Why adults choose CI's for their children

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LisaMarie said:
hey hey take it easy!!!! im just asking!

Sure you're "just asking" - but WHY ask such an asinine question, when the answer is blaringly obvious? It looks like you're trying to incite people here.
neecy said:
Sure you're "just asking" - but WHY ask such an asinine question, when the answer is blaringly obvious? It looks like you're trying to incite people here.
obviuosly u havent see my post in another CI READ IT!
I don't mind parents implants their children with CI, but for babies I don't feel comfortable since they're soo little...

I know that implanting children with CI will be the best interest afterall, the earliest they're implant the better the result will be and they even will improve their speech and language develop also....I hope parents out there will make this decision wisely and not to jump too quickly without knowing much fact about the implants and always go within the heart knowing you are doing the right thing for your child not for what others think would be best for your own children...
Can this thread please not become another, "Like, ohmygod, you totally suck for implanting your kid. DeAf RoCkZ!!!"? I'm actually curious to hear why parents have chosen implants for their children, or even why they haven't. I don't think this thread was started with the intention of having people fight (again).
Good point Angel. The whole of parenthood is like that. There is always someone who feel they know what is best for your child - usually mother in law! It is important for the parent to have the confidence to say "no, I've made the best decision for my child" and to resist pressure to do otherwise.

It's fine when other people provide facts for you to consider in making your decision and then they accept your final decision. It's another when they start putting emotional pressure on you such as implying you are an irresponsible parent, being horrible, cruel to your child.

I reckon that's one of the hardest things about parenting - having the confidence in your own decisions. I remember how when we had my daughter we had her sleep with us next to us in bed, so that I could feel her when she woke in the night for her feed. My MIL was horrified. And yet it seemed the most natural thing to do as a deaf mother. It was working very well for us but it's awful when someone implies you are being a irresponsible, bad parent.
I understand what Lilly's Dad is trying to say - but keep in mind. When we have people from other countries coming to the U.S. what language do they have to speak? English. Same for those foreigners who come to American schools they HAVE to take ESL so they can speak, write English. ASL has nothing to do with it. The world is 99% hearing, and that is something we as a deaf community will have to accept. Now if we as the deaf community had 50% then I would argue why should we bend over their ways. But unfortunately it doesn't work that way. We can choose to communicate in any way or form we want. There are places I have been or seen or visited - where they had signs posted on the walls English Only (because some people do speak other languages - Guess the boss didn't want to find otu if the employees were talking behind hsi back hehehe!* But point being is - parents are trying to do their best - and they look at it as a communication tool so their child can try to be the best they can be. I mean we have to be realistic - residential schools are getting smaller and closing. Even Gallaudet my Alma Mater from what I heard has changed drastically as well - it is not the same and the classes have shruken. So keep your chin up - I only use my CI during work. Any other time, it comes right off my head! I use it for one purpose - for increase opportunity for better communication and an opporunity to move up! *Which I know I will get eventually - only time will tell!* :)
Good points Deflord.

We are also have the same thing happening in Australia in regard to numbers at educational facilities for deaf children. I have a friend who works in a signing unit and he said that numbers have fallen so much due to immunization programs that they now accept children with multiple handicaps, whose numbers are increasing due to the fact that more of them are surviving at birth.
^Angel^ said:
I hope parents out there will make this decision wisely and not to jump too quickly without knowing much fact about the implants and always go within the heart knowing you are doing the right thing for your child not for what others think would be best for your own children...

God bless you Angel :hug:

I knew this would go off on a CI vs. no CI tangent but didn't think it would happen so soon. I started this thread in order to get the reasons why parents have chosen to implant their children. I believe so far there has only been two responses (including my own) that have addressed this question. I don't mind people offering opinions here but can we please stick to the question. The goal here is to hopefully educate folks on the circumstances surrounding this very difficult decision.

Thank you
rockdrummer said:
God bless you Angel :hug:

I knew this would go off on a CI vs. no CI tangent but didn't think it would happen so soon. I started this thread in order to get the reasons why parents have chosen to implant their children. I believe so far there has only been two responses (including my own) that have addressed this question. I don't mind people offering opinions here but can we please stick to the question. The goal here is to hopefully educate folks on the circumstances surrounding this very difficult decision.

