If Saddam was so terrible, then why did we support him during the 80's? If he so terrible, why did we not remove him 14 years ago during the first gulf war? Why was it all of a sudden very important to go after him after 14 years of sanctions, to ignore U.N. procedures that were working, and alienate the allies we need to stop terrorists? Why was it important enough to remove soldiers from Afghanistan BEFORE we caught the man responsible for killing thousands of AMERICANs... Osama bin Laden?
There are literally hundreds of brutal dictators in the world. America actually props up many of them, just like we used to do with Saddam. Why don't we attack them, too?
Sure, Saddam is a bad guy. But was he a danger to Americans, as Bush insisted many many times? Did he have weapons capable of attacking americans? The official intelligence report states NO. There were no weapons.. there was no way Saddam could have hurt us.
Sure, he could have tried to get weapons, and could have tried to attack us. But he didn't.
Americans, and thousands of innocent Iraqis are dying today on an accusation that was false. Instead of destroying those who did attack us, who did terrorize America, we are giving them a free pass. Worse, we are giving them even more reason to demonize us, to gain recruits for terrorist activities, and plenty of targets to bomb. Even MUCH more worse, Iraq had 760,000 pounds of high explosives that 'disappeared' on our watch a year ago. Weapons that apparently have been used against us. We GAVE them the weapons to attack us.
America was attacked on 9/11. Thousands died, and the man who masterminded it is still free. Instead of capturing him, we went after somebody who was no threat. Its like if we attacked mexico for Pearl Harbor, instead of the Japanese.
Bush just gave Bin Laden the time and opportunity to attack us again. Saddam is in jail, but Bin Laden is laughing all the way to the bank. If that doesn't piss you off, I don't know what will.