Of course not. My own child attends a voice off school. I believe that ASL was meant to be her first language and that she will always be a part of the Deaf community. I was just expressing something that I have noticed. As soon as I learned my daughter was deaf, we entered the Deaf community and began discussing all of the "hot topics" with Deaf adults. So many had horror stories of speech training and mainstreaming. And I do NOT discount their experiences, but we do not live in the same world we did 30, 20, or even 10 years ago. My daughter's speech/listening therapy is nothing like that of the past. She NEVER works on tongue placement or copying the sounds the therapist makes, or looking in the mirror to mimic sounds she has never heard. She works on LISTENING, because through hearing words and sounds properly she is able to correct what is coming out of her own mouth. We do not work on articulation, but on understanding instead. I worry that much of the anger and fear about "oral"-emphasis comes from a view that is still colored by the mistakes of the past and defeceit that remained with the old technology.