
Gobae said:
Wow! It's very interesting to see all the mis-information people believe about Wicca. At least one person (Big Spike) bothered to do some research first.

Personally, I don't follow Wicca, but it is a good religion when its rules are followed. The biggest one of these is: "If it harms none, do what you will". This rule really needs to be the guideline when looking at someone who claims to be Wiccan. Are they harming or controling people with their magick. If the answer is "yes", they really AREN'T practicing Wicca!

A side note concerning the terms Wicca, Witchcraft and Witches. Wicca is a religion that may or MAY NOT use Witchcraft. Witchcraft is a tool just like prayer. In fact the basis for many spells are very similar to the outline used during prayer. Witches, are people who regularly use Witchcraft. Witches can be of nearly any religion.

It is your opinion not mine....I just give out my perspective...each people have their own philosophy...many people said wicca is bad some said is good....which one is correct...but I already made my own mind...smile...it is better to be honest than making war...Im sick of today war with doctrinal around here.... :wave:
It is your opinion not mine....I just give out my perspective

Very true! But at least you did research first, before coming to your perspective (even if we don't agree).
It's interesting to see other people's response to this thread -- but what I 'practised' for a while was a different form of Wicca. I didn't wear black at all times nor use black and heavy make up. :roll: All I did was try to find a good way in helping my father through his hardship with battling with cancer. I was hoping to find a way to cease the pain he was suffering from the chemo and cancer eating away at him.
It was a search of hope and help for the good of people who needed help.
I usually sarcifice virgins at the altar to the mother goddess that is earth... any volunteer? Hey, men are welcomed! :mrgreen:

*cough* just kidding.. *cough*

If I were to be a witch... I'd want to enroll at Hogswarts. Dammit. lol

With no offense intended to serious wiccans, witches, warlocks, Harry Potter, Christians, Muslims, Buddhaists, Taoists and every possible one in the world...

Isn't it interesting that we always seem to learn something new from religions, if we might not like some? :)

last year at school I had 7th grade lunch on odd days and the people that I sat with were all wicca. And they kinda scared me. This girl has a book of spells that I was looking at and she said she can make people hot or cold or make it rain. she believed she could do all this.shewas kinda crazy she has been in and out of mental hospitals. Also, wicca people dont believe in god. Thats really all I know about it.
je_suis_chic said:
Also, wicca people dont believe in god. Thats really all I know about it.

Different religions have different views of what a god is. Here, it says that Wiccans believe in a deity with both male and female aspects that they call God and Goddess.
That nice site gives overviews of many religions and nonreligious frameworks of thought.

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Sabrina said:
Alot of teenager kids are Wiccan as Gothic. They did not like to get some suntan. They love the pale face, wear black fingernails, black lipstick, black eye shadow, and black long gloves at the school. The princple forbbien to have the students wear like that style. It is bad idea influence another students. heavy metal jewlery, leather long boots, etc.. anti-regilious !

They hate the policians and churches !! They fascinated in skelton, vampires, bloody, musicians (Marilyn Manson, KISS, Alice Cooper and all.) It was infludence to the teenager kids.

Hey, it's not completely true. Whoever wrote it or said it, they and the principal are STEREOTYPING and JUDGING them goth people. A longtime friend of mine, she's Goth since in her high school days (she's 24 now) she never tried to practice Wiccianism, doesn't wear black clothes everyday, very rarely using a black lipstick, and never wore black eyeshadow, and etc. etc. She's Christian, believes in God and Jesus...but does hate policties because God did not create policities. She doesn't listen to Marylin Manson, and I know there's many good and positive Gothic musics better than M.M. and others.

Your son Jason is really Deaf? Wow, my friend told me she had never met Goth Deaf person before, not even one in her life, yet.

