Why are you deaf?

Covo. with a hearing person...."why are you deaf?.....(me)....what?....(he)...I asked why are you deaf?....(me) huh?...pls repeat that again....(he)..."mouthing words"...Whyyyyy...arrrre....youuuu...DEAF?....(me)...."Death"??...(he)...No!...I said D-E-A-F!....(me)....Deaf?...who's Deaf?....(he)...I asked you why were you deaf?...(me)...who's Deaf?...I'm not Death!..I mean Deaf....:giggle:...He walked away....

Oh, I am laughing so hard. :giggle:

Good way to shut him or her up. Very offended to ask question like that. :roll:
Oh, I am laughing so hard. :giggle:

Good way to shut him or her up. Very offended to ask question like that. :roll:
Why does that offend you? People are just curious, and I'm curious why you would find it offensive. :)

Am I in the minority here because I don't mind questions about my hearing loss?
Born with it due to unknown reasons....probably Coennix X...have a deaf brother

X chromosome, trisomy 26-28. Your brother shouldn't be deaf with a Y chromosome? I love Genetics and I'm thought to have that gene too but never verified, same as you. Open to speculation, huh? Yeah. Switzerland found several deaf genes, worth a read on Google.
im become deaf when i was baby at ten month old and i have meningitis and penicillian also when im grewup my parents know im become deaf for my lifes i have no problems but my mom know why im become deaf but my mom took me to dr's office for checkup and also ear test makes sure im deaf or not and doctor test my ear and doctor told my mom explain but i do use hearing aids for years but my mom cant pay HA for reasons because too much money every years im wishes i would have that but i cant argue my own mom i never use hearing aids for longtimes..
Why does that offend you? People are just curious, and I'm curious why you would find it offensive. :)

I lived in the UK for 14 years, and almost every day was asked some sort of stupid question about my Canadian accent, usually followed by an even more probing query into why I was in the UK.

Um, no, that's none of your business, and it's not fair that I come across as the rude one for saying that.

My mother got the same crap, and I decided that there's almost no other conspicuous difference someone could have where people would that feel it was okay to remind the person of it as a conversation opener. You wouldn't go up to a blind person and say, "hey, white stick, assistance dog, blind? Why's that?"

Deaf or hearing, fat or skinny, white or black, Canadian or British, if I decide to tell you, THAT is when it gets discussed.
There was a cartoon which I could not copy it on this post as it was on Facebook. So I will make comments what they are saying to each other.

The cartoon is called "That Deaf Guy" by Matt and Kay Daigle. It is about one Deaf guy and one hearing guy.

The hearing guy wrote down in the note pad and asked him "Do you miss being able to hear?". The Deaf guy read the note pad. He wrote back said "No, do you miss being deaf? The hearing guy spoke out loud saying "No, I've never been deaf! Then he began to understand and said "Oh, I get it."

Matt Daigle had been asked that often. Still it is offended like audism that hearing people don't know about deafness. Why are you deaf? like as if it was our fault to be deaf and what cause us to be deaf when it is none of their business to know about our deafness. We are just deaf, period. Just because we have no known to what cause us to be deaf or what kind of disease that made us deaf. We don't have to go through like this. Maybe we should say "why are you hearing if you are so nosy about why are you deaf? Eh?
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There was a cartoon which I could not copy it on this post as it was on Facebook. So I will make comments what they are saying to each other.

The cartoon is called "That Deaf Guy" by Matt and Kay Daigle. It is about one Deaf guy and one hearing guy.

Here is the cartoon you mentioned. That Deaf Guy - 03/01/2012
I love Matt Daigle

As to the why am I deaf question- genetics. Freaking genetics.
My grandfather had hearing loss similar to mine (began as a kid and became deaf by the 20s). I think it was probably large vestibular aqueducts or one of those pesky connexins.

I had the opportunity to have a genetic test when I was a teenager but I refused. They presented it as basically, "maybe you shouldn't have kids because you are defective" type of thing and my reaction was "fuck you".
There was a cartoon which I could not copy it on this post as it was on Facebook. So I will make comments what they are saying to each other.

The cartoon is called "That Deaf Guy" by Matt and Kay Daigle. It is about one Deaf guy and one hearing guy.

The hearing guy wrote down in the note pad and asked him "Do you miss being able to hear?". The Deaf guy read the note pad. He wrote back said "No, do you miss being deaf? The hearing guy spoke out loud saying "No, I've never been deaf! Then he began to understand and said "Oh, I get it."

