nope. not my theory.
this "theory" is from CDC, American Digestive Disease Society, scientists, universities, and thousands years of history (that's why Christopher Columbus was looking for a route to get spices from India - specifically peppercorns).
this clearly explains why there is a very low cancer rate among people who eat spicy food regularly than those who doesn't. and it turns out that a country with low cancer rate is a poor country with poor people eating spicy food regularly.
and you know what's ironic? wealthy people in poor country has a higher cancer rate than poor people. why? regular consumption of red meat, gluttony, and sedentary lifestyle.
and here's another data compiled by World Cancer Research Fund -
World cancer statistics | Overall | WCRF UK. You will see that Top 20 countries do not eat spicy food. I see that Korea is close to Top 20 and it's because since for past 10 years or so, Korea has became very Westernized with fast foods - McDonald, KFC, Pizza Hut, etc... plus it supported the argument above - wealthy people tend to have a higher cancer rate than poor people.
The data also supported the argument that if you look at the very bottom table, you will see the last 4 countries are very poor (except Singapore). Their food is incredibly spicy and their cancer rate is the lowest in the table.
you just repeated what I've said in Post ##17.
Like I said.. poor people in wealthy country cannot afford good food unless they have a farm. and poor people in poor country can afford to eat healthy because they reap what they sow from their backyard or locally since they cannot afford a vehicle to travel far or to carry lot of grocery bags.
since you're a trainer... I'm very sure that the most common issues you deal with from your clients is... what should I eat? I'm pretty sure that it is very challenging for your clients to stay on track for a long time because it's getting harder and tiring to figure out several different recipes for same ingredients. chicken this, chicken that. salad this, salad that.
In my country, it's non-issue since most of food we eat are easy, healthy, nutritious, and never-ending delicious. works well for us for thousands of years!
The Americans discovered kimchi and bimbimbop since summer Olympics in Korea. works very well for weight loss and body building.
I'm sure you disagree but quite frankly - I don't really care because I stand by something that works fine for thousands of years with proven health benefits plus cancer statistics to back it up. I truly feel sorry for those on body building or weight loss program with Westerner approach to food. It looks a chore. no pleasure. so sad.