What's more...in my research from few years ago, there's only a very, very small percent in the population of Goth Americans are practicing Satanism. I've researched that there's many Christian Goth youngsters including re-born again Goth Christians attending at churches and there's also have youth program for them in various areas in U.S.
Douglas said:
Hey, it's not completely true. Whoever wrote it or said it, they and the principal are STEREOTYPING and JUDGING them goth people. A longtime friend of mine, she's Goth since in her high school days (she's 24 now) she never tried to practice Wiccianism, doesn't wear black clothes everyday, very rarely using a black lipstick, and never wore black eyeshadow, and etc. etc. She's Christian, believes in God and Jesus...but does hate policties because God did not create policities. She doesn't listen to Marylin Manson, and I know there's many good and positive Gothic musics better than M.M. and others.

Your son Jason is really Deaf? Wow, my friend told me she had never met Goth Deaf person before, not even one in her life, yet.

What's more...in my research from few years ago, there's only a very, very small percent in the population of Goth Americans are practicing Satanism. I've researched that there's many Christian Goth youngsters including re-born again Goth Christians attending at churches and there's also have youth program for them in various areas in U.S.

Jason is hearing.
Of course it's GOOD! I should know

There is nothing BAD about Wicca. Wicca is a religion based soley on positive emotion and well being. Wicca celebrates the creation of nature and the Goddess. If some one tells you bad rumors about Wicca then they are VERY wrong. I am a strong Wiccan, even though I just started I am able to understand and appreciate what Wicca is, it is a celebration of life, the moon, the stars, the animals, everything living. ANYONE who dares speak illy of the Wiccan religion is either afraid or poorly informed of what the religion is. All of those who have a history of this, please stop and read up on it before you dis on it.
Douglas said:
Hey, it's not completely true. Whoever wrote it or said it, they and the principal are STEREOTYPING and JUDGING them goth people. A longtime friend of mine, she's Goth since in her high school days (she's 24 now) she never tried to practice Wiccianism, doesn't wear black clothes everyday, very rarely using a black lipstick, and never wore black eyeshadow, and etc. etc. She's Christian, believes in God and Jesus...but does hate policties because God did not create policities. She doesn't listen to Marylin Manson, and I know there's many good and positive Gothic musics better than M.M. and others.

Your son Jason is really Deaf? Wow, my friend told me she had never met Goth Deaf person before, not even one in her life, yet.

What's more...in my research from few years ago, there's only a very, very small percent in the population of Goth Americans are practicing Satanism. I've researched that there's many Christian Goth youngsters including re-born again Goth Christians attending at churches and there's also have youth program for them in various areas in U.S.

Yes very TRUE...but I must admit there are arising number of christian teenagers within school from different denomational...when I attend deaf school...I dont see anyone who is gothic or wiccan or whatever even satanism...most of them are into freak over wwe, videogaming, comics, and sport junkies...why most deafies grew up being lonely in hearing family it is where they get their personality...but I did knew one deaf man used to be into satanism at deaf school but he was expelled for violating policy of deaf school....I notice this wiccan, witchcraft, and etc are most in hearing school but NOT large number no....it was small number....I rarely see anyone who is deaf into darkness stuff....
The danger of white witchcraft exposed!

Bill Schnoebelen thought Wicca was a harmless nature-worshipping religion. But once he got on the inside and began climbing to higher and higher levels, he learned that it is nothing more than one of Satan's most clever recruiting tools, designed to lead many into actual Satan worship.

Here is the fascinating personal testimony of a man who stepped into this Satanic trap, and the thrilling account of how Jesus Christ rescued him. You will learn what Wicca is REALLY all about, and become equipped to prevent others from being deceived.

If you still have questions, you will want to read his book, with 200 pages of proof that Wicca is not what it claims to be, and why you need to get OUT!

Hello everybody,
I have read all your believes. I understand what you think of Wicca.

I am Wicca myself. I do not pratice witchcraft and I do not make Magics.
I believes I follow Earthpath and everything is nature to me. I do not worships deities. I do believes father sky and mother earth, just like old native way. I respect trees ,animals, birds and ocean. Some Wiccan is vegan and some not. I don't dress up gothic. I don't hate all their believes and I don't make no judgement. Everybody is different and whatever they feel right for them. They choose the path. As long we live on earth and as long we breath. *PEACE*

Anything other than God the Creator is a part of creation or a creature. That includes "gods and goddesses of old times" who were a creation of man, the creature.
Well then, who made God? Who is to say that your God and religion is the only right one?

