represent you will now do to those new to the Deaf community what was done to you?
I don't know which is stranger, Jillio taunting the kid to google the age of puberty to determine her age and to factor in other variables, or his willingness to follow her direction. Might tell you something about both of them.
Buffalo said:So, you think it's a right of passage and you and the hearing people you select to represent you will now do to those new to the Deaf community what was done to you?
Are you saying that the Deaf people don't have the right of passage? Why would I want a hearing person to represent me??? I don't need a hearing person guiding me around like if I am dumb. I can represent myself very well, thank you very much.
Wirelessly posted
i agree. He got mad and said a lot of stuff.
pfh, do you endorse everything that jillio says?
his posts came from fear and hurt feelings, hers are from self important smugness and general hatemongering.
I'm seriously confused now ... you run ProPresenter ?(aka "church powerpoint") I thought you said you were involved in audio?
If you you're getting peaks on the board (aka the PK light is triggering) the board is set wrong. While you DO want to have decent levels - levels that are too hot aren't good either. If it's set high enough that a channel is clipping (or triggering the PK light - which on that board is triggered 5db before clipping occurs) that's a sign that someone needs to run a good soundcheck. The best way to do that is have the band/whoever play "normal", then play the loudest section of music they have that day (set for that), then have them play that section "with guts" and see what the db difference is and make sure that it doesn't clip at that volume. It's a very common issue in Churches and other multiuse spaces that "someone" comes in an sets the board - then they leave it that way for everything (which works about as well as a "one size fits all t-shirt").
If you're running Sonar LE with the board, you (someone) might want to look at that set up as well (not sure what limiter and compressor comes with LE ... I use ProTools primarily - in fact I go back so far that I was using Digidesign's Sound Designer II for a number of years!)
Couldn't stay away for long, could you?I see what you did there.
Jillio - I'm gonna send you a PM... You might get a kick out of it.![]()