

New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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What's your opinion about wicca? Are they good or bad? Discuss it! :ty:
is it part of witchcrafts or Religion?

I do not know what to say about that topic...but, it just some people who believes in it always seem to make some kind of threathed like they have some kind of innate power that can use against you...

I have watched the movie "witchcraft" about the high school girls and things went bad between them and One of the Girl used her power to hurt people. That is the thing I do not like to see.

I remember when My Sisters and I were Younger we used to do that long time ago just for the fun of it and things got scary because while we were holding hands we had to say something and then all sudden the leaf we had in the circle moved alittle and then we were like who did that? and then the garage door went open by itself so we all ran out screaming. I do not know what really was going on at that time but, I would never do that again.
I rather not to say if it's good or bad, cause I don't believe in Wicca....
I believe in Wicca and Shamanism -- I used to practise white magick for a while, but have ceased using it. :D
It depends on how it's used. The same goes for other religions. Sometimes, a religion will be viewed as very harsh cuz the people who practice that religion use it the wrong way. Wicca is one of them. Some people practice Wicca for good reasons while others for bad. I think it's nice if it's used for good reasons.
Alot of teenager kids are Wiccan as Gothic. They did not like to get some suntan. They love the pale face, wear black fingernails, black lipstick, black eye shadow, and black long gloves at the school. The princple forbbien to have the students wear like that style. It is bad idea influence another students. heavy metal jewlery, leather long boots, etc.. anti-regilious !

They hate the policians and churches !! They fascinated in skelton, vampires, bloody, musicians (Marilyn Manson, KISS, Alice Cooper and all.) It was infludence to the teenager kids.

The group that he hangs out with, feel the same way so he stays in that style thinking they all have something in common. Alot of these people don't open up about themselves. He needs people to accept him for who he is, so in order to do that, is for you and your friends to be friendly with him. So when he sees how good friends you are to him, he may have a change of heart and look into having more friends like you. Be a great friend to him, listen to him but don't preach yet until he knows you fully otherwise he will reject from you.

My son's perpective: He wrote this when he was 14 years old.

Why because I believe that in the end we should all be able to be called what we want by choice not by birth I am a Goth i do listen to Marilyn Manson misfits Korn slipknot nine inch nails and I am hearing I do not want to be judged by what I look like but how I feel you do not just "join" gothic culture you must be born gothic, all my life my favorite color was black ever since kindergarten I’ve always been the shock of the school since preschool and cliché scapegoat.

I started being gothic in the middle semester of 7nth grade the way I see it should be accepted like blacks Jewish, Asians, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, ect… I have no problem with anyone’s race creed sex sexual orientation ect… as I always say "whatever floats your boat" I know Marilyn Manson has been labeled evil by churches but soon things like that will be mainstream but now shock rock like the Beatles rolling stones oozy Osborne Alice cooper Elvis Presley kiss ect. I believe Christians should be the first to accept the new and the freaky lets take a role model of today no matter what thou believe in for religion lets face it America is a Christian I believe that Jesus Christ is the first shock persona of all time he is completely mainstream now in religion we technically live under certain Christian laws as for me. I am an atheist though I do believe there are helpful messages in the bible and everyone should follow Ten Commandments and the best thing to live by is the quote of Jesus "to thy own self e true".

I have hidden myself of being gothic and an atheist for many years first the atheism I have done dark art since I was 7 never ever noticed it until I found an old book of mine and in every old drawing I made they had black lipstick and eye shadow and they always wore black and i looked to my "characters" as good guys and they helped pull my childhood together as a kid and no matter what since today it has been difficult for people to accept the concept people are starting to accept gay communities more and more and all of a sudden they get slapped in the face with this new groups of Goths and youth is gaining more knowledge and power and people fear that they fear change but people should not only accept it , they should love t they should be able to talk to a gothic person go right up to them in the mall and ask them what time it is or how you doing and families should be able to embrace each other whether or not they are wearing make up if we all hated everyone for what the look like then its wrong if people aren’t allowed to wear black and place makeup then why are people along tummy tucks face lifts (eat your heart out Michael Jackson) breast implants ect to me that’s what’s wrong now what I got to say is so what if you think, I am a freak nothing is going to change my attitude of being a Goth except for myself if anyone ever try to stop that for its ways of creativity then not only are they wrong but they are sick freaks who should be locked up and beaten that’s my belief and for one i put it down it just makes me totally angry.