Big Spike
it was written by man who was INSPIRED by spirit of God
Yes, the Bible was INSPIRED by God......it wasn't written by Him!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You actually believe THAT?!??! This is from a site that claims that Catholics are evil.
There are two religious systems in the world. One is controlled by Satan. The other owes its only allegiance to Jesus Christ. Put simply, if you aren’t a believer in Jesus Christ as Almighty God come in the flesh to save you from your sins, you are a satanist!
There is only Christianity (which is all good and nice and little bunnies jumping around) and everyone else is a tool of the devil! (including atheists who don't even believe in a Higher Power!)
Heath said:
The danger of white witchcraft exposed!

Bill Schnoebelen thought Wicca was a harmless nature-worshipping religion. But once he got on the inside and began climbing to higher and higher levels, he learned that it is nothing more than one of Satan's most clever recruiting tools, designed to lead many into actual Satan worship.

Here is the fascinating personal testimony of a man who stepped into this Satanic trap, and the thrilling account of how Jesus Christ rescued him. You will learn what Wicca is REALLY all about, and become equipped to prevent others from being deceived.

If you still have questions, you will want to read his book, with 200 pages of proof that Wicca is not what it claims to be, and why you need to get OUT!


What about Masonic ( not sure how to spell those word right)? Are they still around? I don't trust christian movement under those secret organiztion. I think they are most dangerous group since it arrived in America hundred years ago.
jazzy said:
What about Masonic ( not sure how to spell those word right)? Are they still around? I don't trust christian movement under those secret organiztion. I think they are most dangerous group since it arrived in America hundred years ago.

Masonic is not christian. It is satanic.

A former high-level Mason reveals secrets about this dangerous group

Many Christians believe Masonry is a fine, Christian organization. But as Bill Schnoebelen climbed to Masonry's 32nd degree he discovered horrifying facts about this organization that lower level Masons never learn. Now a born again Christian, Schnoebelen reveals all.

Learn shocking facts like:

To be a Mason, you must first take an oath that is in reality a denial of Jesus Christ.
The father of modern Masonry said, "Lucifer is God!"
This fascinating and informative story will give you an unusual insight into the world of Masonry from one who was on the inside, and will prepare you to show others why it is impossible for anyone to be a good Christian and a good Mason at the same time.
deafdyke said:
This is from a site that claims that Catholics are evil.

Does Jack Chick hate Catholics?
Quite the opposite. In the mid-1970's, when he first began to understand what Roman Catholicism really teaches, he knew it was unscriptural. He also knew that to speak out against it would be unpopular and hurt his publishing company.

After much prayer, he made the decision that, no matter what it cost him personally, he would publish the truth that Roman Catholicism is not Christian. He did it because he loves Catholics and wants them to be saved through faith in Jesus, not trusting in religious liturgy and sacraments. He paid a price for that decision in many ways, as priests and nuns entered Christian bookstores screaming and making a scene, demanding that the store owner not stock Chick tracts. Some "Christian" media have even refused to accept advertising from Chick Publications, fearing any "controversy" that might hurt their cash flow.

But God has been faithful (as He always is) and has protected Chick Publications over the years. Jack Chick has made it clear that if he had it to do over again, he wouldn't change a thing. The letters from so many Catholics who have read Chick's anti-Catholic material and have gotten saved carry one theme: "Thank you for loving us enough to tell us the truth!" Those precious people make it all worthwhile.

Aren't all churches coming together in unity?
The move toward the global church is called the "ecumenical movement." Spearheaded by the Roman Catholic Church, it is designed to bring all churches under the influence of the pope. Since the idea of love and unity is very appealing, many Christians have welcomed the idea, without thinking it through. How can an evangelical Christian, saved by faith alone, be in unity with a Roman Catholic who believes in salvation by good works? The result is always a watering down of the simple, pure gospel.

