Covo. with a hearing person...."why are you deaf?.....(me)....what?....(he)...I asked why are you deaf?....(me) huh?...pls repeat that again....(he)..."mouthing words"...Whyyyyy...arrrre....youuuu...DEAF?....(me)...."Death"??...(he)...No!...I said D-E-A-F!....(me)....Deaf?...who's Deaf?....(he)...I asked you why were you deaf?...(me)...who's Deaf?...I'm not Death!..I mean Deaf.......He walked away....
I was born profoundly deaf, and I am the only deaf one in my immediate family. I do have a cousin who is hard of hearing though. No one knows why I was born this, or why my cousin has hearing loss. Although my dad did mention that my grandma was sick during her pregnancy with him, but I'm not sure it has anything to do with that considering my dad's hearing is still fully intact. My mother is also a nurse that works in the maternity ward - she never did anything stupid when she was pregnant with me, because she knew perfectly what to do and what not to do.
I'm not so sure why I'm deaf/hearing impaired. It was just something I was born with. But no one in my immediate family is hard of hearing or deaf. However my mother has told me that my Nana said there were some deaf family members in the past, something I never knew.
I went to an ENT doctor last year, told him that my mother got sick early in her pregnancy and the ENT doctor believes this may have had something to do with my hearing loss.
I was supposed to get a blood test done to find out if my hearing loss was potentially due to genetic factors but had problems with my insurance.
But I have otosclerosis and cochlear otosclerosis, started in my 20's. I don't think most people that have it lose as much hearing as I have though. I'm now profound to no response in my left ear and profound in my right.
Mystery disease when I was 10 months old, fever of 107 got out with hearing loss and damage to the auditory processing part of my brain. I think I'm better for it, when I don't want to listen to you I just have to pop out my hearing aids. :P
I was born ( doctors not sure of the cause ) with inner ear nerve damage, all I know and remember very well today is... I had constant very painful ear aches, very severe pain daily with the ringing and all. When I laid down the room spun and I would fly out of my bed due to the inner ear thing with balance, had surgery at 7, I didnt outgrow the pain until I was in my teen years.. Now profound deafness as my audiologist says I will be completely deaf in the next few years.
They really don't know. My dad was HOH as my mother always called him tin ear. ugh.
People started saying stuff to me about 10 years ago and then I had a surgery; nothing to do with ears, and from then on i had bad tinnitus and my hearing deteriorated in my left ear.
So left ear is just ringing. Can't understand a thing with that ear. Right ear is moderate.