~ Jason

Now, he is senior year this fall. He wants to be a Philosophy in doctorate degree.

Our debate would NEVER resolve. He is very stronger in philosophy. I have to accept for who he is. As long as he is a good student at High School. Many teachers fascinated in his perspective against religious and policies.
a lady asked my son:

So you are part of the gothic society. No matter what I accept anybody for who they are including you. I don't have a problem with what you decided to be. However I do have questions...
I never got to meet a person that is gothics or believes in gothics ( however you use that word in a sentence) but I have seen them many times and I am curious. I did have a friend that was a devil worshipper. Are they similar?

Why do you all wear black all the time?
Why do they look the way they look?
Why Marlyn Mason? I have heard that his music brainwashes youth.
You said you are deaf, are you? Nothing to do with this subject...it
just came in my mind.

Tell me more about them...I would like to learn about you guys. The way I see them Jason (did I spell it right?), I see them so miserable. Alot of them have their heads down. Are alot of them sad? Lost? I am just curious. And when your mom emailed here and asking what should she do and why are gothics the way they are, I thought she wanted to help so I gave her suggestions on what to do. As so did pastor Archman. On some parts I meant what I said, which is to be there friend. On some parts I may be wrong because now I see that you are a gothic and you don't sound depressed. Why didn't she mention you? You sound like a nice boy.

I am just curious. If my last post hurt your feelings (I don't think I wrote anything that could be harsh to your feelings)or so...I apologize.

Jason replied.

I am going to say religion doesn’t matter when you’re a Goth you can be Christian Jewish atheist Buddhist they don’t care if you praise cheese! As for Marilyn Manson those rumors were posted from the Christian American family association you see people fear new ideas like oozy osboue he was blamed for children’s suicides ect. Alice copper kiss it has all happened if you are Christian you should stand by new ideas lets take another example, Jesus as live said before he is one of the first that has shocked many people the Romans feared him and they nailed him to a cross and so he bled to death (physicality if you’re a Christian you may believe his spirit lived in so I am not stomping on nothing) I am hearing by the way. I just type fast (the need a spell check) had I been in a chat line id have been more cautious I don’t believe that Marilyn Manson is a worshiper of Satan or a brain washer of children it cannot be possible behind al the dark stage acts there is meaning in the music meaning only the fans have bothered to look for
there’s a new band called slipknot they sound 10 times as offensive as Marilyn Manson and they don’t seem to brain wash me I can still think for yourself how can you tell I make my own art not based on Manson. I write my own poems, I don’t wear as many varieties of makeup as Marilyn Manson and unlike mason when he got his lower lip pierced id rather get my eyebrow done (lower lip pierced in the portrait of an American family could before he was what he is today before he even wore makeup and he once wore the same color contacts) frankly the rumors you hear don’t mean crap people hate what they don’t understand that’s my theory unlike masons theory of they hate because the reaching out cd called "anti Christ superstar" which he wrote mainly to piss off people (worked a lil too much)
just because he has a song where he says "god is in the tv" that means to him Christianity is commercial (i in some ways agree). the only reason why society fears Goths is because they don’t see what we have contributed to society if a culture doesn’t contribute they’re pathetic
I can make a list of some gothic people who are famous keanu reeves ,Edgar Allen Poe, Marilyn Manson (more Goth shock),slipknot ect….. lets face it were everywhere ok well ill see you later if we of you all got me more questions feel free to ask unlike most gothic. I am not too big on hating questions (they get asked a lot I however try to work on people skills despite most peoples hatred towards me).

Why do we wear black its an interesting question let me ask you something why do Scottish people wear kilts why do women wear dresses why do Japanese people have those hats that are shaped like symbols (or at least in mortal kombat invented by Japanese maybe just the farmers me way) why I don’t know a sense of individuality it in a way just makes me feel more comfortable if I were "normal" clothing id feel like I am naked or something it wouldn’t feel right its our own way we don’t really have to wear black we just like the color plus it makes us look thinner (eat your heart out models) and as for other things such as depression not many so I am not quite sure that all are depressed maybe some but if they became a Goth for that than they aren’t one for the right reasons in other words being a poser it can mean signs of depression but a depressed person wouldn’t wear that kind of makeup or wear such outrageous hair styles my opinion new ways I cant speak for the population so to speak well I am out here.

