
Then that lady needs to keep her attidute and what she says in check. I thought you were a man because of your avatar and that you probably did not mind using a pink :giggle: I am going to have to ask the administrator to make a blue :giggle: so there is no confusion here buddy.
FYI : pink = female/ blue = male
:giggle:suits me just fine. If you read my profile, you'd know that I'm a 'she'. :D
you like staring at my derriere?!
EyesBlueDeaf said:
FYI pink = female/ blue = male
:giggle:suits me just fine. If you read my profile, you'd know that I'm a 'she'. :D

Oooopps !!! A mother of 2

Excuse me, Ma'am... Good day Ma'am :)
Heath said:
Oooopps !!! A mother of 2

Excuse me, Ma'am... Good day Ma'am :)
EyesBlueDeaf >
< Heath 39 lashes!
Hey EyesBlueDeaf,

Do you know your student or anyone who is Wicca? Please set up a blind date with Heath the Amish boy...

Heath, let me know what is your full result after the blind date. Wicca lady would not bite you or transform you into a frog....
Mookie said:
Hey EyesBlueDeaf,

Do you know your student or anyone who is Wicca? Please set up a blind date with Heath the Amish boy...

Heath, let me know what is your full result after the blind date. Wicca lady would not bite you or transform you into a frog....

I prefer to date a woman of the same belief... Protestant Christian. :) :thumb:
Mookie said:
Hey EyesBlueDeaf,

Do you know your student or anyone who is Wicca? Please set up a blind date with Heath the Amish boy...

Heath, let me know what is your full result after the blind date. Wicca lady would not bite you or transform you into a frog....
Dang! too late, she already turned him into a frog because he just insulted a lady!
EyesBlueDeaf said:
Dang! too late, she already turned him into a frog!

Hahahhaha :rofl: .... I can ask God of Israel to turn me back into a man from a frog. Remember the story of Moses and his brother Aaron v.s. the Egyptian evil magicians in the Pharoah's Hall ? :Owned: :rofl:
Reba said:
No, I don't believe in Wicca religion. Wiccans worship the creation (nature) instead of the Creator (God).

Yes, she is very right! Also to let you know that they actually worships Satan, not the Holy God. They have hidden purposes and is rather dark religion.

Reba said:
No, I don't believe in Wicca religion. Wiccans worship the creation (nature) instead of the Creator (God).

Not quite... Wiccans believe the two are one in the same.

web730 said:
Yes, she is very right! Also to let you know that they actually worships Satan, not the Holy God. They have hidden purposes and is rather dark religion.


Wiccans believe in two gods... That said, prove to me that they worship a different God... They just see God as two separate, opposing entities rather than one all-encompassing entity. Wicca is not a dark religion by any means... Those who are evil are not and can never be Wiccans, as they break the most sacred rules of the religion. Don't spew hate at a religion you know nothing about.

Heath said:
As I have said before. George Washington was not a member of the Freemason Society until much later. George Washington was not a Freemason when he first was the U.S.A. President. He became a Freemason much, much later in life during the course of his U.S. Presidency and again, I point out that I do not think the Freemasons actually got George Washington to deny Jesus Christ. The Freemasons needed a way to move up the power ladder and used all means to attract VIP's to their evil organization.

Washington died only two years after he left office. He could not have become a Mason 'much later' because he wasn't alive 'much later'. John Adams was still the President when Washington died, and as you may recall, Adams only served one term. Wikipedia states that he was initiated into Masonry in 1752... Long before he became President... Also long before the United States of America existed.
Reba said:
King James didn't write the Bible.

Right. King James just translated from Greek to English to spread and print the Bible to the english world back in 1600's.

God himself inspired the 40 writers over 1600 years by Holy Spirit to write the Bible what God commanded them to.

God says there is no other god(s) but Himself. Satan is the enemy and the one that caused over 600 different religions to confuse people and keep them away from the very truth (the Bible and true God) is all why there are over 600 religions.

