I am having Hearing loss on both ears 90 dbHL. 2 years ago I was diagnoised with around 55 to 60 dbhlhearing loss. Few months back, when I went to doctor I was told that I am having 90 dbHL hearing loss on both ears. I was working in Investement bank and my position was eliminated during June2012 layoff. Its becoming extremly difficult to get job with this kind of hearing loss.
I am US Citizen and working from past 10 years. My age is 39. Am I eligible for any kind of benfits. I think I have 40 work credits.
I've worked 9 out of last 10 years.
I am unemployed since June 2012. I used to make 160 K year till June 2012.
I got job offer for 70 k in July 2013.
It seems my hearing loss is becoming hurdle in getting job due to loss of effective communication which is MUST in Information Technology.
Pure tone audiometry demonstrated a moderately severe to severe sensorineural hearing loss (90 dbhl, bilaterally. Speech reception thresholds (SRTs) were established at 65 dBHL, right, and at 60 dBHL, left.
Am I eligible. If so can you please let me the the process.