Why everyone against Bush?

Beowulf said:
And we mustn't forget what a DISASTER Bush was for our environment.
Few senators have done as much as Kerry has for our environment, and few people hear about it. Check it out.
Thank God Kerry will be our next President.

Not only that but also in todays news, it was said that Bush was hiding the Hunger Report. He is holding back many reports until after the election. What a bastard........

I work a lot at soup kitchens and I definitely can see a huge increase in long lines of hungry people & children. I also see so many people holding up signs begging for food/money at freeway ramps or intersections.

Last night I saw a young girl about 10 years old doing her homework while her mother was holding up a sign " Help Keep My Daughter Warm & Fed".

I never saw any of these while in Clinton administration.........go figures.
ideafspy said:
Bush's party group isn't about money. Kerry's party group is about money. I can provide more links. Just post here ;)
Bring it on. bring it on. The money thing must be why Bush collects more of it. Its an open secret

RustyLastCall05 said:
Let me say why Kerry is idiot.
1. He doesn't have any pets.
Kerry has a german shepard named Cym. (bush has a scotty.)
See a humorous take on this at http://www.allthepresidentspets.com/

jeez.. don't you do any fact checking?
bree said:
Bring it on. bring it on. The money thing must be why Bush collects more of it. Its an open secret

Kerry has a german shepard named Cym. (bush has a scotty.)
See a humorous take on this at http://www.allthepresidentspets.com/

jeez.. don't you do any fact checking?

But the point here is ..who cares whether Kerry has a pet or not.

It is soooo lame when we should be worrying about much more serious human issues such as hunger, poverty, health, jobs, environment, etc etc .....its sad to see many take this as a joke because it is NOT a joke about who gets to lead our country.
Meg said:
But the point here is ..who cares whether Kerry has a pet or not.

It is soooo lame when we should be worrying about much more serious human issues such as hunger, poverty, health, jobs, environment, etc etc .....its sad to see many take this as a joke because it is NOT a joke about who gets to lead our country.

Amen! People need to realized how important our country is, and having the best man lead it. (not Bush)
RustyLastCall05 said:
Let me say why Kerry is idiot.

1. He doesn't have any pets.

2. He doesn't have good sense of humor

3. He doesn't know how to shave his face.

4. He marry woman who is ketchup bitch.

:fu: KERRY!

Where do people like you come from? :asshole:
I dont like bush or kerry but i liked the part when you said that kerry dont know how to shave his face...lol i guess that explains his ugly smile and not-so-straight teeth...ugh
anyone of you have seen this movie yet ??


make a movie by Michael Moore
Yeah, I saw half of it Sabrina...

I'm confused , why this thread is under ' Deaf News ' when this is not related to the deaf and hard of hearing news..... :confused:
Furthermore, Moore's film is not a documentary; even the Academy recognized that! Sheesh, some people can be fooled sooooooo easily.
My vote for Kerry has nothing to do with "deaf issue". Believe it or not. :P
LovelyBlkGal said:
Yes that what i heard that Bus is plan cut all of them what a sux of BUSH! look at Old ppl who need living on SSI or SSA or SSD blah blah since can't afford to paid bills and rent and ects you know what i mean it's NOT FAIR to them and there out lots deaf ppl who work their's ass off from SSI and ects but cut CLOSED CAPTION on TV?!? damn Bush have no rights how can they watch w/word since can't heard voice from TV *smh* no wondering mess up everythings Sararose
:gives: about cut ssi for deaf communities across the U.s.A. they need to get their :booty: off the couch to hunt the job and get the work.!!! :werd: , Bush is stupid for cut C.C. program on TV. He always spend time to focus on israel and middle east outside from the USA. America will fall away soon like Bible Prophet Isaiah 30:25*
Deafrebuplicans is just another propaganda site full of misinformation and disinformation.
They have been proven wrong over and over again.
So what else is new?
I want to share something here. In general, it for everyone and I am not pointing at anyone. I just felt that I need to share this before the vote. As a Christian, we need to focus on what GOD want us to vote, not what WE want to vote. It is easy to vote without GOD, but is it a right decision? I would suggest thinking about this thoroughly before anyone makes mistake.