Matt Daigle had been asked that often. Still it is offended like audism that hearing people don't know about deafness. Why are you deaf? like as if it was our fault to be deaf and what cause us to be deaf when it is none of their business to know about our deafness. We are just deaf, period. Just because we have no known to what cause us to be deaf or what kind of disease that made us deaf. We don't have to go through like this. Maybe we should say "why are you hearing if you are so nosy about why are you deaf? Eh?
I think you read waaaaaay too much into why someone would ask that. They wouldn't ask because they think it might be your fault, they are just honestly curious. If you don't know why, just say "I don't know", what's the big deal? Hearing people do understand that shit just happens. But one thing I find a little strange about this........I think it may have even been in one of the first lessons on lifeprint, deaf culture lessons are included in the ASL lessons. According to him the Deaf culture can seem nosy to hearies, they ask a lot of questions hearing people don't usually ask until you've gotten to know someone better so I'm finding this quite :hmm:

And yes I've been asked this question, or ones like it countless times. I don't know....doesn't bother me.
Personally, I'm not really bothered if people ask.

I'm asked so rarely, that I find it kind of nice that someone would ask. It gives me a chance to tell my story, instead of people making off-base assumptions about it.

It helps us understand each other.

But it is kind of a case-by-case thing, because some people have no intentions of being friendly with the information when they ask the question.

But most people, I think are just sincerely curious. I don't see anything wrong with that.
I think you read waaaaaay too much into why someone would ask that. They wouldn't ask because they think it might be your fault, they are just honestly curious. If you don't know why, just say "I don't know", what's the big deal? Hearing people do understand that shit just happens. But one thing I find a little strange about this........I think it may have even been in one of the first lessons on lifeprint, deaf culture lessons are included in the ASL lessons. According to him the Deaf culture can seem nosy to hearies, they ask a lot of questions hearing people don't usually ask until you've gotten to know someone better so I'm finding this quite :hmm:

And yes I've been asked this question, or ones like it countless times. I don't know....doesn't bother me.

Did you ever think about what the OP made the question like what he is wondering about? He was saying the wrong way to put in a question which he posted after he made the title. That is audism. Go look at the beginning of the thread which the OP post.

I guess we kept going being blind through the threads here. If you are not offend, then that is your business. But for the Deaf communities and to some of both deaf and hard of hearing, it is offensive. It is really none of the OP business to be nosy wondering if this is our fault for being deaf. That is what he was implying to. I can see it now what he was asking. **shaking my head**
X chromosome, trisomy 26-28. Your brother shouldn't be deaf with a Y chromosome? I love Genetics and I'm thought to have that gene too but never verified, same as you. Open to speculation, huh? Yeah. Switzerland found several deaf genes, worth a read on Google.

You have a good question but the 'connexin x' was probably just in reference to one of the many connexin genes that can cause hearing loss.

Also, to answer your question about X chromosome and brothers:(I'm making up a crazy example)
If we assume for this case that purple skin is on the X chromosome, and a man who is recessive for the gene and a woman who is also recessive have two kids, a boy and a girl, the boy is much more likely to have the purple skin gene because the boy only has one copy of the X chromosome. The girl has two but random parts of both the paternal and maternal X chromosomes will be inactivated (X-inactivation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
This is part of "dosage compensation" which is a mechanism where genes even out despite women having two copies of some genes (by being XX) and men only having one (by being XY).

So, to conclude, many, many, many genetic diseases are only present in males or are much more sever in males because they only have one copy of the X chromosome but females have two.

Does that make sense?

I love science and will try to answer any questions.
my 2 children are deaf due to connexin 26 (GJB2) gene....my husband and I both carry the gene we are only carriers so we are hearing. But when we have children we have 25% that they will be deaf/hoh. It is a 1 in 200 chance that their children will be deaf/hoh only if their spouse carries the same gene which is rare but could happen like it did to my husband and I. Through me for a loop when we got genetic testing done and found out why our daughter was deaf. Very interesting if you ask me!
my 2 children are deaf due to connexin 26 (GJB2) gene....my husband and I both carry the gene we are only carriers so we are hearing. But when we have children we have 25% that they will be deaf/hoh. It is a 1 in 200 chance that their children will be deaf/hoh only if their spouse carries the same gene which is rare but could happen like it did to my husband and I. Through me for a loop when we got genetic testing done and found out why our daughter was deaf. Very interesting if you ask me!

How is the testing done? Where do you go for the test?

Do parents need to be tested, or can the person who is deaf/hoh be tested as well?

I don't know the precise reason why I am deaf. All I know is that it is probably from birth. Either was deaf at the time of birth due to a gene, or I became deaf due to the oxygen halo I was in (I was born premature). Of course, the halo is just speculation -- no one really knows.

It would be interesting to find out whether it was a gene or not.
Why does that offend you? People are just curious, and I'm curious why you would find it offensive. :)

Am I in the minority here because I don't mind questions about my hearing loss?

I never mind the questions because there's nothing to be ashamed of. With my coworkers (and at least two bosses), I openly discussed my LD or hearing loss so I can avoid an embarrassing moment - don't give me math related tasks, don't call me from your cubicle and expect me to hear, don't talk on the run, etc. I've always viewed my hearing aids as tools, like eyeglasses and I just don't view it differently than that. My LD too isn't part of my identity, it's not a stigma, and it’s just my reality so I accept it. I've always felt if someone was offended, they were probably embarrassed to be different, which I'm not.


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