In his book, Smokescreens (you can read it online), Jack Chick explains why it is important for us to witness to Catholics, rather than accepting them as brothers and sisters in Christ. We must love them enough to tell them the truth! Some will become angry, others will respond in faith. But if we truly love them, we won't hold back the truth.

For more information in this subject, we make available a number of books (see Books: Catholicism). In addition, you can read online a comparison of the current catechism with the Bible, showing how it teaches a false gospel, written by Rick Jones (see Understanding Roman Catholicism).

Didn't Christianity consist of the Catholic Church for the first 1500 years?
No. While the Catholic Church was seeking to control the world through religion, true Christians were running for their lives from the Catholic holocaust that ran for centuries.

God has always had His people, faithful to Him and His Word. They had no part in the Roman Catholic Church. Through much of history, organized religion has hunted and slaughtered God's people. For an excellent overview of this, read the classic work, "The Trail of Blood," at one of these websites:


Heath, I will check this out. In other words our forefathers ( they were member of mason) were denied Jesus Christ when they founded our country?
Heath said:
Does Jack Chick hate Catholics?
Quite the opposite. In the mid-1970's, when he first began to understand what Roman Catholicism really teaches, he knew it was unscriptural. He also knew that to speak out against it would be unpopular and hurt his publishing company.

After much prayer, he made the decision that, no matter what it cost him personally, he would publish the truth that Roman Catholicism is not Christian. He did it because he loves Catholics and wants them to be saved through faith in Jesus, not trusting in religious liturgy and sacraments. He paid a price for that decision in many ways, as priests and nuns entered Christian bookstores screaming and making a scene, demanding that the store owner not stock Chick tracts. Some "Christian" media have even refused to accept advertising from Chick Publications, fearing any "controversy" that might hurt their cash flow.

But God has been faithful (as He always is) and has protected Chick Publications over the years. Jack Chick has made it clear that if he had it to do over again, he wouldn't change a thing. The letters from so many Catholics who have read Chick's anti-Catholic material and have gotten saved carry one theme: "Thank you for loving us enough to tell us the truth!" Those precious people make it all worthwhile.

Aren't all churches coming together in unity?
The move toward the global church is called the "ecumenical movement." Spearheaded by the Roman Catholic Church, it is designed to bring all churches under the influence of the pope. Since the idea of love and unity is very appealing, many Christians have welcomed the idea, without thinking it through. How can an evangelical Christian, saved by faith alone, be in unity with a Roman Catholic who believes in salvation by good works? The result is always a watering down of the simple, pure gospel.

In his book, Smokescreens (you can read it online), Jack Chick explains why it is important for us to witness to Catholics, rather than accepting them as brothers and sisters in Christ. We must love them enough to tell them the truth! Some will become angry, others will respond in faith. But if we truly love them, we won't hold back the truth.

For more information in this subject, we make available a number of books (see Books: Catholicism). In addition, you can read online a comparison of the current catechism with the Bible, showing how it teaches a false gospel, written by Rick Jones (see Understanding Roman Catholicism).

Didn't Christianity consist of the Catholic Church for the first 1500 years?
No. While the Catholic Church was seeking to control the world through religion, true Christians were running for their lives from the Catholic holocaust that ran for centuries.

God has always had His people, faithful to Him and His Word. They had no part in the Roman Catholic Church. Through much of history, organized religion has hunted and slaughtered God's people. For an excellent overview of this, read the classic work, "The Trail of Blood," at one of these websites:



Oh I get it now I am not "saved" because I choose catholic over protestant? I am no worry cuz I am already saved by Jesus Christ not u or any other fundies christians. I do not care or listen to any other fundies to say about us. They are no different from people who practice Catholic.
jazzy said:
Heath, I will check this out. In other words our forefathers ( they were member of mason) were denied Jesus Christ when they founded our country?

Our Forefathers who wrote the US Consitiution were not members of the Masonry at first. Many people like to twist the facts.

The Masonry came to elected goverment officials and that is how it got started. I don't think they told the Forefathers to deny Jesus Christ because they needed important people on their side. I am sure once the forefathers found out then they left the Masonry organization.

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