Thank you

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go off-topic in your thread... :Oops:
^Angel^ said:
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go off-topic in your thread... :Oops:

Thank you Angel. This is clearly a heated topic and there are currently other threads where the CI vs. no CI debate rages on. I hope that we can hear from some parents that have chosen CI's for their children and the reasons and circumstances that surronded their decision.

Thank you
Cheri said:

You said that you wanted your daughter to experience the hearing world, It sounds like the issue of black/white race relations. I hate the word "racism", every now and then I've heard that for so long that black people felt that way from the white people, while not all white people are racism. You cannot change a white person to become an African American, You cannot change an African person to a white person to be part of a community or experience their world. It's all about accepting who they are as a person!

That is another example of being involving with the hearing world, Not every person who is hearing going to look down onto the deaf people, Same for the deaf people not going to look down onto the hearing people, What if a hearing person wants to become deaf? dued to too much annoying sounds, So can a hearing person can turn deaf? Do you have any idea how dumb that can be? Why can't we all just be ourselves? the person you were born with.

You think that CI is going to change your daughter to become a hearing person, But, you are wrong, Your daughter is always going to be deaf because she was born deaf, CI is only an additive, to help her with hearing stored, an electronic device. The idea of having a CI to have your daughter to be part of a hearing world doesn't sounds right, while deaf people can still be part of the hearing world without a CI. You don't seem to have a lot of knowledge of what a deaf person can do, and what they cannot do, because you are not deaf? But that doesn't mean you can't learn, My family learned about my deafness very slowly through the years, I don't see them wishing me to become a hearing person like them, They accept me for who I am a person that became deaf. I'm so glad that they did, because I want someone to accept me for who I am as a person, not a person that someone wants me to be. That's what my explaintion is all about in this post, about accepting that's the way the real world should be, accepting people for who they are as a person. :)

I just thought of throwing in my 2 cents. ;)
Actually, it's a couple of dollars worth of change... :)
But seriously, instead of telling me what I know, do not know etc, why don't you ask me a question.
neecy said:
I think that people should back of Cloggy - he has done what he has felt was in the best interests of his daugher. SHE is happy. She enjoys being able to hear (albit aided by a CI), enjoys music, enjoys talking. Nothing you say will change the fact that she now has a CI. He's also said that she is learning sign language as well. Why cant people just back off and let the parent do what they deem is best for their child, as long as the child is happy and healthy it really is nobody's business but the parent's. He researched before he made the decision and does not regret it - neither, apparently does his daughter. Accept the fact that people who have CI's can be happy, can interact with the deaf world, as WELL as the hearing world (they have the best of BOTH that way!).

Nobody denies the fact (not even Cloggy) that *biologically* his daughter is deaf. However she is hearing when CI-assisted. That is fact too (heck,so am I!)

Yes deaf people can be a part of the hearing world without a CI- but what is it with the fact that Cloggy's daughter is HAPPY with her CI, HAPPY with interacting with both the hearing and the deaf world that seems to be so threatening to all the anti-CI activists?
WOW, you're good..
Thanks for the support.

But there is a question hidden in all this.....
I feel that I will never be able to know what it is like to be deaf, because I can hear. Closing my ears won't work, I will still hear. With CI a person will be able to experience deafness when the coil is removed. But the person experienced hearing before, and by choice can go back to hearing by just putting the coil over the implant. Without CI deafness is allways there. There is no choice to hear. So, in effect, we have three situations. (For simplification, I left HOH out of this picture.)
Also, there's a big difference between my daughter that consioussly only remembers sounds, or someone who has been deaf.
That's why I dare to state that she grows up hearing in a hearing world.... but I'm open for other opinions...
Audiofuzzy said:
hearing parents who never had any contact with deaf world can not imagine living without hearing, which is quite understandable,
so from their point of view they are doing everything they can to ensure their deaf or HI child will have the best opportunities possible to function in the hearing world.
Absolutely. But there's also the wish to share with the child the world of sound. I want for my little girl to hear a nightingale and be amazed, wind through trees, waves breaking on the shore.
Of all the things one wishes for a child, that experience is also one of them.

