Back in the old, old days, having sex before marriage, even living with someone without the benefit of marriage was "a shameful" thing....People shunned you, talked about you, etc. Even if a woman got raped, then people assumed it was her fault! And called her a slut, even a whore.
My mother got married at 14 and a half, (she was pregnant). And subsequently had 6 children by the age of 20-21.....My father left her for another woman, leaving her to support all of us on a waitress job, and she worked 2 or 3 jobs. Back in those days, women did not get court ordered child support.
The "woman" was supposed to take care of the children, regardless! The man?...just go about his merry way, even rape back in those days if he wished and nothing would be done about it, even domestic physical abuse.
Have we women suffered enough? I believe we have....
6 children by the age of 21?