So Wicca is NOT the truth but part of decieving doctrines Satan did, simple. Satan is known as the father of lies. Devil is very, very cunning so be aware! Just read the Bible and believe it so you will see the light, not the darkness aka Wicca.
web730 said:
Right. King James just translated from Greek to English to spread and print the Bible to the english world back in 1600's.

King James I did not translate the Bible. It was something that he paid for, but not something he actually did.

web730 said:
God himself inspired the 40 writers over 1600 years by Holy Spirit to write the Bible what God commanded them to.

Who said there was 40? There could have been several less or several more. There's no evidence that the number was exactly 40.

web730 said:
Satan is the enemy and the one that caused over 600 different religions to confuse people and keep them away from the very truth (the Bible and true God) is all why there are over 600 religions.

God said this where, exactly? By that logic, since the Jews are the only religion God supposedly spoke to directly, does that mean all other religions, including Christians and Muslims (who believe they worship the same God as the Jews), are in fact worshipping Satan? Prove to me that there's multiple Gods, then we'll talk about worshipping different gods.

web730 said:
So Wicca is NOT the truth but part of decieving doctrines Satan did, simple. Satan is known as the father of lies. Devil is very, very cunning so be aware! Just read the Bible and believe it so you will see the light, not the darkness aka Wicca.

You know absolutely nothing about Wicca, so you're really in no place to argue.
web730 said:
Yes, she is very right! Also to let you know that they actually worships Satan, not the Holy God. They have hidden purposes and is rather dark religion.

Wicca doesn't exactly mean that you worship Satan.

Do you have proof?
I do not think wicca is a religion. It is more alike connect to the nature and respect them. I do not see them sacrifed lambs or chickens alike many other religions do.
Heath said:
The History Channel does not always have their facts right.

so that means all research u have done on websites or other does not always have their facts right too. so how can u make me read them and believe same as u do. History showed the facts that our founding fathers were not pure as white as u want me to believe. How can u point finger about wicca when our country was founded by those men who were under influence by those masonry organization?
Teresh said:
King James I did not translate the Bible. It was something that he paid for, but not something he actually did.

Who said there was 40? There could have been several less or several more. There's no evidence that the number was exactly 40.

God said this where, exactly? By that logic, since the Jews are the only religion God supposedly spoke to directly, does that mean all other religions, including Christians and Muslims (who believe they worship the same God as the Jews), are in fact worshipping Satan? Prove to me that there's multiple Gods, then we'll talk about worshipping different gods.

You know absolutely nothing about Wicca, so you're really in no place to argue.

Obviously, you didn't read the Bible throughout. Much less you knew about the Bible. Bibel first was written in Hebrew then Greek then English (that King James had them translated into English). Study the history, dude.

Yeah, I dont know much of Wicca, but I knew it's a fake religion after all once I learned at least bit what they were teaching. How? The Bible said so and use it as the acid test against any religions and preachers that can tell you whether it's true or fake, simple.

To top that, there isn't any god(s) other than Lord God Himself. Lord God dares you to test His infalliable prophecies while many other religions' so-called prophets couldn't. It takes a God to do that! Amen!
web730 said:
Obviously, you didn't read the Bible throughout. Much less you knew about the Bible. Bibel first was written in Hebrew then Greek then English (that King James had them translated into English). Study the history, dude.

I have spent 12 (count 'em) *12* years in Catholic schooling. I know the Bible quite thoroughly, much more than you do, without a doubt, because I excelled in my twelve years of religion classes. Even if I disagree with some of the doctrine, I *know* it. I know that the Tanakh was written in Hebrew and the New Testatment was written in Greek. They were then translated into English. You stated that King James translated the Bible, a statement which is completely and utterly *false*. I corrected you. To state that I am misinformed when I know more about the subject than you do is just foolish. Unless you have a degree in Divinity or Theology, don't play the "You're not a Christian, you wouldn't know" game with me. I may not be a Christian, but it is a mythology I know a lot about.

web730 said:
Yeah, I dont know much of Wicca, but I knew it's a fake religion after all once I learned at least bit what they were teaching. How? The Bible said so and use it as the acid test against any religions and preachers that can tell you whether it's true or fake, simple.