From my perspective, I do meet alot of teenager kids since my son was 14 years old. Gothics are different then what I thought. Seems like not all gothics are that bad.

From Jason's girlfriend's point of view:

Goths seem to be "devil-worshippers." I hope you do not still believe that. Most people who follow the gothic style do so for the attention.. and it has nothing to do with religion.

I say this because I was a Goth for a short period in high school. I chose to paint my nails black, wear black lipstick, and grace my face with patterns drawn with liquid eyeliner. My outfit of choice included fishnet pantyhose, a floorlength skirt, and either a velvet bustier or a Victorian-style long-sleeved shirt. Yes, I attracted a lot of attention, and it was exactly what I wanted. I wanted to be noticed. I wanted to be unique. As long as I am a good student with High Honor Roll. Why should I worry about other people think, for who I am.

I do write poetry, which is sometimes "dark." A gothic poem I wrote was published and applauded in my school newspaper.

I do dress gothic although sometimes I do get into the mood and get the fishnet pantyhose and black bustier out. I still am a person who likes to be noticed, so I have body art. (Body piercings and tattoos.)

Just wanted to share this with all of you.
Discipline for Teenagers

Teenagers are stretching toward adulthood and need to feel that adults are not talking down to them. They equally need to know that parents are firmly guiding them even as they protest about too much adult control. Staying in an alliance with them, hearing them out, and building in plenty of talk time for them are much more difficult requirements during these most challenging and interesting years. They are also watching parents more carefully than ever. If you model a happy, disciplined lifestyle, it serves as an important guide.

Try to avoid battles in which you can't control the outcomes, but stay firm on your most important issues. Timing your teenagers out is no longer effective, but you may indeed wish to avoid being "sucked into" battle by assertively timing yourself out in your own room (with locked door) when you've already concluded your discussion and they haven't. Don't tell them you're desperate. Simply explain that you have other activities to attend to that require the quiet and concentration of your room.

Most important, if there is more than one parent or adult involved, stay united. Otherwise, teenagers who don't like to accept no may find another adult to side with them, and that will only force you to feel like an "ogre." While indeed you may sense that they are manipulating the adults who love them, for them it only feels as though one adult understands them and another adult doesn't. Parents should stay united, be positive (if possible) and set reasonable limits together. Compromise between parents is much more effective than one adult becoming the mediator and leading the teenager to find an easy way out of responsibility.

Consequences for teenagers' inappropriate behaviors can be loss of the car, an allowance or a brief (one-time or weekend) grounding. Grounding for weeks or months is not likely to be within your control and is completely ineffective. Teenagers dig in their heels in anger, and your chances for a positive alliance disappear. Try to remember when you were a teenager to help guide you through an increasingly difficult adolescence. Underneath the negative and angry facade of an adolescent is a nice kid who needs and loves you.

I say to my son, go clean your room, go clean your room (constantly repeatedly requesting him to do it), it just goes from one of his ear and out from another. Instead, I say: Yuck! Your room looks MESSY! Looks like big job to do! Guess what my son freaked out ~ and cleaned his room. It doesnt have to be exact words but there are many ways to say things without pressing them down (as in nagging). Moreover, always say it in nice (NO YELLING) but yet FIRM. Believe me, it worked for me. Just let your son know that you wanted to be his "FRIEND" besides being his "SON" and you will be in for a surprise, please make time just to sit down two of you, just to chat (NOT as in Mom & Son) but as friends, just listen & talk, that is all there to it. But keep me informed though how you are doing ok? Most important, you must have time for yourself, take a break, go out, even if it's just walk around the block, you need a breather away from craziness.

It is not worth for all of the parents to battle with their teenager kids what they want to wear clothes, make-up, dye hair, etc.. Important, they obey your rules under your roof and make a good grades in their academic and good attendance at school. They will out grow to become lost interesting in clothes and hair style. Now, Jason dislike the music Marlyin Manson.

One thing I've learned is that my son is going through a phase of development that includes the testing of limits. While it's unfornnate that my son is not faithful with God he will come around in time. IMO it's better for him to realize God's role on his own than to go to a church as a matter of conforming.

