Why - Why the Medical Society constantly pressure on the Parents?

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yes correct, my hearing son heard those children who have cochlear implants. Their pronounce sound like Deaf voice. None of accurately pronouce like hearing people's speak. When those Deaf children become older and realize other hearing people do not understand their speak. They removal their hearing aids and cochlear implants. What a waste of their time to learn how to speak? Go through surgerical to put device in their skulls, they do not deserve it. They born as healthy and adorable babies. They did not ask for device in their heads. Why can't they learn ASL and go to Deaf school instead of learn how to speak ... Parents do not want to face the reality into the Deaf World due to ashame. Many parents want their Deaf children hearing normal be like them.

Just for example - children born with brown eyes, take them to the hospital to replacement blue eyes; want their color eyes be like the parents. Same concept Deaf fixed hearing normal like the parents. Obviously, parents do not accept for who they are. *sigh* Cochlear implants are not considering medical reason. Deaf is natural as born. Why can't the parents accept their Deaf children?

Kalista you keep mentioning these students your son met but give us no exact info on them. How old where they when they got their implant, what type of program are they in, and what type of parents do they have.
Ok, I didn't knew that, and aren't that familar with tests. What I know, is that students reading below or over grades don't tell me much, no matter if they are bilingual, oral or whatever. The reason is as you said, it does not equate to beeing able to work across the cirriculum. I know of techically good readers that are horrible telling a story on their own, for example.

I get what you are saying Flip. I know that my children are working at grade level through all subject matters. But I know the reason for this is when I see an area of weakness we work on that at home. It all depends on subject matter, my daughter is weaker in the Science area but that is not because of the deafness it is just because she is not interested in that area, where my son's biggest strengh is the Science area. My son is the best story teller, he has such a way of saying things.

I also know that is parents just understood that they are the ones that will make the biggest difference in their child's education, no matter what method they choose.
I know that this is completely off topic but I want ask Shel something, I was reading a thread last night that was closed and you were asking for help funding for your hearing aides. I was wondering if you were able to figure it out. I know of a foundation that gives away hearing aides if you want I can give you their info, I am not sure if this program is avilable out where you are at.
Ok, I didn't knew that, and aren't that familar with tests. What I know, is that students reading below or over grades don't tell me much, no matter if they are bilingual, oral or whatever. The reason is as you said, it does not equate to beeing able to work across the cirriculum. I know of techically good readers that are horrible telling a story on their own, for example.

Exactly. I knew you would understand my post, because we have discussed the limitations of certain testing procedures before.
I am not sure where you are from but at my children's high school 95% of the students go on to secondary schools, this why my children are going to our local high school unlike another high school where they deaf students their rate for their deaf students are 40%.

Then that particular school is above the national average by several percentage points. I know of no other public school in the nation that can claim a college entrance rate of 95%. St. Rita's 80% applies to deaf and deaf/multi handicapped students only. And, I am assuming that you mean post-secondary education. Secondary education is the high school level.
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I think that would be a good idea but the problem is there isn't enough funds so what I suggest is that people from the Deaf community contact implant centers and donate their time. I would be more then happy to give yous the names of the implant centers in CA.

Funding could easily be accomplished through grant writing. In particular if it involves utilizing members of the deaf community.
I know that this is completely off topic but I want ask Shel something, I was reading a thread last night that was closed and you were asking for help funding for your hearing aides. I was wondering if you were able to figure it out. I know of a foundation that gives away hearing aides if you want I can give you their info, I am not sure if this program is avilable out where you are at.

I beleive that question was rhetorical. I remember the thread of which you are speaking,a nd shel's question, as well.
Then that particular school is above the national average by several percentage points. I know of no other public school in the nation that can claim a college entrance rate of 95%. St. Rita's 80% applies to deaf and deaf/multi handicapped students only. And, I am assuming that you mean post-secondary education. Secondary education is the high school level.

Yes, you are right it is post-secondary. And I know that they are above the norm and that is why my children are there.
I beleive that question was rhetorical. I remember the thread of which you are speaking,a nd shel's question, as well.

