Why adults choose CI's for their children

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Cloggy said:
It shows that hearing families are unable to raise a deaf child when the child remains deaf. Hearing families cannot get to the same level of communication with their deaf child like deaf parents can. This because of the use of sign language, which is cricial for the childs development.
That is not always the case. My parents are hearing and I am deaf. I must say my parents did a remarkable job with raising me. We all did not know sign language when I was growing up but we did communicate with each other by oral.

I know there are some hearing parents out there who are not doing a good job with rasing their deaf children. Know why? Because they do not have patience and motivation to learn sign language or any other ways to communicate with their deaf children. Tsk tsk on these parents.
ButterflyGirl said:
Cloggy......sigh, why do you have to be so difficult?
Difficult.... What would you do when information you give is not just ignored, it's assumed to be false. Basically, hearing parents of deaf children are lying when they explain about their experiences with their deaf children.

I cannot be sorry to react about this.
ButterflyGirl said:
That is not always the case. My parents are hearing and I am deaf. I must say my parents did a remarkable job with raising me. We all did not know sign language when I was growing up but we did communicate with each other by oral.

I know there are some hearing parents out there who are not doing a good job with rasing their deaf children. Know why? Because they do not have patience and motivation to learn sign language or any other ways to communicate with their deaf children. Tsk tsk on these parents.
Well, that cannot be true because Cheri has the links that tell otherwise...
Cloggy said:
Difficult.... What would you do when information you give is not just ignored, it's assumed to be false. Basically, hearing parents of deaf children are lying when they explain about their experiences with their deaf children.
I cannot be sorry to react about this.
Then you are really really an ignorant person I have ever seen. Why are you assuming that hearing parents of deaf children are lying? You were NEVER in my parents' shoes when they raised me. Look at me now. I survived and I am happy, thanks to my hearing parents.
Cloggy said:
Well, that cannot be true because Cheri has the links that tell otherwise...
Are you saying I am lying about my hearing parents' and my experiences?
Liebling:-))) said:
.........You can´t compare school with CI here because CI does not belong to kind of emergency....................

Now I have few questions for you since you compare CI with school issues...

Do you make your own decision to buy clothes what you want your children to wear because your children are immature to understand clothes taste?

Do you make your own decision to pick which color and things what you want for your children´s bedroom because your children are immature to understand about color taste?

Do you make your own decision to pick things what you want for your children because your children are immature to understand about their wishes to be fulfilling?

I´m mother of 2 boys... I know their feeling and fulfilling their wishes what I can, but I fix my limit with them. They knows their wishes because they have feeling.

I have a friend who have 8 years old deaf son. She don´t implant his son with CI. She let her son to involve with CI, HOH and deaf children until he familiar with it. He wants to have CI. My friend support his wishes. He is happy. 8 years old is not immaturely to understand what good or bad but feeling...
I'm confused. The school vs CI comparison is not valid, but if children are allowed to choose their clothes, bedroom decoration.. then they can make a sound decision regarding CI?????
Cloggy said:
I'm confused. The school vs CI comparison is not valid, but if children are allowed to choose their clothes, bedroom decoration.. then they can make a sound decision regarding CI?????


I responsed SarahsDad´s post to question him because he compared CI with school.
Liebling:-))) said:

I responsed SarahsDad´s post to question him because he compared CI with school.
I realise that. He stated that if he had had the choice, he would have skipped school. I'm sure he chose his own clothes and decoration for his bedroom. But a serious decision like school still needed to be taken by the parents. How about a serious decision like CI. Children are influenced - at times - by two things.
1: Do what the parents do not want you to do.
2: Do what all the other kids do.

How's that for sound judgement?
ButterflyGirl said:
Are you saying I am lying about my hearing parents' and my experiences?
No, I just used Cheri's rule of proof. I believe you. I do not need a link and if I see someone write down an experience I believe that.

Also, if someone explains why an assumption is wrong, I either accept it or ask for more explanation. I do not just expell it because "there's no link provided".