It's a good deal that you let him do what he wants. Teens need that freedom. But at the same time they want to know that you care.

I always give him hugs and kisses everyday no matter what we have been go through during his stage. Hope, his style is just phase during teenager age.

My friend from England who wrote a note to me:

Hi Sabrina,
Well, I can only say, I believe it to be a phase that your son is going through. Whether it be seeking attention, making a point, impressing others etc, etc, I am SURE it will stop.

One day, I woke up and decided I was NOT going to listen to teachers in my school anymore. It started gradually with me, then I went the FULL way! I had dyed black hair, (severely backcombed)with green and red streaks in it. Black nails, lips, eyes, and a white face. My clothes HAD to be black, long and gloves were a MUST! Dr. Martens were vital for my image. I guess I looked a right state! (which was intentional).

I lasted about 1 year and then I went into Heavy Metal and that lasted about 6 months!

I must have given my parents HELL! I wasn't an easy person to live with and I made my family miserable. People would cross the other side of the street rather than pass me - I looked frightening!

It suddenly dawned on me....."Get your act sorted!" I pulled out a pair of jeans, t-shirt and trainers (sneakers) and went downstairs to talk to my mother. She looked at me and tears filled her eyes. I was greeted by the words "Oh honey, you're back!" and she threw her arms around me! It was THEN I knew I had done the right thing!

Looking back on reflection, I think I was attention seeking. I have a brother who is 10½ years younger than me. So as I was entering my teens, attention was being given to him. I guess it might have been jealousy - I really don't know!

So, that was my reason. I am sure there is a reason for your sons change too! All I know is my parents DIDN'T love me any less. They still treated me with respect for who I was and NEVER pushed me aside. Sabrina, all will come good from this - I promise!

Thanks for reading.

No, I don't believe in Wicca religion. Wiccans worship the creation (nature) instead of the Creator (God).
Additional Info

I just tell you my honest answer...ok I have been studying in cults, world religions, and their perespective during I was at college..it was part of my bachelor degree requirement....Wicca is much of gothic style...it do have some closely connect to druid, withcraft, and occult. Even I met some people who are in them, denied...they keep telling me I am not into Satanism thing...Wicca isnt Satanism...

My believe and understanding wicca is something people who wanted to fulfill their seeking something above than commiting into something religion this have too much duty and typical ritual.

Wicca is more of "dark presence of ritual" in additional to interesting study...many devil worshipper used star logo becuz it symbolizes the goat with long horn...so wicca carry same logo, it is something to ponder of. Even Wicca denied this they are evil people and harm other...they quoted to lead normal living like us...but their belief of spirituality within is different from what they believed in.

Let me get something from my study...check it out:

"Wicca is a religion based, in part, on ancient, northern European Pagan beliefs in a fertility Goddess and her consort, a horned God. Although the religion is a modern creation, some of its sources pre-date the Christian era by many centuries. Most Wiccans do not believe that their religion is a direct, continuous descendent of this earlier religion. They see it as a modern reconstruction"

For more details u shuld check it out:

I personally dont support wicca...they are bad omens to my spiritual walking in God...I am proudly born again christian..I dont care if people dissing my believe...I stick my nose to God (smile) :)
All I can say there are Good and Evil period!!! You cannot be lukewarm...what I mean is being in middle of fence...not sure to choose path...Based on my study on cults and world religions there are millions of cults keep creating new and new seeking to fulfill their desire to seek something above...people created tooo many gods because they dont know where to choose...so they can creat their own gods to fulfill their desire simply answer....evil one is around to seek and wretch people's soul...even people denied this wicca is satanism...in fact wicca is dark presence...evil one himself is darkness too..so what the point...I am not looking for big debate...I agree with Sabrina...the debate will NEVER resolve because people are LOOKING FOR EASY WAY PERIOD!!!!!!! Mark my word!!!
I have watched the movie "witchcraft" about the high school girls and things went bad between them and One of the Girl used her power to hurt people
You mean the Craft? I LOVE that movie...it's one of my favs! [/QUOTE]Wiccans worship the creation (nature) instead of the Creator (God).[/QUOTE]
Huh? Nope you're wrong there. Wiccans aren't animists...they worship the gods and goddesses of old times. Classic Wicca is the worship of the Roman goddess Diana.
I have been curious as to what it is. I don't get the whole picture because people say, "Wicca is not what you think it is." It just annoys me because I find good Wiccans who don't do harm and others who do. What's the point in having different Wicca definition? It's what it is using powers. I don't think that anyone has the right to use their powers to other people. I don't want people using their powers on me for whatever reason other than pray for me for good things through Jesus and God.

