I can see that we begin to talk about cops here...

I have another crazy new about US Police Military in caserne where I work... I learn about this few minutes ago as I was on the middle to type my thread about my son's vacation in Rome, Italy.
I am total speechless when my co-worker *G* told me at few minutes ago.
One of my co-workers who work same Divison as *G* & me is eye-withnessed this morning. One German lady, we know well work at other caserne as us. We often contact over work issues. She married to an American solider who just leave Germany for Iraq. She use her husband's car on her way to caserne where she work. Unfortunlately she speed more than 30 in the caserne. US Police Military stopped her. She accept her own responsible for ignore the speed signal. They asked her for her ID. No problem - Again, they asked her for her driving liescne... She was like

and do what they say... She showed them her driving liescne... Guess what? They said that it's not American driving liescne but German driving liescne and then accused her for driving illegal on American car... This is criminal offense. She was like

and explain them that she borrow her husband's car because her car is in garage and then explain again that the car is not belong US Army but her and her husband. They ignored her and cuffed her front of her co-workers... The gossip spread out real fast.. Her mother also work in the same building as us as well... Her office is few doors away from our office.