Will I qualify for Social Security Disability benefits ? Hearing loss on both ears 90

I am having Hearing loss on both ears 90 dbHL. 2 years ago I was diagnoised with around 55 to 60 dbhlhearing loss. Few months back, when I went to doctor I was told that I am having 90 dbHL hearing loss on both ears. I was working in Investement bank and my position was eliminated during June2012 layoff. Its becoming extremly difficult to get job with this kind of hearing loss.

I am US Citizen and working from past 10 years. My age is 39. Am I eligible for any kind of benfits. I think I have 40 work credits.
I've worked 9 out of last 10 years.

I am unemployed since June 2012. I used to make 160 K year till June 2012.

I got job offer for 70 k in July 2013.

It seems my hearing loss is becoming hurdle in getting job due to loss of effective communication which is MUST in Information Technology.

Pure tone audiometry demonstrated a moderately severe to severe sensorineural hearing loss (90 dbhl, bilaterally. Speech reception thresholds (SRTs) were established at 65 dBHL, right, and at 60 dBHL, left.

Am I eligible. If so can you please let me the the process.


You do very well getting speech at 60db and 65db if your hearing loss says the quietest sound you can hear is 90db. Very confusing!
I want to something to say about 70K is good enough but I understand the lifestyle is changing everything and your wife. I am truly sorry that your wife put the money in marriage and not you...

Listen, I want to say something more, being disability what can not hear the sounds are no big deal. They will be amazing that you are using the eyes more often. Be thankful that we have VRS into the Deaf Community. The VRS made the different for us. Again, if you are well with using speech skills, they have equipment for that device to use. Find that discrimination base that your hearing loss is not enough being parent. Look out there, we have deaf couple or parent who have children. I have children and myself deaf. I do not understand why our wife is doing that but increase her life style. I bet you that she use for herself because that what she left you for because of money. So use that and base on that so on.

Again, you just simple can't hear and you can do well on everything, nothing can stop you. I hope we can hear your name some day! :D
Ouch...it's not easy trying to pay off loans that were taken out when you were making like $250k and trying to pay it off with a $70k salary. That is what a lot of people who don't earn as much money as some people & complain that the well compenstated are not helping them out actually realize about people.

Simply put: When you take out a loan or anything to purchase a car or house, I'm sure your income at the time played a factor in how much loan you got and the interest rate. Then when you take a huge hit in your salary, your credit takes the hit, and employers are looking for people with good credit especially when it comes to handling money.
Thanks Nash79.

Joined job which is 6 month initial contract (extendable ) -- which pays me around 70k/year.

NJ is pretty expensive and 3 hours commute from my apt to work.

Thanks for all your kind help and suggestions.
I never, never liked SSDI but only one option that I have right now.

My medical condition has mostly prevent from workable.

Hi, I'm Skypony from Raban Gap, Ga. I didn't think someone who is deaf would be able to get SSI and SSDI. Is that possible? I've been to a deaf school, MSD and I know that a school like that is very expensive. How do
deaf people adapt to that situation. I've some hearing loss but the number is very low. 0.001 percent hearing loss. I've lost the hearing when I worked in factories in Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia.

Now, I live on SSI and SSDI and doing quite well. I live in the beautiful mountains in Rabun Gap, GA. BTW, How are you doing? I hope you are doing well. Thanks for sharing and reading.:wave::ty:
You can buy DI from an union, your state (if you are a state employee), your employer if available or maybe insurance companies but you have paid SS taxes so you will be eligible for SSDI when you become disabled (unable to work). DI and SSDI are the same so you don't need two. What's more, DI pays only if you are disabled, not for other reason like lay-off, etc.

What is DI? I get SSDI and SSI for my disability. How are they the same?
What is DI? I get SSDI and SSI for my disability. How are they the same?
SSDI is for people who are required to pay SS taxes.

DI (Disability Insurance) is for people who pay for it through their union, employer, state (it's called SDI, State Disability Insurance for state employees only, maybe city or county employees as well) or possibly an insurance company. It's optional.

For example, if you don't have SS taxes on your payroll, that means you can't receive SSDI when you become disabled. So you have to buy a DI if you want to be covered for your disability in the future.

DI covers you when you become disabled.

SSDI covers you when you become disabled.

Therefore they are the same. However DI depends on how much you pay for it per month and your choice, short-term or long-term. SSDI depends on how long you pay for it (currently we pay 6.2% of the gross pay).
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Vas, here is what you need to do regarding your kids.

Make an appointment ASAP with the Dept of Human services. They help with programs dealing with disabilities. They can set you up with counseling (which you need), they can set you up to learn new ways to communicate successfully on the job and they do advocacy. Deafness is not a valid reason to not have care of your children. By going to this place and participating in these programs, not only are you helping yourself but you're showing the court that you're learning how to manage life with a new disability, which negates your wife's argument. Plus, they can help you learn your rights as a person with a disability.