See here.
Cloggy said:
I realise that. He stated that if he had had the choice, he would have skipped school. I'm sure he chose his own clothes and decoration for his bedroom. But a serious decision like school still needed to be taken by the parents. How about a serious decision like CI. Children are influenced - at times - by two things.
1: Do what the parents do not want you to do.
2: Do what all the other kids do.

How's that for sound judgement?

If my child choose to have CI instead of HA then I will be happy to support him/her. If my child choose their clothes and bedroom taste then I´m also happy to support her/him as well. I fulfill my children´s wishes what I can and fix my limit with them. I´m responsible for my children to deal with school, doctors, appointments, emergencies, education, etc. That´s difference...
Liebling:-))) said:
If my child choose to have CI instead of HA then I will be happy to support him/her. If my child choose their clothes and bedroom taste then I´m also happy to support her/him as well. I fulfill my children´s wishes what I can and fix my limit with them. I´m responsible for my children to deal with school, doctors, appointments, emergencies, education, etc. That´s difference...
I agree with you. You know your children are mature enough to make a sound decision. I probably feel the same with my children when they grow up.
But SarahsDad drew from his memory of his childhood. He stated that he was not mature enough. And then it's for the parent to choose, not the child.

Where do you stand on tongue-piercing???? Would you let your child make the decision for itself?

You certain you know how to read?

"A history of better test scores by deaf children of deaf parents--as compared with those of deaf children with hearing parents"

You see that? Since you think CI does it all?? Well, guess what hun, Deaf parents don't implanted their deaf children, and deaf children do well than deaf children with Hearing parents.
Cheri said:

You certain you know how to read?

"A history of better test scores by deaf children of deaf parents--as compared with those of deaf children with hearing parents"

You see that? Since you think CI does it all?? Well, guess what hun, Deaf parents don't implanted their deaf children, and deaf children do well than deaf children with Hearing parents.

If this is true, how come my friends from RIT/NTID who came from hearing families and went to meanstreamed schools had better english speaking/reading/comprehension skills than friends I had who had deaf parents and went to deaf schools? :dunno:
Cheri said:

You certain you know how to read?

"A history of better test scores by deaf children of deaf parents--as compared with those of deaf children with hearing parents"

You see that? Since you think CI does it all?? Well, guess what hun, Deaf parents don't implanted their deaf children, and deaf children do well than deaf children with Hearing parents... that do not get CI for their child. - added by cloggy
HI Cheri,
Where did I misread?

Do you realise that they are talking about deaf children with hearing parents, not deaf-with-CI!! Where do you get the idea from that they are talking about CI-children with hearing parents?
Cloggy said:
HI Cheri,
Where did I misread?

Do you realise that they are talking about deaf children with hearing parents, not deaf-with-CI!! Where do you get the idea from that they are talking about CI-children with hearing parents?

Don't be so naive, You know that some hearing parents implanted their deaf children.
[Mod's Edit - previous quote removed]

NO no no.
I went through your articles and could not find a place where it said that this included CI-children.

You provided 3 links, then put a quote under it as if it comes from any of those links, but I cannot find it. I'll keep on trying but you cannot just give up because you can't answer the question.
Show me....... OK found it.. (btw... do you realise the article is 17 years old!!!) still looking for "CI-children included in study"....
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Cloggy said:
I agree with you. You know your children are mature enough to make a sound decision. I probably feel the same with my children when they grow up.

Exactly. I trust my children´s maturity.

My children´s happiness is mainly important to me.

But SarahsDad drew from his memory of his childhood. He stated that he was not mature enough. And then it's for the parent to choose, not the child.

Yes he said but he can´t compare his past with his present child.

Where do you stand on tongue-piercing???? Would you let your child make the decision for itself?

The owner of tattoo/piercing is not allow to offer underage children piercing/tattoo without parental´s permission... :whistle:

My children don´t like piercings... If they want one then I suggest them to wait until they are 18 years old.
Cloggy said:
He can, but do not disregard information from Neecy. She's deaf - but she can hear, and this after all is a forum....

Neecy lost her hearing to deaf when she was 9 years old. :whistle:
Liebling:-))) said:
Neecy lost her hearing to deaf when she was 9 years old. :whistle:

your point? I can't offer an opinion or ask for clarification of posts already made here because I lost my hearing when I was 9?
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