I just quickly went through that thread and I thought Shel was serious that she need hearing aide coverage. I thought I would be helpful and tell her a source I know. I know that this foundation gave 2 sets of hearing aides to students of mine and 3 sets to the class next door including the daf chidlren and her children.
Funding could easily be accomplished through grant writing. In particular if it involves utilizing members of the deaf community.

Well, then that is something you or someone else in the Deaf community should do. Since my time is limited and I know how long the grant writing process takes, I am just going to give of my time to an implant center that I know does not have a a complete team.
Well, then that is something you or someone else in the Deaf community should do. Since my time is limited and I know how long the grant writing process takes, I am just going to give of my time to an implant center that I know does not have a a complete team.

It would require that someone employed with the implant center do the grant writing, as the funding would go directly to the implant center to fund the postition of a Deaf liason. What do you consider to be a complete team, if you don't mind my asking?
I just quickly went through that thread and I thought Shel was serious that she need hearing aide coverage. I thought I would be helpful and tell her a source I know. I know that this foundation gave 2 sets of hearing aides to students of mine and 3 sets to the class next door including the daf chidlren and her children.

There are any number of organizations that can, and do, assist with the cost of hearing aids for children and adults. However, all have a strict set of criteria that must be fulfilled prior to assistance being granted. Need is but one of the criterion.
Yea...but the problem is California doesnt allow BiBi education, right?

*Seems like this thread got soo way off topic so Kalista, let me know if u want me to stay on topic or is this ok? Thanks

Just be yourself... ;) freedom speech !
That was spot on! Children with CI are cute with their funny voices, but when grown up, that silly cartoon/si-fi voice gets more emberassing than cute.

yeah, it is really sad ! Very disappoint in Medical Society become more oppresstive on the parents. They did not care about our next generation successful Deaf education and communication better.
Sorry, I typed too quickly. Hope, this is clarify at this time. There are two separate interpreters. One is for ASL and one is for oral. Some of audience people choice ASL or Oral interpreter either one during the performance or presentate.

I notice, high percent cochlear implant audience looked at ASL interpreters not the oral interpreters.
What if the oral interpreters were for the hearing audience?

NTID uses oral interpreters during their plays.
What if the oral interpreters were for the hearing audience?

NTID uses oral interpreters during their plays.

VamPyro, are you a student or a professor at RIT. I am wondering because my daughter has expresses an interest of going to school there. Is it a good school, what programs would you say are good there.
I get what you are saying Flip. I know that my children are working at grade level through all subject matters. But I know the reason for this is when I see an area of weakness we work on that at home. It all depends on subject matter, my daughter is weaker in the Science area but that is not because of the deafness it is just because she is not interested in that area, where my son's biggest strengh is the Science area. My son is the best story teller, he has such a way of saying things.

I also know that is parents just understood that they are the ones that will make the biggest difference in their child's education, no matter what method they choose.

It's funny how we all have our strenght and weakness, never stop to fascinate me :) I agree that it's often up to the parents how successful children becomes in the education system. To me, it have it's drawbacks, and hope someday the education system can give all children equal opportunities, no matter what family they was born in. Keep up your great work.
yes correct, my hearing son heard those children who have cochlear implants. Their pronounce sound like Deaf voice. None of accurately pronouce like hearing people's speak. When those Deaf children become older and realize other hearing people do not understand their speak. They removal their hearing aids and cochlear implants. What a waste of their time to learn how to speak? Go through surgerical to put device in their skulls, they do not deserve it. They born as healthy and adorable babies. They did not ask for device in their heads. Why can't they learn ASL and go to Deaf school instead of learn how to speak ... Parents do not want to face the reality into the Deaf World due to ashame. Many parents want their Deaf children hearing normal be like them.

I too would like more information about these children. Several that I have met do not sound significantly different than other children their age (implanted no later than 2 years old, at age 5). Others I have met that were implanted several years later than that do sound "different", but you can easily understand every word they say.

I think it is a fact that in successful CI implantations, the access to sound make an obvious and great difference in speech skills.
Then that particular school is above the national average by several percentage points. I know of no other public school in the nation that can claim a college entrance rate of 95%.

Drew's school district also currently sends 95% of its students to post-secondary education. I will look but I would guess that there are at least three other suburban, public schools in our city that send over 90%. I could be wrong.
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