By the way.....
yzzufoiduA said:
deaf parents who never had any contact with hearing world can not imagine living with hearing, which is quite understandable,
so from their point of view they are doing everything they can to ensure their deaf or HI child will have the best opportunities possible to function in the deaf world.
deafdyke said:
lili'sdad......GREAT POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A parent's job is to equip the child with as many tools as possible!
Well I think a lot of folks are acting really defensive b/c they see a lot of parents with their heads in the sand.
I think you are absolutely right.
What I react to is that the parents that do not, are automaticall put into the general box and bashed by some.
Liebling:-))) said:
How do you know that his daughter is happy with her CI because she is only 3 years old? Babies to toddlers didn´t know what CI or HA is...
Well, when she wakes up, she asks for the CI. She want's to hear. When she hears unfamiliar sounds, she'll investigate. A funny game sometimes requires sound - by her.

[/QUOTE]I ask you please to not label us as anti-activists but respect us because we are not agree to implant babies to toddlers with CI until they are old enough to decide what they want to have CI or not. Please respect our opinoin... Its about open mind when I am for to let my child to have choice, not do what I want for my child.

Thank you
[/QUOTE]I agree that this term is totally inappropriate. With anti-activists there's most often no communication. This is not the case here.
BUt, in the same way, don't call us pro-activists.
Aren't we all here to exchange information?

Mine is often by asking direct questions... and I feel it works.
Liebling:-))) said:
rockdrummer and Cloggy,

I respect you as parents but it´s just our feeling as parents. It´s too scary to implant babies´s to toddler´s head with CI. I rather to leave my child´s choice because it´s them who wear CI rest of their life, not us.

I rather to have risk-free is HA.... I wear my baby with HA until he/she is old enough to understand what CI is... If she/he want to have it then I will be happy to support them. I let my child to mix with hearing, deaf, CI and HOH children to let my child to learn his/her own experiences. You know that the children have feeling...

I am sure that I told you in other threads that 8 years old son of my friends have a feeling and want to have CI for 2 years until his parent fulfilling his wish at last. It´s good for the children to know that his/her parents respect what he/she is. I would do the same as my friends if I have deaf child.
Both of us made the choice for our children. Both of our children will be able to make a choice again when they grow up.
^Angel^ said:
I don't mind parents implants their children with CI, but for babies I don't feel comfortable since they're soo little...

I know that implanting children with CI will be the best interest afterall, the earliest they're implant the better the result will be and they even will improve their speech and language develop also....I hope parents out there will make this decision wisely and not to jump too quickly without knowing much fact about the implants and always go within the heart knowing you are doing the right thing for your child not for what others think would be best for your own children...
The fact that they are little is scary... so imagine what a step it is to go ahead with it.
I agree... the decision has to be done wisely.
deaf parents who never had any contact with hearing world can not imagine living with hearing, which is quite understandable,
so from their point of view they are doing everything they can to ensure their deaf or HI child will have the best opportunities possible to function in the deaf world.

lol an 180' turnover and quite very good . (clap clap clap)
Except at the end, we should be talking about DEAf in HEARING world. That's a tiny difference here.

Also, I wonder if you don't know what are you missing out on can you really know what's good for you, and what not? For example, how do you explain to the deaf person how great is music?

Maybe it will be best to explain by comparison.
Most deaf people here can see, obviously.
How do you explain to the blind person how good is it to see? how do you explain the benefits of having vision? The pleasure of watching movies, seeying images - a picture of yourself, a friend, your child etc..?

It's similar with hearing.

Since I was trained as a "hearie" despite my severe H Loss,
I can and do aprecciate the ability to communicate via speaking and listening.
At the same time I realise no matter how good my skills are, I will never be an equal in the hearing world. There will always be obstacles I won't be able to overcome. I am sure if I had a chance to participate in the deaf culture I would be happier. Because then I would be among "equals".

No matter how severe hearing loss - if you can't hear well you belong to the deaf culture.

And that is why if I had a deaf child I would both implant and make sure the child has ties with deaf culture.

Audio, are you saying you are unable to participate in the deaf culture?

I don't understand what you are saying, Are you saying that if we cannot hear we cannot be participate in the hearing world, and if people who can hear cannot be participate in the deaf world because we "us" are not "them". Does it make a differences if you hear or you don't hear to be part of a "group". Didn't God created us all equally, nobody is different than anyone, we are all people, we don't need to be the same with everyone else to be part of something. I'm totally lost with your post. :confused:
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