Yeah she doesnt lie. go search and look at her other posts, its all consisent.
also adding to my previous post up above, is that, often CI receivers tend not to get the whole deal is weird like ti doesnt matter if the child gets the full package of speech training and dedication or not, I mean whan t i say not, like often CIers just get the surgery but the commitment cease after this, for I suspect it has a lot to do with teachers being bewildered with just how difficult is to implement actual oralism, I DONT CARE HOW "ADVANCED" their new DO_DAND gizmo equipment they have and use, it doesnt alway translate from theory to practice as well as they'd like to believe (euqipment i mean is the speech training devices they might use today - hell i dont know what they look like, but i have a hunch it isnt much different from the past except its likely to be digital than analog all with the 'idea' to with the CI processors.... anyway.....
some one could tell me if im wrong? or is this subject to opinions? but my stance remains that they insist implants because like the 'team' likes to be paid well, even they say its 'free' to the implantees (at least in NZ it is), but I still dont buy this as I feel its just a clever ploy to maximise the assilimation,. It's all part of the self-serving professionals intentions to ensure they have a nice job going with a nice income to satisfy themselves they don't really care how hard is it going to be for d/Deaf individuals, after all we all play the sick role, we all learn it quick, and play that role well, and we all know if we conform to the role well we'd get a better help and more assistence to make it easier for us but it doesnt always go this way, you get useless teachers, certain incompatiabilty problems, tireness from actual oralist training on top of ordinary schooling.
Someone else said earlier in this thread they many CI children get to received the operation then failures unfolds as the support is all muddled and cease away..... mainly what they (who ever posted the reply in here) is likely to be pointing out that its all boils down to profit with the common mindset through out 'deaf industry in deaf education" that follows the lines like; "you received the implant?, good, NEXT!".
They forget, and forget, even if they really really did 'well' they forget the drain and torturious effort a deaf child endures...its no surprise the deaf community objects to it. althought i have to admit yes it's getting accepted, but i still dont buy it - i mean like Of Course the Implant teams/hospitals/educators are working towards this acceptance they have long planned this transistion to be smooth as possible as moving from hearing aids to cochlear implants on all the youngest as possible, Hearing aids are now seem to tend to be 'market solution' for those are late deafen, or not wishing to phase out from the BTE mode of aided-hearing, or just those prefer external aids- that is without surgery. There is a couple of deaf adults I do know locally, which claims to be 'Deaf' but they aren't really, just a political namesake for pandering their professional status (as cousellors) they have recently received implants and they are very oral, more so than me, (while i have a more rebelious attitude I dislike authority). I can see they choose to have it as they have placed their BELIEF into the value of hearing more, which it is partly true implants 'makes you hear more, even though the sounds is different etc' after all they want to be more Oral.
I disapprove the fact that while they tell everybody else in the Deaf community that they are Deaf, yet they dont mix with deaf, and have a slight stand-offish body language and attitudes. All the while even thought they do ' help d/Deaf to understand relationships and communication better I mean interaction to get on with people and being assertive sort of way not so much the language aspect.
That is their choice, they are adults making their own decisions -Fine, but i myself dissapprove of them claiming to be Deaf where this is far from the truth. Sorry that was off-topic im talking as I have thought darn it it happens anyway, Back to the thread, little children dont have this opinions, experience, to know what they want, only if parents go by their hunches first.
A full range of options should have been laid on the table, this has been said frequently by many ADers in here. so Im sayig nothing new but yeah we're fighting a losing battle. Technology always wins, and the owners of technology (i dont mean the wearers, i meant the makers and sellers).