…Sow wickedness, reap the same. Job 4:8

He that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity: ….Proverb 22.8

Sow to yourselves in righteousness; reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness upon you. Ho. 10:12

A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it. Luke 8:5

For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption: but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Ga. 6:8

This is what God is saying to what you sow, you will reap. If anyone wants to blame Bush for layoff, do you think that is correct thing to do? Did you ask God for his help? Did you ask God to guide you for the job? If you got layoff, did you get mad at Bush for that as I assume you may do, but you could have asked God for help? I don’t know what your situation or how close you are with God, maybe he is waiting for you to pray to God.

Another thing I would like to share is that the Bible said God created Adam and made Eve. Adam is a male and Eve is a female. Genesis 2: 18 said … And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. 21 And the Lord God cause a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22 And the rib, which the Lord God hand taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man. 24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh.

In this section, God made a man and a woman, not man and man or woman and woman. Therefore, which one (Bush or Kerry) does not support gay?

In Colorado - http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_laws7.htm

In Kentucky - http://www.enquirer.com/editions/2004/04/14/loc_kyxgrgaymarriage14.html

In Ohio - www.opcpac.com


Thou shalt not kill Ex. 20:13, De 5:17

Abortion is another issue. No one should not kill unborn baby. God has a plan for this child. God want mothers who were raped to focus on God and asked him for help. God may have a plan for this child to be adopted by another family. Or God may have the mother to help other teenagers about pregnancy and the burden of taking care of the baby. There are many ways God would like to see the unborn baby to be born and take care of.

I got the newspaper that shares the “Get to know your presidential candidates” so I want to put some information on here.

Abortion –


Only in cases of rape, incest, or when a woman’s life is endangered; signed bill banning procedure opponents call partial-birth abortion.


Would nominate only Supreme Court justices who support abortion rights; voted against partial-birth ban.

Death penalty-

BUSH : support

KERRY : Opposes “ other than in cases of real international and domestic terrorism”

Gay rights-

BUSH : Supports constitutional amendment banning gay marriage; has continued former President Clinton’s policy allowing gays to serve in military if they are not open about their homosexuality.

KERRY : Opposes gay marriage and constitutional amendment against it; supports right to civil unions; would ban job discrimination against gays; extend hate-crime protections; and let gays serve openly in the military.

For disability – I am not gonna go into details about this, but there is a website that may clear it up for you all.

BUSH – http://www.aapd-dc.org/campaign04/bushondis.html

KERRY – http://www.aapd-dc.org/campaign04/kerryondis.html

Remember, if you TRUST GOD, then turn to him when you need help. He is always around, but waiting for you to call upon him.

Remember, you can't always expect BUSH to be PERFECT. We all make mistake. Is he allow to make mistake? We learn from OUR MISTAKE!!! I know I did. Did you? Blaming him WON'T SOLVE THE PROBLEM. If you think something need to be improved, then go out there and DO IT!

Thank you for reading. God Bless America!

* I am for Bush!*
to be honest... i believe both kerry and bush are liars, both sux, but i see no other candiate just bush and kerry.. i definitely am not pleased with that if i absolutely have to i will vote for kerry mostly because he obviously did some research on deaf needs, or any other disabilities such as blind, and mental retarded, etc bush seem to know NOTHING about it... and he gives very vague answers to questions regarding of ADA while Kerry gave more details answers... but again... they may just say it but would not do it... right now both are all "talks" i seen no actions yet... so i pray whoever will be our next president will also make sure they will support US.. not just war itself ya know?
How do you know that Kerry did research? any proof of that ?

I wonder if Bush did ?
from the link someone posted earlier somewhere in this thread.. i read both and compared... and you can see for urself that kerry did actually do research on ADA and etc... while bush gave very vague answers.. also only thing he said was giving money to agencies to support us but how do i really know if he actually did or not? kerry didnt do anything yet cuz hes not president yet.. but im truly hoping he meant what he said on ADA questions

hm i seem to be unable to find those links give me a min so i can find it
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