Department of Human Services | Division of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Home
Mine went from severe to profound. I contracted CMV (cytomegalovirus) at birth and I went profound because of that; I nearly went blind and retarded. As I got older, I developed a secondary disorder known as tinnitus which renders my hearing aids ineffective. Egh.

I was on SSDI and got a job. They cut me off, okay, and now I got downsized. I earned 20 credits and have extensive medical history related to my Deafness, tinnitus, and PTSD (long story on that one). And I will also get DAC (survivor's benefits since my mother died from cancer and I am the sole survivor). I never worked in a hearing world before, but I did worked in a Deaf environment.

Try this...I had 2 years ago sudden hearing loss in both ears. Hearings aids will not help only hurt as they only intensify background noise. Speech is not heard. Still worked but my duties were limited and didn't think I needed I made a decent living not rich not poor. Good enough for me and my daughters. Well 2 months ago I was trying to get into my condo that I've lived in for 6 yrs. Everyday same routine. Same people. Well the door handle broke I was dressed in usual dress shirt slacks tie. Tried to break the handle off to turn but couldn't. My phone was inside so I went to walk to call from pay phone and wait for my daughter to bring help. As I'm walking I am tackled by police and hit because someone said I was breaking and entering. I didn't answer the verbal commands as my back was already turned. Resulting in A fractured wrist with a permanent plate inside and Dr. Said file for SSDI. I do that and now have lost my job as they can't hold my position open until I recover. Now, do I apply for SSI also? Does my daughter get benefits because now I have medical expenses my Insurance is ending and my income gone, will have to use retirement money to live. Never thought I'd have to do this. Any suggestions appreciated.
Try this...I had 2 years ago sudden hearing loss in both ears. Hearings aids will not help only hurt as they only intensify background noise. Speech is not heard. Still worked but my duties were limited and didn't think I needed I made a decent living not rich not poor. Good enough for me and my daughters. Well 2 months ago I was trying to get into my condo that I've lived in for 6 yrs. Everyday same routine. Same people. Well the door handle broke I was dressed in usual dress shirt slacks tie. Tried to break the handle off to turn but couldn't. My phone was inside so I went to walk to call from pay phone and wait for my daughter to bring help. As I'm walking I am tackled by police and hit because someone said I was breaking and entering. I didn't answer the verbal commands as my back was already turned. Resulting in A fractured wrist with a permanent plate inside and Dr. Said file for SSDI. I do that and now have lost my job as they can't hold my position open until I recover. Now, do I apply for SSI also? Does my daughter get benefits because now I have medical expenses my Insurance is ending and my income gone, will have to use retirement money to live. Never thought I'd have to do this. Any suggestions appreciated.
If you are currently on SSDI (not SSI), your (hearing?) daughter may get child benefits through your SSDI until the age of 18.

As for getting both SSI and SSDI for yourself, Google is your best friend.

Let me google that for you

One of the links from google search;

Thanks for your response!!
Thanks for your google-ing that for me...much appreciated friend..
I have SSI and SSDA (no, not SSDI-- completely different). This is for people who are disabled, and cannot work. I have it because the government declared me Deaf, and I've been getting it for a while now. People can apply, but be warned-- the process is a long one-- between 4-6 months to make a final determination. I must tell you-- getting these benefits is not easy to do.
I have SSI and SSDA (no, not SSDI-- completely different). This is for people who are disabled, and cannot work. I have it because the government declared me Deaf, and I've been getting it for a while now. People can apply, but be warned-- the process is a long one-- between 4-6 months to make a final determination. I must tell you-- getting these benefits is not easy to do.
SSA which stands for Social Security Administration has only two programs for disabled people - SSI which stands for Supplement Security Income and SSDI which stands for Social Security Disability Insurance.

Social Security - The Red Book - Our Disability Programs

What does SSDA stand for?
It's for Disability. I forgot exactly what, but it comes from the Social Security Administration. There's SSI, SSDI, and SSDA. The first two are easier to get, the last one is not, and I think it's related to work, maybe? It's been a while.
It's for Disability. I forgot exactly what, but it comes from the Social Security Administration. There's SSI, SSDI, and SSDA. The first two are easier to get, the last one is not, and I think it's related to work, maybe? It's been a while.

That can't be right. Paul is right, they have basically two kinds. SSI and SSDI. Others may Child’s Disability Benefits, Disabled Widow/Widower Benefits and
Disabled Adult Child Benefits.

I googled for 10 minutes and could not find ANYTHING related to SSDA regarding social security.
Trust me-- there is. I don't have SSDI, because I already have SSI. Hold on-- let me check something from my bank account to see exactly what it says.

Update: My bank account statements says "SSA". It shows SSI and SSA. There youy have it.
Trust me-- there is. I don't have SSDI, because I already have SSI. Hold on-- let me check something from my bank account to see exactly what it says.

Update: My bank account statements says "SSA". It shows SSI and SSA. There youy have it.
Have you worked for at least 10 years and stopped working due to disability?