So what says that part (or any part, for that matter) is correct? Lots of holy books claim that they are the only valid religious canon. Aleister Crowley's Book of the Law for Thelema claims the same thing. We have two mutually exclusive holy books. If you trust everything you read, you'd believe two things that cannot possibly logically coexist. Thus, you would need to select one. Libre al vel Legis is not the only such holy book, either. Many others claim that they are the only valid religious text.

web730 said:
To top that, there isn't any god(s) other than Lord God Himself. Lord God dares you to test His infalliable prophecies while many other religions' so-called prophets couldn't. It takes a God to do that! Amen!

OK, what prophecies? The book says that things came true, but the book was written several thousand years ago. A lot of novels claim that the imaginary came true also, so why do you think this novelised epic is anything special? What real evidence is there that Charles Dickens or another famous author didn't write the Bible?

I believe in God, the same God that you believe in. The God of the Christians, Jews, Muslims and, yes, Wiccans. I'm not a Wiccan, but I understand what the religion is about.

Don't condemn what you don't understand. That's just being an ignorant bigot.
Teresh said:
I have spent 12 (count 'em) *12* years in Catholic schooling. I know the Bible quite thoroughly, much more than you do, without a doubt, because I excelled in my twelve years of religion classes. Even if I disagree with some of the doctrine, I *know* it. I know that the Tanakh was written in Hebrew and the New Testatment was written in Greek. They were then translated into English. You stated that King James translated the Bible, a statement which is completely and utterly *false*. I corrected you. To state that I am misinformed when I know more about the subject than you do is just foolish. Unless you have a degree in Divinity or Theology, don't play the "You're not a Christian, you wouldn't know" game with me. I may not be a Christian, but it is a mythology I know a lot about.

So what says that part (or any part, for that matter) is correct? Lots of holy books claim that they are the only valid religious canon. Aleister Crowley's Book of the Law for Thelema claims the same thing. We have two mutually exclusive holy books. If you trust everything you read, you'd believe two things that cannot possibly logically coexist. Thus, you would need to select one. Libre al vel Legis is not the only such holy book, either. Many others claim that they are the only valid religious text.

OK, what prophecies? The book says that things came true, but the book was written several thousand years ago. A lot of novels claim that the imaginary came true also, so why do you think this novelised epic is anything special? What real evidence is there that Charles Dickens or another famous author didn't write the Bible?

I believe in God, the same God that you believe in. The God of the Christians, Jews, Muslims and, yes, Wiccans. I'm not a Wiccan, but I understand what the religion is about.

Don't condemn what you don't understand. That's just being an ignorant bigot.

Since my family and older generations were pro-Catholics but for not me. Why? I found the truths about their religion. Catholics are well-known for not sharing or teaching these prophecies and especially the prt about the true salvation and bit more of other issues. They are rather mere weak christians. I like many friends who happen to be catholics. I hope that they seek this truths. Catholics sure ain't as bad as Mormons or Wicca, etc.

Wicca is close like a cult. They mix darkness and light but not know what they're doing.

So that explains as why you do not know much of these Bible prophecies. Try to read them .. it's too many of them to point as few samples but there is plenty of imformation about them and it's the best acid test you can use against and you will find it awesome.

And I'm no ignorant bigot as you called me. It's just blunt truth I learned from the true church and Bible after years of reading. Even I acid-tested them.

You seem smart enough to find such information online or the books about them. Think it like a treasure you seek for the truth and 'acid-test' it.

Remember that all the religions are so different and do NOT share the same God and beliefs, first of all.

May God lead you to the Truth. :ily:
Sweetheart said:
I used to be interest in WICCA but not anymore. Wicca isnt bother me that much :dunno:

You're smart not be caught up with them. Stay away. Hope they do the same thing.