everyone in my family are hearing, lots of my friends also....do I feel "ignored"...Hell NO!...I make my presence "known" and expect the same considerations from them as I'm considerate of them also. (I do get verbally Loud at times)
Do I feel somewhat "slighted" in group conversations, such as a party or get-together sometimes? Yes...since it's hard to follow the conversations. So, I'm moreso "one on one", not the same person tho'. Most all my friends and family take the time to make me comfortable, and not left out.....I also take the time to ask my boys (hearing) at home..."what's going on with you today? Ur plans for the weekend?"...etc., etc..."Anything you want to talk about?"
If I felt "ignored" by my family or friends, I'd let it be known to them how I felt....All my boys know ASL...so do 2 of my sisters, not fluently tho'. But enuf to get by....
I'm sure hearing people would feel ignored at an all deaf gathering too! So, it's both ways here. How we deal with it, makes the difference....
This question has plagued the Deaf community for centuries. Why must we all queue or be the last to conversate with anyone?
I don't understand it. Anyone care to explain?
I'm guilty of this sometimes when I ask people who is easy to communicate with, leaving out hearies. But at family parties this is dumb and rude. Notice how I even generalise hearin people as not worthy of asking questions. Not proud of that.wonder whats Flip got to say about this?
i , for one, would say, Hearing Culture is fucked up. They never listen to what Deaf Culture has to say, so hence the ignorance.
There's ALOT of education needed....but also the other problem is sign languages and 'cultural studies' still paints a picture that we are some kind of 'interesting' ones...so its never taken seriously...now listen, read in between lines to those linguists says about Sign Langauges...(Write Alex said this before me, he observed right!) and this linguists never actually fight to perserve SL, but only in a sense of the word as "knowledge bases" for THEIR interests, not Deaf interests of us living-hood (if there's a such word)....
It's always hard when I am with my gf family and my CI battery dies. I go completely deaf and her parents are near impossible to lip read. Her mother is also very judgemental about hearing. She gets upset if I cannot hear her and do not have a replacement battery with me. I try not to let it annoy me, but it does. I find I withdraw when this happens and that only makes things worse. Sigh. I feel I will be with my gf for a long time so I better get them turned around soon!!! Because there is no way in hell am I changing for them!!!
Hearing people ignored me as I had to asked them to repeat what they had said. Also when I was in elementary or high school, my hearing family don't want to learn ASL as I can talk to them, but not understand why I had trouble not understanding them very well. It is like they expect me to communicate with them all the way even lipreading, not half way with ASL. They don't want to bother learning about Deaf Culture and ASL at all. They would rather have us be like them alllllllll the waaaaay! Geeze. :roll:
everyone in my family are hearing, lots of my friends also....do I feel "ignored"...Hell NO!...I make my presence "known" and expect the same considerations from them as I'm considerate of them also. (I do get verbally Loud at times)
Do I feel somewhat "slighted" in group conversations, such as a party or get-together sometimes? Yes...since it's hard to follow the conversations. So, I'm moreso "one on one", not the same person tho'. Most all my friends and family take the time to make me comfortable, and not left out.....I also take the time to ask my boys (hearing) at home..."what's going on with you today? Ur plans for the weekend?"...etc., etc..."Anything you want to talk about?"
If I felt "ignored" by my family or friends, I'd let it be known to them how I felt....All my boys know ASL...so do 2 of my sisters, not fluently tho'. But enuf to get by....
I'm sure hearing people would feel ignored at an all deaf gathering too! So, it's both ways here. How we deal with it, makes the difference....
This question has plagued the Deaf community for centuries. Why must we all queue or be the last to conversate with anyone?
I don't understand it. Anyone care to explain?
Moved to Our World, Our Culture
Moderator naisho
Because when you force a sign only agenda nobody will go through that much effort to talk to you. It is the law of human nature that says we do what is easiest and rightly so. Anything that is too difficult is not practical. Laudable yes, but it is the practical that makes a solution.
Yet mainstreamed deaf kids are forced to put in that much effort to communicate with the hearing. Doesn't matter if it's so difficult, it's impractical most of the time.
This xmas, when I was in the kitchen with a bunch of people all talking and I was completely lost for over an hour, I tapped someone on the shoulder and started signing away. As was to be expected, he looked at me like "uh...I have no idea what you're saying" and everyone turned to look at us. I explained what I signed then said, "guess what? I have no idea what all of you are saying either. Mind filling me in?"
They got the message. hearing people will always need to be reminded, even those who've known you all your life.
Yet mainstreamed deaf kids are forced to put in that much effort to communicate with the hearing. Doesn't matter if it's so difficult, it's impractical most of the time.
This xmas, when I was in the kitchen with a bunch of people all talking and I was completely lost for over an hour, I tapped someone on the shoulder and started signing away. As was to be expected, he looked at me like "uh...I have no idea what you're saying" and everyone turned to look at us. I explained what I signed then said, "guess what? I have no idea what all of you are saying either. Mind filling me in?"
They got the message. hearing people will always need to be reminded, even those who've known you all your life.
Your point is well taken, I go through the same thing, but to solve a broad problem you can't look at it (in the beginning) on a specific level.
I am lucky to have people that fill me in, but to be clear, there is no right to be filled in it, is done out of the goodness that people possess.
IMO, we as a group need to find an answer because nobody else will. And, fighting among ourselves about it is non-conductive. Technology may be the only solution, it's a tower of babel.