Who likes tattoo? do u have any?

I recently got my 4th tattoo last month and love it...(I'm going back for more color touch-up on this 4th tattoo).

All of my tats have meanings...
I have two, one on my shoulder (which was my first one and either needs to be touched up or covered) of a tribal rose. Then on my ankle I have the Japanese characters for death and rebirth, which to me means old past, new beginnings. I would like to get something in ASL but I'm pondering on where and what exactly.
Tattoos are cool. I'm pretty into body modification except I only have 2 tattoos and I don't plan on getting more until in my 30s. Piercings are more rad, though!
Oh, and I drew a great picture of a cross and my aunt liked it so much she had it tattooed on her back. Unfortunately it isn't finished and it's been 8 years now. I asked her why won't she get it done and she said it was too painful she couldn't handle it.

RZA portrait. Above this, I have a Wu-Tang "W"

I also have a Deathly Hallows logo on my left wrist and a few Studio Ghibli tattoos.
I'm jonesin for more ink, thought I ws going to get stuff added to my text with my tax return, but I ended up putting more $$ into my car than expected and surprising computer problems :( maybe I'll get the flowers I want added done one at a time, instead of all at once. Maybe he'll barter :D take the price down in exchange for a massage ;)
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I got one on my back two years and I've been wanting another one ever since.

Something like a sleeve on my right arm, still can't decide on the design though.
I got one on my back two years and I've been wanting another one ever since.

Something like a sleeve on my right arm, still can't decide on the design though.

you got a pic?
nice :) I have 3 now.. Rick Springfield's signature on my back .. my childrens names around my left wrist and my college fraternity Phi mu on my ankle
I have 9 as well O.o lol. I have some plans for more. Actually I really need to get some worked on and touched up. You ever seen the Blacklight reactive ink tattoos? My new amazing artist actually does them. i finally found someone who does. I have heard about the worries people have had with them, but my artist has actually ahd one for 10 years now with no issues. I am thinking about making one my next.
I have one, and it's on my ribs, but I am planning to get another one on my thigh. My aunt, who helped raised me, and was like an older sister and best friend, just passed away, and I am really sad about it. So I want to get one in her honor, and also to honor a friend who killed himself eight years ago. I love looking at everyone's ink, so cool!
I dont have any tattoos or serious desire with tattoos.. To test whether or not I really want one, I just draw with sharpie markers! No I'm not an artist.. It just helps me get rid of temptation to have something too permanent when I actually dont want it in first place that much. :)
I have MANY.

1) A black-light Ankh on my left forearm (my first one) - it means "life"
2) A black-light Eye of Rah on my right forearm - it means "protection"
3) "I would believe only in a God that knows how to dance" on my right foot (a quote by Friedrich Nietzsche)
4) "Ohm Mani Padre Ohm" on my left hip to mean the 7 Ultimate Mantras bringing good karma (Karma is also my dogs name, but I love the theory)
5) A lotus flower on my right hip
6) A paisley leaf on my left big toe
7 & 8) 3 & 3 Cherry Blossoms on my right and left ribcage
9) A tribal heart & lotus on my lower back
10) A Dr Seuss/Lorax/1-fish-2-fish/Cat in the Hat piece on my entire left side
11) A Cherry blossom on the my left wrist
12) "Nirvana" in tibetian on my right thumb/hand/wrist/arm meaning "extinguishment of life, pain, and suffering" for a friend/mentor/teacher who died from breast cancer
13) a black light borneo rosette on my shoulder (it's been destroyed by my next tattoo...)
14) a ton of acorns and leaves on my shoulder/upper arm - it means "strength" and I got it for my first full marathon
15) "Beloved" on the back of my neck in Sanskrit - it's after a poem by Raymond Carver
Late Fragment by Raymond Carver
16) Floating Dandelion behind my soon-to-be CI ear (they're going to F up my tattoo!! Worth it.)

I think that's all? I always forget some.
I work photographing tattoo portfolios and expos..... so my job compliments my personal decisions.

I can cover MOST with clothing and the ones on my wrists and hand can be covered with makeup - I actually all of my tattoos as well as one of my wrist tattoos from my parents while living with them for some of those years from age 19 until 23 or 24.

I have piercings too, or had them. I have my nose pierced, and I have my septum although I RARELY wear my septum piercing - it was a dare with a friend and the hole is always there. I had dermals but I lost all of them. I currently only wear my lobes in my ears. I had gauges but had them stitched up.

Wirelessly posted

If i decided to get another tattoo it would be a beautiful cupcake.
I'm plastered in tattoos and have a good amout of piercings to boot! I love them! They can be covered with long sleeves and jeans... but I'm pretty tatted up =) love them! Will be getting more soon!
i don't wanna, but maybe a snake and a crane on the ankle that's about it (to cover the scar)

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