Mysterious Rose said:
We all need to re-elect Bush, he is the best defense for us against this war on terror. 
Like letting 760,000 pounds of explosives disappear under his nose? ... and
giving it to terrorists?
Like not finding Bin Laden after three years? and saying
"I truly am not that concerned about him"? And pulling soldiers away from finding Bin Laden, to go after a country which never attacked us?
And being called
'al-quieda's best recruiting sergent'? With Iraq serving as a recruiting tool for terrorists?
Like not finding those responsible for the anthrax attacks? Like refusing to support the 9/11 commission? and Homeland security? Then flip-flopping on both? Like outing a CIA operative? Like not inspecting cargo on airplanes? Or in our ports? Like shutting down firehouses, and cutting money to police? Like using the national guard in a foreign country, instead of protecting our own? Like calling up the reserves to Iraq, a majority of who just happen to work as police and firemen?
Like failing to secure nuclear material, and letting Iran and North Korea make nuclear bombs?
Like alienating and mocking our allies? Like causing worldwide unity with america after 9/11 to evaporate to the point where a majority now oppose American actions? Like causing the largest series of (peaceful) protests ever, all around the world? Like having the majority of terrorist arrests occur by foreign governments, ones which we mock?
And saying "I don't think we can win" the war on terror?
If this is our best defense, God help us all.