Who likes tattoo? do u have any?

My niece Amanda has a rune tattoo on her right wrist.
I have one I designed on my left leg just above the ankle. Sorta religious, sorta new beginnings. For me and my daughter. Took two sittings to do, in gray scale. Took 5 years to decide to go ahead and get one. I am debating getting one more, but just one. For my daughter, she has autism too and I found a drawing I made I want to make into a concept design for a tattoo on my foot I think. But I hear those are more painful. Granted the total 3 hours of work on this one could have been worse or easier! I will take a pic and post it if interested. (and I am a total needle phobic! You never even see it once they put the "gun" together!)
I have three and plan on getting more <3 I love tats and piercings. The one I love the most is the one on my back that my friend designed for me :)
Ok, I full well recognize this an OLDER thread, but thought I would comment.

For ink, get your design idea, then got to a tattoo ARTIST who can give you the design for where it will be located on your body. You are not a flat piece of paper, your ink needs to move as you do and still look right. Tattoo's take time, if you want a good one. The less YOU move, the better the artist can do his job.

I have many, all of mine flow from one interlacing with the other. it is a chronological timeline of my life. I have dates, names, places and events buried within the ink. No, most people cannot see the wording unless I show them. I did not get ANY of my ink for anyone but myself. The fact that it shows is fine, but it was done for me, on me.

Many people are so closed minded they believe in some sort of social stigma associated with ink. I believe that is waning in today's society as the become more mainstream, but it still exists.

Something I have not see here, the side of your body can have meaning, the color can also. There is ALLOT that can be put into a very good piece of art if you research it some.

I love every bit of ink I have. I have spent many, many, MANY hours getting worked on. I usually fall asleep. The detail work takes time and a DAMN GOOD artist. I have had tattoo artists look at my work and compliment me on the detail. The better you take care of your ink the better it will look over a lifetime.
I love to have tattoos with me, but my religion is too strong to against tattoo.

I have to follow my religion... i know it's not cool but still.
Others- mining past wisdom via "old threads". Will this spread?

I don't have any tattoos and don't want any either.
Ah.........so the older threads still exist but are not to be commented on? Interesting. Why is there not an automatic deletion after a predetermined amount of time.
Disregard drphil's comment. He is not the admin and he doesn't make the rules.

I have a pic of one of my tattoos on AD somewhere, but I can't remember where. It's not in this thread... :hmm:
Disregard drphil's comment. He is not the admin and he doesn't make the rules.

I have a pic of one of my tattoos on AD somewhere, but I can't remember where. It's not in this thread... :hmm:

Yeah, good point !

Besides, think about Pirate. Having spent a very large amount of time on their forum and knowing the dialogue that goes on there, this is pretty tame.

Still sorta amazing that someone with no input "don't have any, don't want any" is worried about a past thread.

Eh, is what it is.
Using a pen...

:hmm: Right around the area of concentration I'm interested in.

...yeah..so no tattoos...maybe I'll wash out, but we'll see how the next year looks. Couldn't serve in traditional military because of hearing impairment so I hope I can serve using a pen (mightier than the sword they say).

Ah.........so the older threads still exist but are not to be commented on? Interesting. Why is there not an automatic deletion after a predetermined amount of time.

Disregard drphil's comment. He is not the admin and he doesn't make the rules.

I have a pic of one of my tattoos on AD somewhere, but I can't remember where. It's not in this thread... :hmm:

I think DrPhil was only saying that he gets picked on when he pulls up old threads.

I don't believe he meant there was anything wrong with it.
Thanks Bottensini,

That was a bit of a tongue in cheek type response on my part. It came across somewhat harsh.

There is a ton of wisdom on this site if you drill down through it. That is what I have been doing, learning. Perhaps a day soon we could talk. Possible options put forth to me, just not certain I wish to pursue them. Be nice to have some of your insight.

Don't like them, have no interest in getting one.
I have two dolphins in a circle, tail to nose with the Roman Numeral II for my sign, Gemini.
Don't have any, not interested in getting one.

Subtle tatts on women can be very sexy, but I don't understand why some beautiful women would cover up their gorgeous skin with a lot of 'em like this:
I'm sure they will have good prospects for employment. :crazy:
so i have a tattoo on my foot in honor of my aunt and best friend who died of colon cancer in 2010. i designed it myself and it is deeply sentimental. i had wanted a tattoo since i was 16 but couldn't decide on what i wanted. i got mine in november 2011 a week after my 21st b-day which happened to be my aunts birthday. it stung a little at first, it was almost like i had skinned my foot on something. i didnt start actually crying until it was finished and i looked at the first time. when i got home my mom shunned me for a couple days and my dad was oblivious to it until about a month ago.

i dont regret mine at all because it reminds me of all the fun times that i had with my aunt. and i do think that they are addictive, ive had mine for 6 months and im ready for another.
Pink Studs

You are sooo right on the pain being addictive! I only have three, two of them being fairly large...but there will be more...as soon as I win the lottery or find a money maker on the side :lol:
I don't mind getting a few tattoos, but I'm not going to get a bunch like some people do.

I know some people get tattoos because it fits a theme they want to follow, then change their minds again... and again... and again. :roll:
Sure I do like tattoos, and i dont have one. I might will get one someday in future ?
Three for me

I have three each have meaning. have two on my chest an one on the back of my neck. they are original pieces personally desisigned