Why Is It Great To Be Deaf/HoH?

I don't think anyone's denying the cons. But the point of this thread is to focus on the pros.

Exactly. The positive attitude this was supposed to foster goes a long way toward overcoming the cons. Some just never understand that, unfortunately, and it quite obviously interferes with their ability to function in society a great deal.:cool2:
Yeah, and not the advantages of being HOH over being deaf.:roll:

Exactly. Talking about the "pros" of being HOH instead of deaf is just a roundabout way of talking about the cons.
You can't smell natural gas which is methane (not propane) since it does not smell in the first place. Gas companies add a "rotten egg" smell to it such as mercaptan as an early warning detector to help detect leaks. Propane comes from oil or natural gas processing. An odorant is also added to help detect and smell leaks.

So you can smell it. That is why the odorant is added....to make it olifactory.:roll:
I think Kokomut is gtetting the response he anticipated :laugh:
I have a mixed response for this thread....being moderately-severe to severely deaf....I have grown to realise that as there are many advantages to being HOH as in finding skills that are very useful which at first was just a matter of survival, such as: reading lips, reading facial expressions and body language - you become an expert at fooling people that you can understand them when they are speaking a foreign language. If you know written English well you can educate yourself far beyond what a classroom can teach you; and you can find a deep meaningful expression in writing. The downside however is that it is hard to know in which world you belong because you are able to hear some sounds, hearing people think you can hear them fully, and then some say that you can't be Deaf, because you are not completely in a world of silence. I may be able to hear some sounds but I am faced with challenges and frustrations which I feel someone who primarily uses sign language is not faced with. It is because it is like being in a no-man's land, you are neither hearing or Deaf in varing opinions. I think it is a matter of choice. I prefer sign language and not having to use my voice if possible. Deafness defines me. I prefer Deaf. Being in the other category makes me tired and exhausted. Being in a totally hearing family (I am the only one deaf) and living surrounded by a hearing environment, it is hard to convince them I prefer to be Deaf. They try to be supportive but cannot fully understand it. As in the poem - I am alone on my own island. Thank goodness for AllDeaf.
well i am a Deaf Scuba Diver and all scuba divers use some signs to communicate (ex: out of air, go up, fish, ok/doing fine) FYI to Yizuman. the best part of being deaf for me is that i sleep great! haha, no noises to wake me and if i dont want to know what someones saying i can just face the other way! haha. the best part of being deaf is being able to educate the hearing about the deaf and its culture!
I have a funny story-with nice weather now, we sleep with windows open. Friday morning, the birds in the trees outside were chirping madly at 4:30 am! I had slept on my left side, so my right ear (the one with normal hearing) heard them and I woke up, as did dh. I simply rolled over so my right ear was on the pillow and my left ear (the one with loss) was up. That silenced the birds instantly : ) and I went back to sleep, while dh tried to put a pillow over his head to silence the birds noise, poor guy!
Oh! WriteAlex has been mad at everyone lately. He will probably calm down on summer break. :dunno:

lol, just saw this. My posts were deleted in the crash, but I think Koko got everything he deserved in this thread. Anyway, moving on... :whistle:

Was I really that bad last month? :(


lol, just saw this. My posts were deleted in the crash, but I think Koko got everything he deserved in this thread. Anyway, moving on... :whistle:

Was I really that bad last month? :(




How about a cup of RAGE!!
Nature's music. The soothing sound of a flowing creek. Rustling of leaves. Chirping of birds. Cows mooing in the distance. Formation of geese flying above "honking" as they head south. Crickets chirping at night. The swaying of trees high above as you walk in the woods on a warm day. The low rumbling of a small avalanche you see in the distance.

Have you ever try watching them in silent..very beautiful. Some find it boring, which goes to shows (at least to me) that they appreciate sounds more than the actual nature itself made those sounds.
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Just last week I was the first to smell the smoke coming from the microwave (and the only one to smell it before it was too late).

hearing people wouldn't know there is a fire either. They need accomadation.. A fire alarm with a siren.
Have you ever try watching them in silent..very beautiful. Some find it boring, which goes to shows (at least to me) that they appreciate sounds more than the actual nature itself made those sounds.

Since I lost all my hearing, I just love to sit and watch nature as it progresses. I enjoy watching the surf of the ocean and smelling the salt water. I like to be able to watch the airplanes take off and land without hearing the roar of the engines. It's nice just to imagine where the people are going to. Being total deaf means that you get to enjoy the visual aspects that nature has to offer and yes, it is very wonderful to experience. I love to see a bird try out their wings for the first flight.
For me it is the 4th of July and New Years Eve.. I am able to sleep all night without the noice of fireworks and guns going off!!!!
For me it is the 4th of July and New Years Eve.. I am able to sleep all night without the noice of fireworks and guns going off!!!!
Yeah, unless you have a dog that can hear runs around scared from the loud fireworks you won't get any sleep. LOL.

Yep. Puts hearing aid on nightstand. Sweet dreams.

Yeah, unless you have a dog that can hear runs around scared from the loud fireworks you won't get any sleep. LOL.

Yep. Puts hearing aid on nightstand. Sweet dreams.


Crate that dog at night! :lol:
when I "SEE" a dog get scared, I feel very bad for him and do anything to comfort him. Just watching, not hearing, him break my heart.
I like it sometimes when I can 'switch off' to the world around me. 'Tune out' of kids arguing or conversations I can't participate in and go to the solitude of my own little 'island' right in the middle of a crowd.