If they don't like something about me, then stay away from me, but don't change who I am on anything through your powers.

I believe they are real, but I believe that people become confused and start seeing weird things instead of good things which is why I don't support the use of it. It's pointless because you 'must be careful,' while in Jesus and God you just don't become careful in how you use prayers because it'll be good.
I have always been interested in different forms of religon. I am aware of what Wicca is and I see it as a form of religion. However, I do not practise it in any form. (White, Grey or Black)

As far as I know, White is used for good. Grey is a mixture of both good and bad- but is not highly recommended as it can bring harm if not used in the right form. And black is obviously evil. - Please correct me if I am wrong...

There is no real right or wrong in religion- its simply what you believe and how you perceive that certain form of religion.

I still don't know how to label myself, as I am what you would probably call an atheist as I don't believe in 'God' or a 'spiritual being'. The reason why I have come to this conclusion is because, in my observation of all religions, I have noticed that religion in its form is complex and is also a form of conformity to one God or various Gods.

I don't believe that there is simply a God or a spiritual being, I believe that there is a spiritual plane of existance in another place that we are not aware of. And its not heaven either.
deafdyke said:
"Wiccans worship the creation (nature) instead of the Creator (God). "
Huh? Nope you're wrong there. Wiccans aren't animists...they worship the gods and goddesses of old times. Classic Wicca is the worship of the Roman goddess Diana.
Anything other than God the Creator is a part of creation or a creature. That includes "gods and goddesses of old times" who were a creation of man, the creature.

BTW the Bible speaks specifically about Diana (Acts 19:23-41). When Paul and the apostles preached in Ephesus many people there trusted Jesus and quit worshipping Diana. This angered the local silversmiths because they earned their money thru making idols of Diana. They knew that their businesses would be ruined if no one bought the idols. That was their real reason for objecting to the Christian faith. Follow the money....
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Hmmm, and a lot of people believe that the Bible is manmade...
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Beowulf said:
Hmmm, and a lot of people believe that the Bible is manmade...


Bible is manmade....the answer is no...it was written by man who was INSPIRED by spirit of God inside the man to written that's all...I researched and researched many sources on bible itself..the archeologist have discovered this bible was originally written in 3 different language (Jewish, Greek and Arabic). It was all matched...but in today's modern there are many verison of translation...for example baptist church would always point King James Verison is BEST AND MOST AUTHORIZED GOD'S word...in my mind BULLCRAP!!!!!!! I will tell you reason...do we speak in old fashioned language heck no...they are closed minded...they didnt realize this Deaf people wont understand it becuz their primary language is ASL...second language is english...so I discovered this MANY deaf people who is into Christianity or Catholic or whatever tend to reading under NIV (New International Verison) or NLT (New Living Translation)....NLT was MOST POPULAR and easy to read.....I am sorry for off topic....my answer for Wiccan it is manmade idea period...
I don't know much about the Wiccan religion and haven't met anyone who told me that they were Wiccan. But I guess that there would be good, normal and bad Wiccans just like there can be good, normal and bad Christians or people of whatever other group.

Wow! It's very interesting to see all the mis-information people believe about Wicca. At least one person (Big Spike) bothered to do some research first.

Personally, I don't follow Wicca, but it is a good religion when its rules are followed. The biggest one of these is: "If it harms none, do what you will". This rule really needs to be the guideline when looking at someone who claims to be Wiccan. Are they harming or controling people with their magick. If the answer is "yes", they really AREN'T practicing Wicca!

A side note concerning the terms Wicca, Witchcraft and Witches. Wicca is a religion that may or MAY NOT use Witchcraft. Witchcraft is a tool just like prayer. In fact the basis for many spells are very similar to the outline used during prayer. Witches, are people who regularly use Witchcraft. Witches can be of nearly any religion.

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